Monday, November 14, 2016

Guitar Yamaha, made in Indonesia, Beredar Sampai ke Wina

Oleh: Helmi Junaidi

Ada hal yg lucu. Sebulan yang lalu ada tamu dari Wina yang menginap selama beberapa hari di sini. Dia membawa gitar kecil (ukulele). Ditanya beli dimana? Di negara asalnya, Jerman. Dia masih sering wira-wiri Jerman-Wina. Merk apa, tanyaku. Yamaha.

Besoknya kebetulan ada kenalan seorang gitaris datang. Selintas melihat dia langsung bilang dengan enaknya itu buatan Indonesia. Lho?? Tentu saja kami tak ada percaya. Beli di Eropa dan merk Yamaha kok dia langsung "menuduh" buatan sini. Yang punya sendiri juga tak tahu kalau itu buatan Indonesia. Langsung saya cek. Merk gitar biasanya ada di balik lubang gitar itu. Astaga! Ternyata benar. Di bawah merk Yamaha ada tulisan kecil made in Indonesia !! Harga di sana EUR 100 atau Rp 1,4 juta dan disini cuma Rp 600 ribu. Ternyata... alat musik buatan Indonesia bisa beredar sampai ke negaranya para maestro musik seperti Mozart dan Beethoven.

Dan mungkin bukan hanya alat musik saja, tapi bisa saja banyak barang-barang yang lainnya, termasuk handphone made in Indonesia yang beredar di Eropa di bawah brand internasional seperti Samsung dan Iphone.

The good news is: barang made in Indonesia ternyata kualitasnya cukup bagus untuk dijual di pasar Eropa/internasional.

The bad news is: Agaknya rasa kurang pede kita di dalam pergaulan internasional telah dimanfaatkan negara-negara lain. Hobi minder kita selama ini memang terlalu kebangetan. Be confident guys !!

Yogyakarta, 4 October 2016

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Recitation ( Zikir ) with Sound Recording

By: Helmi Junaidi

Sufism has a practice of recitation (zikir) of God names by hundreds or even thousands of times. There are many benefits of it. Unfortunately, the large number we must recite everyday prevents us from practicing it routinely. Because it would be very tiresome.

For alternative with not much different result, we can recite it only three times. Record your voice with your phone.  It must be your own voice.  Then play it repeatedly over and over again for two or three hours everyday, and it will surely reach  thousands times. The longer the better. The energy it generated is similar to ordinary recitation (not recorded). And the positive energy from the recitation can influence your body energy and your aura. It is true.  I am a reiki practitioner and I can feel the invisible energy. You can ask other reiki practitioners who you know to feel the zikir energy.

This practice is very very easy. You may believe it or not, but this practice is very easy. So, better you try it. Just record your voice, only need a few seconds, and play it repeatedly over and over again, for about three or four hours. Very easy. It will not hurt to try, right? You also can play it while you are sleeping. And stop it when you wake up in the morning. And it will reach many thousands times. And you must do it everyday. Don't play it loudly because it can disturb other people around you. It is enough if only you that can hear it. Try to do it routinely for one or two weeks and notice the result. In fact, I myself got the result in just a few days. It can help your everyday life, including improve your business or finance, relationship with your family or other people, or whatever you want. It depend on which names you recite. There are 99 of God names and you can choose which you want. Beside it is good for your own benefit in your everyday life, it also can draw us closer to God as stated in al-Baqarah 152, Remember Me (recite my names), and surely I will remember you.

Each zikir (recitation) should be preceded by subhanallah and it must be odd in number, such as below:

سبحان الله يا حي يا قيوم يا عفو يا عظيم

Subhaanallah, yaa hayyu, yaa qoyyuum, yaa 'afuwwu, yaa' adziim. 3x

or: subhaanallah, yaa hayyu, yaa qoyyum, yaa ghoniyyu, yaa mughnii. 3x

There are 99 God Names, the description and benefit of them you can see at this link. Feel free to choose the Names you want -> The names of God with meaning and benefits. If you still don't know which names, you can recite two examples above. They have good results.

Good luck and hopefully useful. Share it also to your friends and relatives so that they all can get the benefit. Amiien.