Thursday, December 18, 2014

Four-wheeled Scooter

English / Indonesian

The main reason I design four-wheeled scooter because I often see familes riding scooters with too many passengers, a father, a mother and their two children. Very dangerous and It certainly prone to accidents, especially during rainy season because some people ride scooter at higher speed to avoid rain.

I design a four-wheeled scooter because it will make riding safer and easier. Why a scooter? Because scooter wheels are relatively small so it only need small space, unlike car wheels or a motorbike wheels that are larger and of course need more space. I design scooter that can has four passengers, two adults (father and mother) and their two small children.

Another reason I design it because I also often see people carrying large and heavy goods with scooters. For example when they bring a gallon of drinking water or  an LPG cylinder. The left hand holds heavy goods and only the right hand holding the steering handlebar. Really difficult and dangerous. I know it because sometimes I do that, too. With four wheeled scooter it will be safer and easier because it has four wheels and I design it to have more space.

Four-wheel vehicle is more stable than two-wheeled vehicle, The stability is very important. That's why I did not design three-wheeled. Three-wheleed is unstable..

I design two models, the first is the saddle is not splitted. (Picture 1) This is for those who rarely use a scooter to transport goods. The other has splitted saddle. (Picture 2) The middle saddle can be removed to load goods. It will very useful for people who often transporting goods. It can transport goods safely and comfortably. If needed, it can have small holes for the rope to tie goods. Of course, it must have stronger frame than motorbike because it bring load. It will have more 75 kg load than motorbike, approximately equal to the weight of one adult man. I think that is enough. It will able to bring a LPG cylinder or two gallons of drinking water. It also can transport many of other goods.

Because of its size roughly the same as two wheels scooter, only a little longer, if all the saddles behind the driver are removed, we can use it to load more goods through narrow alleys in urban environment, safer and more comfortable than two wheels scooter. (See picture 4).

Because Indonesia and many Asia countries have rainy season, it also can have cover if needed, made from lightweight material. (See the last picture). Perhaps from fiber. Because its space is not large, the door are one on the left and one on the right. Left front for driver and right-back for the passenger, for left lane countries as Indonesia. This cover can be disassembled as well. During dry season we can remove it, but when the rainy season begin, we can put it again. Or we can put the cover for both season.

Because it can have cover if needed, then hopefully many car owners will be interested to use four-wheel scooters for daily work. Because the scooter is small, it can reduce traffic jam in the street. And certainly can reduce fuel consumption. Cars need much more fuel than scooter, approximately four times. Average cars need 1 liter per 10-15 km, and scooter only need 1 liter per 60-70 km. Far more efficient and economical. I mean scooters with manual gears, not automatic scooter that need almost twice fuel consumption.

I estimate that the price of a four-wheeled scooter is not much different from two wheel scooter. We only need to add two more wheels and an iron plank under the saddle, so the production cost only increase slightly. It is affordable by the majority of our people (in Indonesia). With almost the same cheap price as two wheeled. 
Our principle is cheap, safe and comfortable.

Scooter which has only two wheels actually a dangerous vehicle because the rider must constantly maintain the balance. When it run around 40 km/h and then slip a little, the driver can instantly fall down in the middle of busy traffic. I sometimes see that kind of accident by myself.

Another benefit of four-wheeled scooter, when we ride on holyday and want to stop for a moment to relax and enjoy the sight, we do not need a kickstand, because it has four wheels. We simply stop the vehicle and we can sit comfortably on the scooter while relaxing and enjoying the sight. Compare it with a two-wheeled scooter that we should have kickstand when we stop, and we cannot sit comfortably because the saddle tilted a bit.

This four-wheeled scooter fuel consumption is at most the same as two wheeled, 60km/liter. Fuel efficient as well. When at home this scooter also does not require any special parking place because its size is not much different from a two wheeled. We can park it in the living room at night. Most people in Indonesia usually park their scooter in the living room at night. Especially for Indonesian who live in urban area. And many people in the countryside also do the same, in the living rooms. It may sound weird, but this is true. Most people here don't have special garage for scooter, because of its small size.

This design is only an overview. The size and some details of this scooter can be revised if needed.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Peter The Great 1672-1725

Oleh: Michael H. Hart

Terjemahan: H. Mahbub Djunaidi, 1982

Peter the Barber

Umum dianggap orang, Tsar Rusia terkemuka, Peter Yang Agung politik pem"barat"-annya yang ia lembagakan merupakan faktor utama yang mengubah Rusia jadi suatu negeri kuat.

Peter dilahirkan tahun 1672 di Moskow, anak satu-satunya Tsar Alexis dengan istri keduanya Natalia Narishkina. Peter belum lagi mencapai umur empat tahun tatkala ayahnya meninggal dunia. Karena Alexis punya tiga belas anak dari istri pertamanya, taklah mengherankan jika terjadi pergulatan panjang bahkan keras untuk memperebutkan mahkota. Dalam suatu kejadian, si Peter muda diharuskan pergi meninggalkan negeri seumur hidup. Selama bertahun-tahun Sophia, saudara tiri Peter menjadi penguasa sementara karena Peter masih terlampau muda. Dan baru sesudah tahun 1689, ketika dia melepaskan kedudukan itu posisi Peter menjadi aman.

Rusia tahun 1689 merupakan negeri yang terbelakang, berabad tertinggal di belakang Eropa dalam hampir semua segi. Kota-kota jauh lebih sedikit ketimbang di Barat. Perbudakan merajalela, dan sesungguhnyalah, jumlah budak bertambah-tambah dan hak-hak asasinya menurun. Rusia tidak mengalami baik Renaissance maupun Reformasi. Pendeta-pendetanya goblok; literatur hampir tak ada; matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan tak diacuhkan dan dianggap tak ada guna. Berbeda dengan Eropa Barat di mana Newton baru saja menulis dia punya Principia dan dimana literatur dan falsafah berkembang, Rusia tak ubahnya seperti negeri abad tengah, bloon, jompo.

Tahun 1697-1698, Peter melakukan perjalanan panjang ke Eropa Barat, suatu perjalanan yang menentukan irama di tahun-tahun kemudian masa pemerintahannya. Peter memboyong sekitar 250 orang bersamanya dalam "missi raksasa" ini. Dengan menggunakan nama samaran (Pyotr Mikhaylov) Peter bisa melihat banyak hal yang tak bisa dilihatnya tanpa cara itu. Dalam perjalanan itu Peter bekerja pada suatu saat tertentu sebagai tukang kayu di "Dutch East India Company" di negeri Belanda. Dia juga bekerja di dok Angkatan Laut di Inggris, dan dia belajar ihwal persenjataan di Prusia. Dia kunjungi pabrik-pabrik, sekolah-sekolah, museum, stadion bahkan melihat-lihat sidang parlemen di Inggris. Pendek kata, dia belajar sebanyak-banyaknya yang bisa diperolehnya dari kebudayaan Barat, ilmu pengetahuannya, kulturnya, industrinya, dan tata administrasinya.

Tahun 1698 Peter kembali ke Rusia dan menyusun rancangan jangka jauh menyangkut pembaharuan, memodernisasi dan membaratkan negeri Rusia untuk menggalakkan pengenalan teknologi dan teknik Barat, Peter banyak membawa teknisi Eropa Barat ke Rusia. Dia juga banyak mengirim remaja Rusia untuk belajar di Eropa Barat. Selama pemerintahannya Peter menggairahkan pembangunan industri dan perdagangan. Di bawah pemerintahannya, kota-kota membesar dan borjuasi berkembang biak dalam jumlah maupun pengaruh.

Dan dalam masa pemerintahan Peter, dibangun Angkatan Laut dalam ukuran yang selayaknya. Lebih dari itu, Angkatan Daratnya diubah menurut gaya Eropa Barat, beruniform dan bersenjata modern dan latihan militer secara Eropa Barat pun dilembagakan. Peter juga melakukan pelbagai perubahan di sektor administrasi sipil, termasuk perombakan yang sensitif tentang peningkatan pegawai sipil berdasar hasil karyanya di kantor, bukan berdasar pangkat keturunan.

Dalam masalah sosial pun Peter menggalakkan pembaratan. Dia instruksikan supaya semua jenggot dicukur (meskipun belakangan instruksi itu diubah) dan semua pria di pengadilan diharuskan berpakaian ala barat, menganjurkan stop merokok dan minum kopi. Kendati waktu itu banyak usul-usulnya menemui tantangan gigih, secara jangka panjang politik ini mengakibatkan kaum aristokrat Rusia akhirnya mengembangkan cara dan kultur Eropa Barat.

Tidaklah mengherankan apabila Peter menganggap Gereja Ortodoks Rusia merupakan kekuatan reaksioner yang terbelakang. Peter berhasil sebagian mengorganisir kembali Gereja Ortodoks dan dapat melakukan pengawasan secukupnya. Peter mendirikan sekolah sekuler di Rusia dan mendorong kemajuan ilmiah. Dia juga memperkenalkan penanggalan Yulian dan memodernisir abjad Rusia. Di masa pemerintahannya, surat kabar pertama terbit di Rusia.

Sebagai tambahan pembaharuan-pembaharuan yang dilakukannya di dalam negeri, Peter berkecimpung dalam politik luar negeri yang punya akibat penting di masa depan. Di bawahnya, Rusia terlibat peperangan dengan Turki di selatan dan dengan Swedia di utara. Dengan Turki pada awal peperangan dia peroleh sukses merebut pelabuhan Azov tahun 1696, dengan demikian menyuguhkan jalan keluar buat Rusia ke Laut Hitam. Tetapi, kemudian di masa pemerintahannya juga, Turki dapat angin dalam pertempuran dan pada tahun 1711 Turki memaksa Rusia mengembalikan pelabuhan Azov.

Dalam peperangan melawan Swedia, rentetan kejadian berlangsung sebaliknya, kalah pada awal mula tetapi menang pada akhirnya. Tahun 1700 Rusia bergabung dengan Denmark dan Saxony melancarkan serangan terhadap Swedia, yang waktu itu merupakan negeri yang kuat potensi militernya. (Polandia pun kemudian memaklumkan perang terhadap Swedia). Di pertempuran Narva tahun 1700, balatentara Rusia rusak terpukul. Sesudah pertempuran ini, Raja Swedia berpaling ke musuh lain. Sementara itu Peter membangun kembali tentara Rusia. Sesudah itu pecah lagi pertempuran antara Rusia-Swedia. Dan di Poltava, tahun 1709, tentara Swedia kalah secara meyakinkan.

Daerah yang berhasil diperoleh Rusia dari peperangan termasuk (secara kasarnya) Estonia dan Latvia, serta beberapa daerah dekat Finlandia. Kendati daerah yang direbutnya tidaklah begitu luas, tetapi punya arti penting karena memberi Rusia jalan keluar ke Laut Baltik yang orang sebut "Jendela Eropa." Di tepi sungai Neva, di atas tanah yang pernah diduduki Swedia, Peter mendirikan kota baru, St. Petersburg (kini bernama Leningrad). Tahun 1712 dia pindahkan ibukota dari Moskow ke sana. Sesudah itu St. Petersburg menjadi titik pertemuan antara Rusia dengan Eropa Barat.

Pelbagai politik dalam negeri Peter dan peperangan dengan pihak asingnya, tentu saja, mengeluarkan banyak biaya dan tak bisa dihindari lagi mengakibatkan penarikan pajak-pajak tambahan. Baik pajak yang tinggi maupun pembaharuan-pembaharuan dengan sendirinya membuat bangsa Rusia marah dan pecahlah beberapa pemberontakan, tetapi kesemuanya ini ditumpas Peter tanpa ampun. Meskipun dia punya banyak penentang di masanya, kini baik historikus Eropa Barat maupun Komunis sepakat bahwa Peter memang seorang Tsar Rusia yang besar.

Pribadinya merupakan penampilan yang menarik. Dia tinggi besar (paling sedikit 6 kaki 6 inci) kuat, tampan dan bersemangat. Dia berapi-api, ganas, pemberang, berjiwa berkobar-kobar. Dan suka kelakar meski humornya serius kasar. Kadang-kadang dia banyak minum-minuman keras dan ini membuatnya ganas. Sebagai tambahan kecekatan di bidang militer dan politik, Peter sudah mempelajari pertukangan kayu; cetak-mencetak, navigasi, dan pembikinan kapal. Betul-betul seorang raja yang istimewa! Kalau perlu, jangan-jangan dia bisa jadi pemborong!

Peter dua kali kawin. Kawin dengan istri pertamanya --Eudoxia-- tatkala umurnya tujuh belas tahun. Mereka hidup berkeluarga, hanya seminggu dan ketika umurnya dua puluh enam tahun sang istri dikirimnya ke biara. Tahun 1712 dicerainya Eudoxia dan Peter kawin lagi dengan wanita lain. Istri keduanya --Cathrine-- adalah gadis asal Lithuania, seorang gadis dari keluarga biasa. Dari istri pertamanya Peter peroleh seorang putera, Alexis. Tetapi, Peter dan puteranya hubungannya jelek. Tahun 1718 Alexis ditahan dengan tuduhan berkomplot mau gulingkan Peter. Dia bukan saja ditahan tetapi juga disiksa dan mati dalam bui di St. Petersburg awal tahun 1725 di umur lima puluh dua tahun. Dia digantikan oleh jandanya --Catherine-- (jangan keliru dengan Catherine Yang Agung).

Peter Yang Agung tercantum di daftar buku ini berkat peranan penting yang dimainkannya membaratkan dan memodernisir Rusia. Tetapi, karena para penguasa dari pelbagai negara juga melakukan langkah-langkah serupa, orang layak bertanya atas dasar apa Peter dimasukkan dalam daftar buku ini sedangkan banyak yang lainnya, tidak.

Memang betul sekali bahwa sekarang, di abad ke-20, umumnya kepala negara melihat arti penting buat bangsanya menerima cara-cara Barat, khususnya di sektor ilmiah dan teknologi. Tetapi di tahun 1700, kecenderungan membaratkan merupakan suatu hal baru bagi umumnya orang di luar Eropa. Apa yang membikin Peter begitu penting adalah bahwa dia berada dua abad di depan dari jamannya dalam hal menangkap perlunya membaratkan dan dalam hal memodernisir negerinya. Karena pandangan jauh ke depan Peter, Rusia yang berada pada tingkat negeri terbelakang, mampu melompat ke depan melewati sebagian besar negeri-negeri di dunia. (Tetapi, betapa pun cepatnya dia maju yang sudah dilakukan Eropa di abad ke 18 dan ke-19, Rusia tak mampu menyamai Eropa Barat).

Kebalikan dengan Turki, satu negeri penting lainnya di perbatasan timur Eropa, yang juga menarik. Turki dan Rusia keduanya "setengah Eropa." Dalam masa dua abad segera sesudah pemerintahan Peter, Turki lebih maju di segi militer ketimbang Rusia, begitu juga ekonomi serta kulturnya. (Untuk hal ini, Turki jauh lebih maju dari Rusia sepanjang sejarah). Tetapi, tak ada Sultan Turki di sekitar tahun 1700 yang menginsyafi pentingnya percepatan pembaratan dan tak ada yang mendorong negerinya ke arah sana. Karena itu, sementara Rusia, sejak jaman Peter dan selanjutnya, ngebut dengan langkah modernisasi, Turki hanya berbuat sedikit kemajuan. Baru di abad ke-20 Kemal Ataturk memimpin Turki dengan program percepatan modernisasi. Pada saat itu, pengawasan Rusia terhadap Asia Tengah sudah cukup mantap dan Rusia sudah lebih maju baik di segi industri maupun segi pendidikan.

Kini, tentu saja, kita dengan sendirinya menganggap Rusia mengungguli kekuatan Turki. Tetapi, andaikata yang melakukan pembaharuan saat itu bukannya Peter Yang Agung melainkan Sultan Turki, maka mungkin sekali Turki menjadi kekuatan utama dewasa ini dan hampir pasti menguasai daerah yang kini bernama Asia Tengah Soviet. (Penduduk daerah itu beragama Islam dan lebih dekat hubungannya dengan Turki daripada dengan Rusia). Meskipun Rusia telah menduduki bagian terbesar Siberia sebelum Peter Yang Agung, besar kemungkinan daerah itu terambil Turki atau Cina atau Jepang, kalau saja Peter tidak melakukan program pembaharuan dan modernisasi memperkuat Rusia.

Peter Yang Agung bukan sekedar penguasa yang mengikuti arus, tetapi orang yang berdiri di depan jamannya. Pandangan jauh ke depannya besar kemungkinan bisa mengubah jalan sejarah dan membaginya ke dalam jalur yang tak bisa kita telusuri. Atas dasar alasan ini, sangat jelas buat saya bahwa Peter layak dapat tempat di daftar buku ini.

Dalam hal menentukan dimana urutan Peter, saya agak terpengaruh dengan perbandingan antara dia dengan Ratu Elizabeth I dari Inggris. Elizabeth juga lebih kesohor, khusus di Barat. Tetapi, saya pikir saya akan menghadapi kesulitan meyakinkan orang Rusia --walau yang paling moderat sekalipun-- bahwa Elizabeth lebih berpengaruh ketimbang Peter Yang Agung. Peter jauh lebih punya jiwa pembaharuan, jauh lebih orisinal. Apabila Elizabeth sebagian terpokoknya hanya melaksanakan konsensus apa yang diinginkan rakyatnya, Peter menuntun rakyatnya ke jurusan yang tak pernah mereka bayangkan sebelumnya. Beda tingkat antara keduanya bahkan bisa lebih besar lagi kalau saja Inggris tidak memainkan peranan lebih penting dari yang diperbuat Rusia. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Minimnya Lagu Bertema Bukan Cinta Remaja

Oleh: Helmi Junaidi

Saya jarang mengikuti lagu-lagu era sekarang. Entah apakah sekarang ada lagu-lagu yang liriknya bagus, tapi mudah-mudahan masih tetap ada. Saya dulu pernah ngetwit bahwa sebaiknya lagu-lagu tidak hanya berisi kisah ABG yang sedang kasmaran, tapi juga hal-hal lain yang ada di masyarakat. Apa dunia ini isinya cuma ABG yang sedang kasmaran doang? Weew... -_-

Tak perlu harus seluruhnya bertema bukan cinta remaja. Katakanlah fifty-fifty gitu. Separuh bisa berisi cinta remaja, separuhnya bisa tentang hal-hal yang lain. Ibaratnya, kalau kaset yang side A isinya soal ABG, yang side B soal-soal lainnya. Banyak lagu-lagu tentang alam, masalah sosial dan beragam soal lainhya yang bisa sangat komersil juga. Kita jangan mengangap selera masyarakat (dan selera ABG juga) cuma lirik lagu yang bertema ABG kasmaran saja. Itu terlalu naïf.

Lagu cinta remaja begitu memang bisa menarik juga, dan saya juga bisa menyukainya. Tapi, masa semuanya harus bertema demikian? Harus ada tema lain juga dong. Karena sekali lagi, dunia ini tidak hanya berisi ABG yang sedang kasmaran. Banyak beragam soal-soal lain yang bisa disampaikan ke masyarakat. Apa contoh lagu non-kasmaran yang bisa komersil? Lho, lagu-lagu yang saya sebut di artikel Liberte Tanpa Egalite ataukah Egalite Tanpa Liberte ini komersil semua dan laris jutaan keping CD.

Coba lihat, jumlah pemirsa lagu Ugly Kid Joe - Cats In The Cradle adalah 8.052.430, Nikita 2.403.044 dan Sting - Russian 5.746.745. Sangat banyak pemirsanya walau tidak bertema cinta remaja. Dan pada masanya baru dirilis dulu memang popular dan sangat komersil. Selain itu, kita tahu bahwa lagu-lagu klasik era Mozart dan Beethoven juga hampir tak ada yang bertema cinta remaja, tapi toh semuanya tetap disukai orang hingga zaman modern sekarang ini. Sudah berabad lamanya, tapi tetap disukai orang dan dipertunjukkan di mana-mana. Jadi, anggapan bahwa cuma lagu bertema cinta remaja saja yang akan komersil dan disukai masyarakat itu jelas anggapan yang sangat keliru.

Tentu saya tak melarang lagu bertema cinta remaja, tapi saat ini jumlahnya terlalu berlebihan, tak imbang dengan yang bertema lainnya.

Malang, 15 Sep 2014

Benarkah Umat Islam Lemah Karena Tidak Adanya Khilafah?

Oleh: Helmi Junaidi

Timur Tengah masih diributkan dengan khilafah al-Baghdadi. Bagaimana pun, janganlah kita mudah tertipu dengan klaim khalifah dari siapa pun. Sekarang ini paling tidak ada dua khalifah, yakni khalifah Ahmadiyah dan khalifah al-Baghdadi. Nah, kalau besok ada yang mengklaim lagi bisa akan ada tiga atau lebih khalifah.

Apakah umat Islam selama ini menjadi lemah karena tak ada khilafah seperti yang sering disebut sebagian kalangan? Itu jelas keliru. Kita tahu bahwa Amerika cuma terdiri dari satu negara, Rusia juga cuma satu negara, tapi mereka sangat kuat. Kalau yang wilayahnya tidak besar tapi kuat adalah Inggris dan Perancis. Dan penyebab kekuatan itu sudah saya pernah saya tulis bahwa itu bukan karena soal ada tidaknya khilafah. Inggris dan Perancis itu sejak dulu wilayahnya cuma segitu, tapi mereka pernah menjajah dan mengalahkan hampir semua bangsa Asia-Afrika. Belanda apalagi, sejak dulu ya cuma secuil itu wilayahnya dengan jumlah penduduk secuil juga, tapi Indonesia yang sangat luas ini mereka taklukkan.

Jadi, soal kuat atau lemah ini tak ada hubungannya dengan khilafah bukan? Juga tak ada hubungannya dengan besar kecilnya negara. Lihat juga Israel, sejak tahun 1948 wilayahnya ya secuil itu dengan penduduk cuma secuil pula. Tapi, tak ada negara Arab yang bisa mengalahkan Israel. Seharusnya, bila dihitung menurut luas wilayah dan jumlah penduduk, maka cukup Israel vs Yordan, atau Israel vs Syria, maka Arab sudah bisa menang. Betul, bukan? Kalau untuk mengalahkan Israel yang secuil itu harus mendirikan khilafah yang luar biasa besarnya, maka itu menandakan betapa luar biasa gebleknya pula umat Islam saat ini.

Kalau untuk menguasai Amerika yang besar itu apa perlu khilafah juga? Lho, berapa jumlah orang Yahudi di Amerika? Segelintir juga. Tapi, mereka bisa menguasai perekonomian dan politik Amerika. Dan orang Yahudi itu tak punya khilafah, cuma negara Israel yang mungil saja.

Memajukan pendidikan, memperkuat ekonomi dan mengambil segala hal yang berguna dari manapun itu, itulah sumber kekuatan yang sesungguhnya. Silakan baca lagi artikel di bawah

Demokrasi, Kebebasan dan Kemajuan .

Malang,  September 2014

Liberte Tanpa Egalite ataukah Egalite Tanpa Liberte?

Oleh: Helmi Junaidi


Sejak terjadinya Revolusi Perancis yang punya semboyan liberte, egalite, fraternite, maka pada abad ke-19 ada hal yang jadi perdebatan di kalangan pemikir Eropa, yakni liberte tanpa egalite ataukah egalite tanpa liberte? Manakah yang lebih baik, kata mereka, kebebasan tanpa persamaan ataukah persamaan tanpa kebebasan? Memberikan liberte pada akhirnya akan mengakibatkan hilangnya egalite, sedangkan kalau memaksakan egalite itu berarti hilangnya liberte.

Kenapa demikian? Karena kemampuan orang dalam mencari uang itu berbeda-beda sehingga bila ada kebebasan, maka orang-orang yang pandai cari duit akan bisa mencari duit sebanyak-banyaknya. Sementara itu, mereka yang tak pandai mencari duit akan melarat, bahkan menjadi gelandangan, sebagaimana yang terjadi di negara-negara kapitalis saat ini. Bila masyarakat diberi liberte, maka memang pada akhirnya akan mengakibatkan hilangnya egalite. Karena kemampuan orang dalam mencari duit memang berbeda-beda. Sebaliknya, bila menerapkan egalite maka artinya semua orang baik yang pandai cari duit maupun yang tidak diwajibkan dapat duit yang sama. Rakyat dilarang berbisnis apa pun karena hal itu akan menyebabkan hilangnya egalite Semua kegiatan ekonomi dikuasai negara sebagaimana yang terjadi di negara-negara komunis. Rakyat disuruh bekerja dan lalu digaji menurut kebutuhan mereka masing-masing.

Lalu, manakah yang lebih baik? Liberte tanpa egalite ataukah egalite tanpa liberte? Well, ini memang masalah yang rumit dan bikin mumet. :D Dan jawabannya hingga sekarang ini belum ditemukan. Atau barangkali ada di antara Anda yang punya jawabannya?

Para revolusioner Perancis dulu dengan gegap gempita meneriakkan semboyan tersebut. Tapi, dalam dunia nyata sebetulnya ruwet penerapannya.

Ataukah jawabannya ada di kata yang terakhir, yaitu fraternite? Baik yang pandai mencari duit maupun yang tidak sebaiknya bersaudara saja. Dan bisa juga salah satu caranya bersaudara adalah yang banyak duit jangan pelit kepada yang tidak punya duit. Suka beramal. Tidak boleh egois.

Para gelandangan dibantu dan dientaskan, yang tak punya rumah diberi rumah yang layak, yang tak punya kerja diberi kerja yang layak. Sehingga tak terjadi lagi seperti apa yang ada di lirik lagu Another Day in Paradise dari Phill Collins ini. 

Kalau yang paling sial adalah seperti yang terjadi pada rezim Somoza, Pinochet dan sejenisnya. Sudah liberte tak ada, egalite pun tiada pula. Serupa dengan di Perancis zaman monarki absolut. Tak ada liberte dan egalite, apalagi fraternite.

Oya, karena di negara komunis di Asia umumnya dalam bidang ekonomi sudah diliberalkan, maka egalite sudah tak ada lagi disana. Dan liberte tetap tiada, bahkan twitter dan facebook dilarang pula di sana. Tak jauh beda dengan rezim Somoza, Pinochet dan sejenisnya di mana liberte dan egalite sama-sama tiada. Maksud saya tadi liberal dalam bidang ekonomi saja, tapi dalam bidang politik tak ada liberte. Kalau di Kuba bisnis tetap dilarang, dan tentu dlm semua bidang tak ada liberte. Bahkan zaman Castro handphone dan laptop dilarang di Kuba. Kalau tak ada laptop dan hp, mana bisa main twitter dan fesbuk seperti anda sekalian. Lihat artikel Raul Castro Lifts Ban on DVD Players, Cell Phones, flat screen TVs, MP3 players, microwaves, electric bicycles etc.

Wow, banyak sekali ternyata yang dilarang di Kuba zaman Fidel, bukan cuma laptop (komputer) dan hp saja. Dan baru boleh saat Raul berkuasa. Ternyata bukan mufti gembel saja yang suka main haram-haraman, tetapi juga para kamerad gembel. Lha, kalau semua tak boleh mau ngapain rakyatnya? Dunia ini ternyata banyak berisi orang gembel. -_- Dan yang paling sial adalah di artikel atas disebutkan: “but his word is not likely to have much meaning in a country where the average salary is about $20 a month”.

Tak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini. Bagaimana pun, liberte tanpa egalite agaknya masih lumayan mending ketimbang tak ada liberte dan tetap kere pula. Kere tapi bebas main fesbuk dan twitter kan masih mending ketimbang sudah kere tak bisa twitteran dan fesbukan pula. Double combo sialnya. Plus tak bisa nonton DVD, nonton youtube dan sebagainya. Lha, orang hidup ini lalu mau buat ngapain kalau gak bisa ngapa-ngapain?

Liberte egalite fraternite. Kata-kata yang sangat indah, tapi betapa luar biasa sangat sulit pula untuk mendapatkannya. Masyarakat umumnya cuma dapat satu item doang, dan bagi masyarakat yang sial mereka tak pernah dapat ketiganya. Hiks.

Dan sekarang mari kita dengarkan beberapa lagu yang bertema perang dingin. Saat di mana pertentangan antara pendukung liberte tanpa egalite (kapitalis) vs egalite tanpa liberte (komunis) masih sedang sangat dingin-dinginnya.


Liberte, Egalite, Fratenite. Saya baru ingat, hanya bisa kita dapatkan di masyarakat prasejarah, sebelum kota-kota dan negara didirikan. Saya tidak bermaksud sarkastis. Ini riil. Dengan pendirian kota-kota, kepala suku yang semula dekat dan menjadi bagian masyarakat sukunya lalu menjelma menjadi raja kecil yang jauh dari rakyatnya. Anak cucu raja menjadi kaum bangsawan. Sang dukun juga naik pangkat menjadi pendeta. Bila negara kota lalu berkembang jadi kerajaan besar, sang raja berubah menjadi firaun, manusia yang mengaku dewa. Dan itu bukan cuma di Mesir, tapi di mana-mana. Bahkan lalu mengaku keturunan dewa ini atau dewa itu. Entah dewa langit, dewa matahari atau beragam dewa lainnya.

Berawal dari kepala suku lalu menjadi dewa atau anak dewa yang bukan hanya minta dipatuhi, tapi juga minta disembah. Semakin jauh lagi dari rakyatnya. Tak ada lagi egalite dan fraternite. Karena biasanya para raja tersebut umumnya cenderung lalim, maka biasanya juga tak ada liberte. Suka main gebuk saja dengan prajurit yang dibayar dengan pajak rakyatnya. Dalam hal ini, Kaczynski ada benarnya juga. Sudah pernah membaca kisah Kaczynski, kan? Itu kisah profesor Harvard yang alih profesi menjadi pertapa. Pertapa yang nyambi menjadi teroris dan meledakkan segala hal yang berkaitan dengan peradaban dan teknologi tinggi. Bisa Anda baca kisahnya antara lain di The Evolution of Despair by Robert Wright ini. Artikel aslinya ada majalah Time,  The Evolution of Despair. Ini adalah salah satu artikel favorit saya sejak dulu. Saya juga membahas Kaczynski di artikel Teori Evolusi dan Akibat-Akibat Yang Ditimbulkannya. Silakan search saja.

Perhatikan lirik lagu Ugly Kid Joe - Cats In The Cradle ini. Tipikal suasana keluarga zaman industri. Setelah membaca artikel Robert Wright di atas kiranya bisa Anda dengarkan lagu ini.

Lalu manakah yang lebih baik, "peradaban" tanpa liberte, egalite, fraternite ataukah menjadi "bushman", tapi ada liberte, egalite, fraternite? Oya, jangan lupa kata "peradabaan" dan "bushman" saya beri tanda kutip karena saya memang agak ragu kita lebih beradab dari bushman/caveman. Apa arti beradab? Tentu antonim dari kata biadab. Tapi, "peradaban" abad ke-20 malah menjadi abad paling biadab sepanjang sejarah manusia. Dua kali perang dunia yang menumpahkan darah puluhan juta manusia, kamp-kamp konsentrasi dan juga kediktatoran komunis di beragam negara yang membantai puluhan juta rakyatnya sendiri. Sepanjang sejarah belum pernah ada pertumpahan darah besar-besaran seperti yang terjadi pada abad ke-20. Dan jangan lupa, abad ke-21 ini baru dimulai. Kita belum tahu apa yang bakal terjadi hingga akhir abad ke-21. Apa menjadi lebih beradab betulan ataukah justru mengalahkan kebiadaban abad ke-20. Bahkan dengan semakin majunya teknologi, maka para diktator masa kini menjadi jauh berkuasa dari diktator zaman dulu. Alat penyadap bisa ditanam dimana-mana mengintip segala kehidupan rakyatnya. Para polisi rahasia bisa mengawasi dengan detil kegiatan tiap rakyatnya.

Teknologi memang semakin maju, tapi mental dasar manusia tak terlalu banyak mengalami perubahan sejak zaman purbakala hingga sekarang. Atau seperti kata Martin Luther King Jr: “Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.

Benarkah peradaban (civilization) yang ada sekarang ini memang benar-benar peradaban? Silakan baca artikel   Twilight Of The Psychopaths By Dr. Kevin Barrett.
Selanjutnya baca juga  Beware, I'm a Son of a Bitch & I Want to Rob You. Kalau ini tulisan saya sendiri. Oya, Anda tahu kenapa sejak awal saya anti ISIS? Lihat alinea kedua.

Memang benar apa kata Martin Luther King Jr. bahwa “Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men". Walhasil, keadaan dunia saat ini adalah seperti yang ada di lagu Queen Is this the world we created.

Still along way to go untuk menciptakan peradaban yang benar-benar pantas disebut peradaban.

Malang, 14–15 September 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Evolution of Despair

TIME Magazine


August 28, 1995 Volume 146, No. 9

A new field of science examines the mismatch between our genetic makeup and the modern world, looking for the source of our pervasive sense of discontent


"[I] attribute the social and psychological problems of modern society to the fact that society requires people to live under conditions radically different from those under which the human race evolved ..." --The Unabomber

There's a little bit of the Unabomber in most of us. We may not share his approach to airing a grievance, but the grievance itself feels familiar. In the recently released excerpts of his still unpublished 35,000-word essay, the serial bomber complains that the modern world, for all its technological marvels, can be an uncomfortable, "unfulfilling" place to live. It makes us behave in ways "remote from the natural pattern of human behavior." Amen. VCRs and microwave ovens have their virtues, but in the everyday course of our highly efficient lives, there are times when something seems deeply amiss. Whether burdened by an overwhelming flurry of daily commitments or stifled by a sense of social isolation (or, oddly, both); whether mired for hours in a sense of life's pointlessness or beset for days by unresolved anxiety; whether deprived by long workweeks from quality time with offspring or drowning in quantity time with them--whatever the source of stress, we at times get the feeling that modern life isn't what we were designed for.

And it isn't. The human mind--our emotions, our wants, our needs--evolved in an environment lacking, for example, cellular phones. And, for that matter, regular phones, telegraphs and even hieroglyphs--and cars, railroads and chariots. This much is fairly obvious and, indeed, is a theme going back at least to Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents. But the analysis rarely gets past the obvious; when it does, it sometimes veers toward the dubious. Freud's ideas about the evolutionary history of our species are now considered--to put it charitably--dated. He hypothesized, for example, that our ancestors lived in a "primal horde" run by an autocratic male until one day a bunch of his sons rose up, murdered him and ate his flesh--a rebellion that not only miraculously inaugurated religion but somehow left a residue of guilt in all subsequent descendants, including us. Any questions?

A small but growing group of scholars--evolutionary psychologists--are trying to do better. With a method less fanciful than Freud's, they're beginning to sketch the contours of the human mind as designed by natural selection. Some of them even anticipate the coming of a field called "mismatch theory," which would study maladies resulting from contrasts between the modern environment and the "ancestral environment," the one we were designed for. There's no shortage of such maladies to study. Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Suicide is the third most common cause of death among young adults in North America, after car wrecks and homicides. Fifteen percent of Americans have had a clinical anxiety disorder. And, pathological, even murderous alienation is a hallmark of our time. In that sense, the Unabomber is Exhibit A in his own argument.

Evolutionary psychology is a long way from explaining all this with precision, but it is already shedding enough light to challenge some conventional wisdom. It suggests, for example, that the conservative nostalgia for the nuclear family of the 1950s is in some ways misguided--that the household of Ozzie and Harriet is hardly a "natural" and healthful living arrangement, especially for wives. Moreover, the bygone American life-styles that do look fairly natural in light of evolutionary psychology appear to have been eroded largely by capitalism--another challenge to conservative orthodoxy. Perhaps the biggest surprise from evolutionary psychology is its depiction of the "animal" in us. Freud, and various thinkers since, saw "civilization" as an oppressive force that thwarts basic animal urges such as lust and aggression, transmuting them into psychopathology. But evolutionary psychology suggests that a larger threat to mental health may be the way civilization thwarts civility. There is a kinder, gentler side of human nature, and it seems increasingly to be a victim of repression.

The exact series of social contexts that shaped the human mind over the past couple of million years is, of course, lost in the mists of prehistory. In trying to reconstruct the "ancestral environment," evolutionary psychologists analyze the nearest approximations available--the sort of technologically primitive societies that the Unabomber extols. The most prized examples are the various hunter-gatherer societies that anthropologists have studied this century, such as the Ainu of Japan, the ! Kung San of southern Africa and the Ache of South America. Also valuable are societies with primitive agriculture in the few cases where--as with some Yanomamo villages in Venezuela--they lack the contaminating contact with moderner that reduces the anthropological value of some hunter-gatherer societies.

None of these societies is Nirvana. Indeed, the anthropological record provides little support for Jean-Jacques Rousseau's notion of the "noble savage" and rather more for Thomas Hobbes' assertion that life for our distant ancestors was "nasty, brutish, and short." The anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon has written of his first encounter with the Yanomamo: "The excitement of meeting my first Indians was almost unbearable as I duck-waddled through the low passage into the village clearing." Then "I looked up and gasped when I saw a dozen burly, naked, filthy, hideous men staring at us down the shafts of their drawn arrows!" It turned out that Chagnon "had arrived just after a serious fight. Seven women had been abducted the day before by a neighboring group, and the local men and their guests had just that morning recovered five of them in a brutal club fight." The men were vigilantly awaiting retaliation when Chagnon popped in for a chat.

In addition to the unsettling threat of mano-a-mano violence, the ancestral environment featured periodic starvation, incurable disease and the prospect of being eaten by a beast. Such inconveniences of primitive life have recently been used to dismiss the Unabomber's agenda. The historian of science Daniel Kevles, writing in the New Yorker, observes how coarse the "preindustrial past" looks, once "stripped of the gauzy romanticism of myth." Regarding the Unabomber's apparent aim of reversing technological history and somehow transporting our species back toward a more primitive age, Kevles declares, "Most of us don't want to live in a society like that."

Quite so. Though evolutionary psychologists would love somehow to visit the ancestral environment, few would buy a one-way ticket. Still, to say we wouldn't want to live in our primitive past isn't to say we can't learn from it. It is, after all, the world in which our currently malfunctioning minds were designed to work like a Swiss watch. And to say we'll decline the Unabomber's invitation somehow to turn the tide of technological history isn't to say technology doesn't have its dark side. We don't have to slavishly emulate, say, the Old Order Amish, who use no cars, electricity or alcohol; but we can profitably ask why it is that they suffer depression at less than one-fifth the rate of people in nearby Baltimore.

The barbaric violence Chagnon documented is in some ways misleading. Though strife does pervade primitive societies, much of the striving is subtler than a club fight. Our ancestors, it seems, competed for mates with guile and hard work. They competed for social status with combative wordplay and social politicking. And this competition, however subtle, had Darwinian consequences. Anthropologists have shown, for example, that hunter-gatherer males successful in status competition have better luck in mating and thus getting genes into the next generation.

And getting genes into the next generation was, for better or worse, the criterion by which the human mind was designed. Mental traits conducive to genetic proliferation are the traits that survived. They are what constitute our minds today; they are us, we are designed to steer genes through a technologically primitive social structure. The good news is that doing this job entailed some quite pleasant feelings. Because social cooperation improves the chances of survival, natural selection imbued our minds with an infrastructure for friendship, including affection, gratitude and trust. (In technical terms, this is the machinery for "reciprocal altruism.") And the fact that offspring carry our genes into posterity accounts for the immense joy of parental love.

Still, there is always a flip side. People have enemies--social rivals--as well as friends, feel resentful as well as grateful, feel nervously suspicious as well as trusting. Their children, being genetic conduits, can make them inordinately proud but also inordinately disappointed, angry or anxious. People feel the thrill of victory but also the agony of defeat, not to mention pregame jitters. According to evolutionary psychology, such unpleasant feelings are with us today because they helped our ancestors get genes into the next generation. Anxiety goaded them into keeping their children out of harm's way or adding to food stocks even amid plenty. Sadness or dejection--after a high-profile social failure, say--led to soul-searching that might discourage repeating the behavior that led to the failure. ("Maybe flirting with the wives of men larger than me isn't a good idea.") The past usefulness of unpleasant feelings is the reason periodic unhappiness is a natural condition, found in every culture, impossible to escape.

What isn't natural is going crazy--for sadness to linger on into debilitating depression, for anxiety to grow chronic and paralyzing. These are largely diseases of modernity. When researchers examined rural villagers in Samoa, they discovered what were by Western standards extraordinarily low levels of cortisol, a biochemical by-product of anxiety. And when a Western anthropologist tried to study depression among the Kaluli of New Guinea, he couldn't find any.

One thing that helps turn the perfectly natural feeling of sadness or dejection into the pathology known as depression is social isolation. Today one-fourth of American households consist of a single person. That's up from 8% in 1940--and, apparently, from roughly zero percent in the ancestral environment. Hunter-gatherer societies, for all their diversity, typically feature intimacy and stability: people live in close contact with roughly the same array of several dozen friends and relatives for decades. They may move to another village, but usually either to join a new family network (as upon marriage) or to return to an old one (as upon separation). The evolutionary psychologists John Tooby and Leda Cosmides see in the mammoth popularity of the TV show Cheers during the 1980s a visceral yearning for the world of our ancestors--a place where life brought regular, random encounters with friends, and not just occasional, carefully scheduled lunches with them; where there were spats and rivalries, yes, but where grievances were usually heard in short order and tensions thus resolved.

As anyone who has lived in a small town can attest, social intimacy comes at the price of privacy: everybody knows your business. And that's true in spades when next-door neighbors live not in Norman Rockwell clapboard homes but in thatched huts. Still, social transparency has its virtues. The anthropologist Phillip Walker has studied the bones of more than 5,000 children from hundreds of preindustrial cultures, dating back to 4,000 B.C. He has yet to find the scattered bone bruises that are the skeletal hallmark of "battered-child syndrome." In some modern societies, Walker estimates, such bruises would be found on more than 1 in 20 children who die between the ages of one and four. Walker accounts for this contrast with several factors, including a grim reminder of Hobbesian barbarism: unwanted children in primitive societies were often killed at birth, rather than resented and brutalized for years. But another factor, he believes, is the public nature of primitive child rearing, notably the watchful eye of a child's aunts, uncles, grandparents or friends. In the ancestral environment, there was little mystery about what went on behind closed doors, because there weren't any.

In that sense, Tooby and Cosmides have noted, nostalgia for the suburban nuclear family of the 1950s--which often accompanies current enthusiasm for "family values"--is ironic. The insular coziness of Ozzie and Harriet's home is less like our natural habitat than, say, the more diffuse social integration of Andy Griffith's Mayberry. Andy's son Opie is motherless, but he has a dutiful great-aunt to watch over him--and, anyway, can barely sit on the front porch without seeing a family friend.

To be sure, keeping nuclear families intact has virtues that are underscored by evolutionary psychology, notably in keeping children away from stepfathers, who, as the evolutionary psychologists Martin Daly and Margo Wilson predicted and then documented, are much more prone to child abuse than biological fathers. But to worship the suburban household of the 1950s is to miss much of the trouble with contemporary life.

Though people talk about "urbanization" as the process that ushered in modern ills, many urban neighborhoods at mid-century were in fact fairly communal; it's hard to walk into a Brooklyn brownstone day after day without bumping into neighbors. It was suburbanization that brought the combination of transience and residential isolation that leaves many people feeling a bit alone in their own neighborhoods. (These days, thanks to electric garage-door openers, you can drive straight into your house, never risking contact with a neighbor.)

The suburbs have been particularly hard on women with young children. In the typical hunter-gatherer village, mothers can reconcile a homelife with a work life fairly gracefully, and in a richly social context. When they gather food, their children stay either with them or with aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins or lifelong friends. When they're back at the village, child care is a mostly public task--extensively social, even communal. The anthropologist Marjorie Shostak wrote of life in an African hunter-gatherer village, "The isolated mother burdened with bored small children is not a scene that has parallels in !Kung daily life."

Evolutionary psychology thus helps explain why modern feminism got its start after the suburbanization of the 1950s. The landmark 1963 book The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan grew out of her 1959 conversation with a suburban mother who spoke with "quiet desperation" about the anger and despair that Friedan came to call "the problem with no name" and a doctor dubbed "the housewife's syndrome." It is only natural that modern mothers rearing children at home are more prone to depression than working mothers, and that they should rebel.

But even working mothers suffer depression more often than working men. And that shouldn't shock us either. To judge by hunter-gatherer societies, it is unnatural for a mother to get up each day, hand her child over to someone she barely knows and then head off for 10 hours of work--not as unnatural as staying home alone with a child, maybe, but still a likely source of guilt and anxiety. Finding a middle ground, enabling women to be workers and mothers, is one of the great social challenges of our day.

Much of this trouble, as the Unabomber argues, stems from technology. Suburbs are largely products of the automobile. (In the forthcoming book The Lost City, Alan Ehrenhalt notes the irony of Henry Ford, in his 60s, building a replica of his hometown--gravel roads, gas lamps--to recapture the "saner and sweeter idea of life" he had helped destroy.) And in a thousand little ways--from the telephone to the refrigerator to ready-made microwavable meals--technology has eroded the bonds of neighborly interdependence. Among the Aranda Aborigines of Australia, the anthropologist George Peter Murdock noted early this century, it was common for a woman to breast-feed her neighbor's child while the neighbor gathered food. Today in America it's no longer common for a neighbor to borrow a cup of sugar.

Of course, intensive interdependence also has its downside. The good news for our ancestors was that collectively fending off starvation or saber-toothed tigers forged bonds of a depth moderners can barely imagine. The bad news was that the tigers and the starvation sometimes won. Technology is not without its rewards.

Perhaps the ultimate in isolating technologies is television, especially when linked to a VCR and a coaxial cable. Harvard professor Robert Putnam, in a recent and much noted essay titled "Bowling Alone," takes the demise of bowling leagues as a metaphor for the larger trend of asocial entertainment. "Electronic technology enables individual tastes to be satisfied more fully," he concedes, but at the cost of the social gratification "associated with more primitive forms of entertainment." When you're watching TV 28 hours a week--as the average American does--that's a lot of bonding you're not out doing.

As the evolutionary psychiatrist Randolph Nesse has noted, television can also distort our self-perception. Being a socially competitive species, we naturally compare ourselves with people we see, which meant, in the ancestral environment, measuring ourselves against fellow villagers and usually finding at least one facet of life where we excel. But now we compare our lives with "the fantasy lives we see on television," Nesse writes in the recent book Why We Get Sick: The New Science of Darwinian Medicine, written with the eminent evolutionary biologist George Williams. "Our own wives and husbands, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters can seem profoundly inadequate by comparison. So we are dissatisfied with them and even more dissatisfied with ourselves." (And, apparently, with our standard of living. During the 1950s, various American cities saw theft rates jump in the particular years that broadcast television was introduced.)

Relief from TV's isolating and at times depressing effects may come from more communal technologies. The inchoate Internet is already famous for knitting congenial souls together. And as the capacity of phone lines expands, the Net may allow us to, say, play virtual racket ball with a sibling or childhood friend in a distant city. But at least in its current form, the Net brings no visual (much less tactile) contact, and so doesn't fully gratify the social machinery in our minds. More generally the Net adds to the information overload, whose psychological effects are still unknown but certainly aren't wholly benign.

This idea that modern society is dangerously asocial would surprise Freud. In Civilization and Its Discontents, he lamented the tension between crude animal impulses and the dictates of society. Society, he said, tells us to cooperate with one another, indeed, even to "love thy neighbor as thyself"; yet by our nature, we are tempted to exploit our neighbor, "to humiliate him, to cause him pain, to torture and to kill him. Homo homini lupus [Man is a wolf to man]." The Unabomber, too, in his mode as armchair psychologist, celebrates our "WILD nature" and complains that in modern society "we are not supposed to hate anyone, yet almost everyone hates somebody at some time or other." This sort of cramping of our natural selves, he opines, creates "oversocialized" people He seems to agree with Freud's claim that "primitive man was better off in knowing no restrictions of instinct."

Yet evolutionary psychology suggests that primitive man knew plenty of "restrictions of instinct." True, hatred is part of our innate social repertoire, and in other ways as well we are naturally crude. But the restraint of crude impulses is also part of our nature. Indeed, the "guilt" that Freud never satisfactorily explained is one built-in restrainer. By design, it discourages us from, say, neglecting kin through unbridled egoism, or imperiling friendships in the heat of anger--or, at the very least, it goads us to make amends after such imperiling, once we've cooled down. Certainly modern society may burden us unduly with guilt. After erupting in anger toward an acquaintance, we may not see him or her for weeks, whereas in the ancestral environment we might have reconciled in short order. Still, feeling guilty about spasms of malice is no invention of modern civilization.

This points to the most ironic of evolutionary psychology's implications: many of the impulses created by natural selection's ruthless imperative of genetic self-interest aren't selfish in any straightforward way. Love, pity, generosity, remorse, friendly affection and enduring trust, for example, are part of our genetic heritage. And, oddly, some of these affiliative impulses are frustrated by the structure of modern society at least as much as the more obviously "animal" impulses. The problem with modern life, increasingly, is less that we're "oversocialized" than that we're undersocialized--or, that too little of our "social" contact is social in the natural, intimate sense of the word.

Various intellectual currents reflect this shortage of civility in modern civilization. The "communitarian" movement, lately championed by Democratic and Republican leaders alike, aims to restore a sense of social kinship, and thus of moral responsibility. And various scholars and politicians (including Putnam) are now bemoaning the shrinkage of civil society, that realm of community groups, from the Boy Scouts to the Rotary Club, that once not only kept America shipshape but met deep social needs.

The latest tribute to civil society comes in Francis Fukuyama's book Trust, whose title captures a primary missing ingredient in modern life. As of 1993, 37% of Americans felt they could trust most people, down from 58% in 1960. This hurts; according to evolutionary psychology, we are designed to seek trusting relationships and to feel uncomfortable in their absence. Yet the trend is hardly surprising in a modern, technology-intensive economy, where so much leisure time is spent electronically and so much "social" time is spent nurturing not friendships but professional contacts.

As scholars and public figures try to resurrect community, they might profitably draw on evolutionary psychology. Prominent communitarian Amitai Etzioni, in highlighting the shortcomings of most institutionalized child care, has duly stressed the virtues of parents' "co-oping," working part time at day-care centers. Still, the stark declaration in his book The Spirit of Community that "infants are better off at home" gives short shrift to the innately social nature of infants and mothers. That women naturally have a vocational calling as well as a maternal one suggests that workplace-based, co-operative day-care centers may deserve more attention.

Residential planners have begun to account implicitly for human nature. They're designing neighborhoods that foster affiliation--large common recreational spaces, extensive pedestrian thoroughfares and even, in some cases, parking spaces that make it hard to hop from car to living room without traversing some turf in between. In effect: drive-in, hunter-gatherer villages.

Still, many nice features of the ancestral environment can't be revived with bricks and mortar. Building physically intimate towns won't bring back the extended kin networks that enmeshed our ancestors and, among other benefits, made child rearing a much simpler task than it is for many parents today. Besides, most adults, given a cozy community, will still spend much of the day miles away, at work. And even if telecommuting increasingly allows them to work at home, they won't be out bonding with neighbors in the course of their vocations, as our ancestors were.

One reason the sinews of community are so hard to restore is that they are at odds with free markets. Capitalism not only spews out cars, TVs and other antisocial technologies; it also sorts people into little vocational boxes and scatters the boxes far and wide. Economic opportunity is what drew farm boys into cities, and it has been fragmenting families ever since. There is thus a tension within conservative ideology between laissez-faire economics and family values, as various people have noted. (The Unabomber complains that conservatives "whine about the decay of traditional values," yet "enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth.")

That much modern psychopathology grows out of the dynamics of economic freedom suggests a dearth of miracle cures; Utopian alternatives to capitalism have a history of not working out. Even the more modest reforms that are imaginable--reforms that somewhat blunt modernization's antisocial effects--will hardly be easy or cheap. Workplace-based day care costs money. Ample and inviting public parks cost money. And it costs money to create good public schools—which by diverting enrollment from private schools offer the large communal virtue of making a child's neighborhood peers and schoolyard friends one and the same. Yikes: taxes! Taxes, as Newt Gingrich and others have patiently explained, slow economic growth. True enough. But if economic growth places such a strain on community to begin with--a fact that Gingrich seems to grasp--what's so bad about a marginally subdued rate of growth?

Besides, how large is the psychological toll? Evolutionary psychology suggests that we're designed to compare our material well-being not so much with some absolute standard but with that of our neighbors. So if our neighbors don't get richer--and if the people on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous don't get richer--then we shouldn't, in theory, get less happy than we already are. Between 1957 and 1990, per capita income in America more than doubled in real terms. Yet, as the psychologist David Myers notes in The Pursuit of Happiness, the number of Americans who reported being "very happy" remained constant, at one- third. Plainly, more gross domestic product isn't the answer to our deepest needs. (And that's especially true when growth only widens the gap between richest and poorest, as has done lately.)

There is a lesson here not just for policymakers but also for the rest of us. "It is human nature always to want a little more," writes the psychologist Timothy Miller in the recent book How to Want What You Have, perhaps the first self-help book based explicitly on evolutionary psychology. "People spend their lives honestly believing that they have almost enough of whatever they want. Just a little more will put them over the top; then they will be contented forever." This is a built-in illusion, Miller notes, engrained in our minds by natural selection.

The illusion was designed to keep us constantly striving, adding tiny increments to the chances that our genes would get into the next generation. Yet in a modern environment--which, unlike the ancestral environment, features contraception—our obsession with material gain rarely has that effect. Besides, why should any of us choose to pursue maximum genetic proliferation--or relentless material gain, or anything else--just because that is high on the agenda of the process that designed the human mind? Natural selection, for better or worse, is our creator, but it isn't God; the impulses it implanted into our minds aren't necessarily good, and they aren't wholly beyond resisting.

Part of Miller's point is that the instinctive but ultimately fruitless pursuit of More--the 60-hour workweeks, the hour a month spent perusing the Sharper Image catalog--keeps us from indulging what Darwin called "the social instincts." The pursuit of More can keep us from better knowing our neighbors, better loving our kin--in general, from cultivating the warm, affiliative side of human nature whose roots science is just now starting to fathom.

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