Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Fifth Gospel: Jesus Journey to India

By: Helmi Junaidi

And We made the son of Mary and his mother as a Sign. We gave them both shelter on a high land, peaceful and furnished with springs. (al-Mukminun 50)

All over central Asia, and Ladakh in Kashmir and Tibet and even farther North, there is a strong belief that Jesus or Isa travelled about there. Some people believed that he visited India also. (Jawaharlal Nehru)

1. Introduction

2. Jesus Resurrection from the grave

3. The Crucifixion and Jesus Survival

3.1. How did Jesus survive the crucifixion?

3.2. BBC Four about Jesus Journey to the East

4. Jesus Death

5. The Lost Year of Jesus (age 12 to 30)

5.1. Guru Isha Nath

5.2. Gospel According to Notovitch

5.3. Jesus and Eastern Religions

6. Jesus, Mary and St. Thomas in Eastern Countries

6.1. Jesus Marriage

6.2. Jesus Teachings in Kashmir

6.3. Tomb of Jesus and Mother Mary

6.4. St. Thomas Journey to The East

7. Conclusion

1. Introduction

Writing this issue is much different compared to the story of The Ten Lost Tribe of Israel, which I merely wrote historical facts. But now I inevitably have to make interpretation on some verses in the Quran. And certainly I should be more careful.

As a Muslim, Isa is the name I heard since I was a child. However, in this article I use the word Jesus because I quote a lot of articles, books, e-books from the Internet which are written in English and I use the name from that references. It refers to the same person, anyway. It differs only because the people who use it. The word Jesus and Isa is from Yehoshua (Yahweh saves) and its short form is Joshua or Yeshua, then became Iesus in Latin (using I, not J) and Isa in Arabic (and in several other Asian languages). Isa commonly used by the Arabs and people in some other Asian countries before the Islamic period. It is not only Muslims who call him Isa. However, in Indonesia connotations Isa and Jesus can be different. In Indonesia Isa is used by Muslims and usually pronounced Nabi (Prophet) Isa, declaring his humanity, whereas Christians used the word Jesus and usually called him Tuhan (Lord) Jesus, declaring his divinity.

In this article I would like to narrate Jesus journey that you might never heard before. Of all the writing I've wrote, this is that can make me feel part of the story. Whatever you would judge my writing, whether you agree or disagree, it's fine. You are free to make your own conclusion. Yet there is one thing worth noting, like this one I find in a website.

The practice of assuming that any tradition is false if it conflicts with one's own particular theological commitment, without having first carefully examined it with a truly open mind and in a comprehensive manner, cannot be condoned within true scholarship or true science. (James W. Deardorff, Survival of the Crucifixion: Traditions of Jesus within Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Paganism,

Some people may already know that the Ahmadiyya sect also believe in this story. However, they are NOT the first people who believe in this story. For centuries many people in Kashmir and the surrounding area believed in this story as well, as had been mentioned by former Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in his letter to his daughter Indira. The sentence which I quote at the beginning of this article. (Jawarharlal Nehru, Glimpse of World History, New York: John Day Co., 1942, p. 84). Even the story of the Jesus journey to Eastern countries also exist in many others ancient books in the East.

So, don’t misunderstand. This story is NOT Ahmadiyya teaching, also not invented by Ghulam Ahmad. I myself NOT an Ahmadi. Nicolai Notovitch, a Russian journalist wrote about Jesus in India before Ghulam Ahmad. Ghulam Ahmad himself heard the information in 1898 and then he sent his disciples to investigate it. It was not until a year later, in 1899, he wrote his book about Jesus in Kashmir.

There is a difference between Ghulam Ahmad and Notovitch story. According to Ghulam Ahmad Jesus did not travel to India in his youth, but he travelled there after the Crucifixion. He rejected the view that Jesus learnt Eastern religions during his youth. Notovitch’s translation The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ tells that Jesus travelled to India during his youth, but it doesn’t mention that he returned there after the Crucifixion. However, most scholars now believe that Jesus travelled to India in his youth, returned there after the Crucifixion, he spent most of his life there, and passed away there. So, there are differences. And I agree with the view of most scholars.

While Ghulam Ahmad and the Ahmadis wrote books related to this topic primarily for religious reasons and to support his prophecy, with various threats and curses to people who do not believe in him, I write this article just for historical research. I will not curse and threat anybody. My purpose here is primarily to bring information to you about Jesus journey that rarely known. And if you are interested, particularly among archaeologists, you may continue to go to Kashmir and examine the grave site yourselves.

For centuries Jesus journey has become folklores in Kashmir and the surrounding areas. Not something new. What makes it new perhaps because some readers never heard it before. Actually, many scholars have written about it in their books, may be there are hundreds or even thousands books. You may search on the internet, just type keyword 'Jesus' and 'Kashmir', and you will see thousands websites that contain those keywords. And many of them contain interesting story about Jesus in Kashmir. 

Okay, don’t miss the latest news about Jesus, I will tell this good news for all of you.

2. Jesus Resurrection from the grave

Firstly, I will write about Jesus resurrection from the grave. This is very important because I will tell the story of Jesus journey to the East after the crucifixion. And if he had died on the cross, of course I will not bother to write this story. A dead man would no longer able to wander around. That would terrify people. If so, this story doesn't need to be written.

If we want to discuss the resurrection, inevitably we must look at the Four Gospels in the New Testament. The Four Gospels were written around 70 to 110 AD. Around half a century or more after the crucifixion of Jesus. Not in the lifetime of Jesus. Before that there were only oral traditions. However, only four Gospels that officially recognized by the Church. If you are interested in finding others than the four Gospels, which is usually referred as the Apocrypha Gospels, you could find them on the internet. There are many interesting stories in the Apocrypha Gospels and probably you've never heard it before.

The New Testament tell that Jesus rose from the grave and then met his disciples. And he still had wounds on the hands because he was nailed on the cross. These are the verses that narrate the story.

So followers of Jesus said to Thomas, "We've seen the Teacher!" But Thomas said, "If I do not see the nail marks in His hands, have not put my finger on the wounds of nails and have not put my hand on his stomach, I do not want to believe."

A week later his disciples no longer in place, and Thomas present. All the doors locked. But Jesus came and stood in their midst, and said, "Peace be with you."

Then Jesus said to Thomas, "Look at my hand, and put your finger here. Hold out your hand and put it in my stomach. Do not hesitate anymore, but believe me!"

Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and my God!"

Then Jesus said to him, "You believe because you see me, right?" Happy are those who believe though do not see me! " (John 20:25-29)

From these verses it is obvious that Jesus was still alive after the crucifixion and then met his disciples.

There is one important thing I want to underline here. The person who was crucified on the cross was Jesus and not Judas as believe by the Muslims. There were wounds on his hands. If Jesus was not crucified there must be no wounds on his hands. So, he was Jesus and not Judas. And his disciples also witnessed the wounds on his hands. The story of Judas is not mentioned in the Quran. Even Quran never mention the word Judas. From which source people found this story?

3. The Crucifixion and Jesus Survival

Muslims generally believed that the condemned person was not Jesus, but Judas, along with two other criminals. They also believe that Jesus was not dead, but ascended to heaven. Christians in Indonesia generally understand Muslim’s belief about Judas crucifixion, but Western readers might be surprised because they’ve never heard it before and since small children they have been familiar with the story of Jesus crucifixion. After reading the explanations below, we will find out that the existing belief has to be questioned. The Quran verse that describe the crucifixion is as follows.

وَقَوْلِهِمْ إِنَّا قَتَلْنَا الْمَسِيحَ عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَكِنْ شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ وَإِنَّ الَّذِينَ اخْتَلَفُوا فِيهِ لَفِي شَكٍّ مِنْهُ مَا لَهُمْ بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ إِلَّا اتِّبَاعَ الظَّنِّ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ يَقِين

And because of their saying: "Verily, we've killed al-Masih, Isa son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah", they did not killed him nor crucified him, but was still vague for them. Those who disputed it (the death of Jesus), were really in doubt. They had no knowledge of it, except followed mere conjecture, and they were not sure have killed him. (An-Nisa 157)

This is different from the existing translations, both the official version in Indonesia (issued by the Ministry of Religious Affairs) and the Ahmadiyah translation. Also differs from other translations. This is because I translated it myself by looking at the dictionary and compared it with some existing translations. There are Arabic words that have more than one meaning. I observed the meaning of those words one by one in the dictionary. And I found that there are some ADDITIONAL WORDS in the translations. They are added by the translators. I don’t include those additions in my translation. This is true, there are some additional words in the official version so it would be in harmony with the belief that have been adopted by the Muslims for centuries. However, it must be understood that those words are NOT in the original text of al-Quran in Arabic. Thus, although I omitted the additional words, not one word from the original text is missing. You can compare it with the Quran translations you have, and you will know which words are additions from the translators and which are not.

One thing that quite beneficial for the interpretation of the Qur'an is the original text still exist, so additions from translators can be found. And this is very important since the additions are not always true as intended in the original text. There can be further examination. We can read the original text of Quran in Arabic and then compare and examine the existing translations. And we certainly know that translation between any languages can never fully represent the original text.

For example, some words in Javanese language are difficult to find their equivalent in Indonesian language. One example is the word kunduran, there is no translation for such word in Indonesian language. Or the word kae (iko in Eastern Java dialect) is also not found in the Indonesian dictionary. Kae means that, but it refers specifically to a greater distance or very far away. Or word such nutut, if there is any equivalent in Indonesian language, it would not match properly. And there are many others, such as seser. And it is interesting to know that in colloquial Javanese there are no particular words that equivalent to they, we and he/she. It may strange but it is true.

Most Indonesians are bilingual. Besides learning our mother tongue at home we also learn Indonesian language at school, it is used as lingua franca because there are more than 250 different languages in Indonesia, they differ primarily in vocabulary, but mostly similar in grammar. I live in Java and speak both Javanese and Indonesian language. Indonesian and Malaysian languages are mutually intelligible because both are derived from Riau, but Javanese language is quite distinct.

If we compare English and Indonesian, Indonesian word kakak means older brother/sister while adik means younger brother/sister, regardless of gender, while brother/sister in English means male/female relatives, but it don't mention whether he/she is older or younger. It cannot be translated precisely. There is no gender in Indonesian language. It also has no tenses, no articles, no inflections, and no different forms of plural and singular noun. It is a very simple language. Some Indonesian students find it confusing when they learn other world languages which have gender, whether European or other Asian languages. Why do those words have gender? Do they have “penis” or “boob” or something? :D Until now, I myself—and perhaps most Indonesians--find tenses and articles still confusing. That is why I sometime make mistakes when translate my writings into English.

Another example is nasi (cooked rice) and padi (raw rice), both called rice in English. So, “we eat rice” can mean we eat padi, not eat nasi. Indonesian words kami (exclusive) and kita (inclusive) are just summarized as we in English. Or could we find the equivalent of the word dulu and sudah in English? Conversely, some English words are difficult to find their equivalent in Indonesian, such as pagan, instead, partner, it, empire, emperor, absurd, ridiculous, sophisticated etc.

In short, it is obvious that translation between languages inevitably make some meanings in the original text missing. The Bible for instance, that have been translated for many times, from Hebrew into Greek, from Greek into Latin, from Latin into various European languages, there would be a lot of words omitted or added. For example, we will see some versions of English Bible. We don’t know which one is the most correct translation because the original text is not attached. Matthew 6:9-13.

The King James version (Protestant)

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our Debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

The New Revised Standard version (Protestant)

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our Debtors. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.

The Baltimore Catechism version (Roman Catholic)

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

The New American Bible version (Roman Catholic)

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our Debtors; and do not subject us to the final test, but deliver us from the evil one.

Since the original text doesn’t exist, we don’t know which is the most correct translation. And other verses, especially which used to be the source of bitter conflict between Christian sects, they could be easily distorted when the translator was dishonest or fanatical on his sect, because it would be difficult to check. Maybe Christians need to demand the Church to include the original text in the Bible.

In the verse above, An-Nisa 157, I make some addition to interpret that verse, the words in brackets, ie "the death of Jesus". This is additional interpretation from me. That is not addition for the translation, but for the interpretation because I do believe that Jesus had died. We can read further below. As for the word maa shalabuuhu, this could mean "they did not crucifiy him" or it could be "they did not kill him on the cross". So, it doesn’t mean that Jesus was not crucified because there were wounds in his hands and his body. As for syubiha, this word has the same root as syubhat, a word we often hear in fiqh to mention something that is still vague and unclear, halal or haram.

If you understand Arabic, you could examine that verse as well. I want you to think it by yourself, too. Let us examine the interpretation of the verse above. Of course I cannot claim my interpretation absolutely right, but I entirely leave to God to determine it.

So, I leave the readers to make their own conclusion. I will not curse and threat anybody. But, I do agree with interpretation which state that Jesus was crucified, and not Judas. However, Jesus did not die on the Cross. Jesus was only about 6 hours on the cross, so governor Pilate wondered why Jesus could die in such a short time. Therefore, he ordered the centurion who oversees the crucifixion to examine it. We also have known that the two criminals who were crucified with him still ALIVE when lowered from the cross. A person who was crucified would not die immediately. In fact, usually it took several days. Many still alived when lowered from the cross. A famous Roman philosopher, Seneca, described the death on the cross as follows: 'The life of the person sentenced to this punishment trickled away drop by drop'. So, it is clearly different from beheading, which when his head cut off, that’s the end of his life.

Thus, I conclude Jesus did not die on the cross. However, those who watched him presumed he was dead because his condition was like the dead. When he met his disciples
again, it was obvious that Jesus did not die on the cross.

3.1. How did Jesus survive the crucifixion?

There are several explanations about how Jesus saved from the death on the cross. Among them you can see the writing of James W. Deardorff at Some scholars argue that Jesus was only fainted when lowered from the cross and then he woke up again. Some other scholars have various opinions. But they generally stated that Jesus just fainted after being crucified. His weak condition caused by heat, thirst and loss of blood from his wounds made people presumed that he was already dead. Therefore, his legs were not broken like the two criminals who crucified with him.

Those explanations is reasonable enough. However, there are two other explanations which I think very interesting, the FIRST is Jesus was given a bitter drink through a pole, mixed with the sacred drink Soma from India. With Soma a person could be in a coma-like condition for several days. (Holger Kersten, Jesus Lived in India, Shaftesbury, Dorset, Element Inc., 1994, p. 184). 

The SECOND explanation is the most interesting among all others because It was not invented by scholars, but it was written in the Natha Namawali, the sacred book of a Yoga sect in India.

With the power of Yoga he had learned during his jorney in India, he (Jesus) could survive the crucifixion, and finally, with the help of his spiritual teacher’s power that comes from India, namely Chetan Nath, a master of the Nath sect, he returned to India. He later founded the Ashram monastery situated in the foot of the Himalayas. (Holger Kersten, Jesus Lived in India, p. 20).

The book explained that Jesus saved from death because of the knowledge he had learned during his jorney in India, that is yoga. Yoga teach how to regulate breath and meditation (samadhi). Before his return to Palestine, Jesus spent his youth learning in Hindustan. Jesus’s jorney in India during his youth will be discussed below.

The explanation in Namawali Natha is very interesting because we know that many yoga master have “magical” power. Many able to float several tens centimeters in the air. The story of Jesus could walk on the water probably was a true story. (Note: there is an iguana from the genus Basiliscus in Central and South America that the locals called it iguana Jesus Cristo, since the iguana are able to walk upright in the water).

In addition, there is still many more 'magic' of the yogis, among other that they could be buried for several days and stay alive. We can see in the following quote.

This is also found in the yogi, who buried for several days and live again. All organs of his body remains in such good condition, just stop working, so no substances that came in and out, no need of metabolism. (Dr. Paryana Suryadipura, Man and His Atoms, 1958, p. 105. The author of this book is the former director of Central Hospital of Semarang, Central Java).

Some yogis are able to do extraordinary things. They can meditate as if resemble the dead, all his organs stop working. Metabolism in his body stops. His body remain in good condition, just stopped working so no substance that come in and out and the organs do not need any food. Jesus was likely did similar meditation, and presumed dead by those who witnessed him. After lowered from the cross and taken to the grave, Jesus immediately rescued and his wounds treated by Joseph Arimathea and Nicodemus.

In the Gospel of John 19:39 says that Nicodemus brought myrrh and aloe weighing 40 kg to the grave. Please note that Nicodemus brought medicinal herbs. Several species of aloe can be used for treatment, to accelerate the recovery of injuries and mitigate bleeding, while myrrh can be used for antiseptic (to prevent bacterial infection) and stimulant tonic (medicine to help body recovery). ("Myrrh", Microsoft Encarta Encylopaedia). So, it was not to embalm Jesus body because the Jews knew nothing about tradition to embalm dead bodies. That was Egyptians tradition. Let us see explanations from Mr. Todd Fishel, a member of the Torah Network Shema Israel International Burial Society.

"Jewish Burial Law, along with the rest of traditional Jewish law HAS NOT changed in 2000 years [but more] precisely, 3500 years. You're right: the body is not to be touched except by giving it a ritual bath called a Tahara, standing for purity and then the body is put in the ground in the quickest most simple fashion only available with traditional burial shrouds. "(, Crucifixion, section 2.7).

The Jews DO NOT embalm bodies because their faith teach that the body SHOULD NOT be touched. The body must be bathed according to a ritual called Tahara and then immediately buried only with a shroud without being given spices at all, let alone weighing nearly half hundred pounds.

If Jesus was really dead, he will be bathed and buried only with a shroud. But the four Gospels never mentioned that Jesus’s body Jesus was bathed. If so, Joseph and Nicodemus knew that Jesus was not dead. Therefore, they did not carry a bucket of water to bathe Jesus, but brought about 40 kilograms of medicinal herbs. And the herbs they brought certainly used to heal the Jesus’s wounds, and to accelerate his recovery, not to embalm his body. Impossible, Jewish faith DO NOT teach to embalm body. After Jesus had recovered, they immediately took him out of the grave.

Besides being treated with medicinal herbs, Jesus could quickly recover because it seemed that the healing power of Jesus, which used to treat other persons was also able to heal himself. Jesus lived in India for more than 6 years, and he mastered the science of healing from Yoga traditions, and perhaps Jesus also mastered Reiki healing. We know Reiki tradition is very old, it has existed since 2500 BC. It's quite possible that Jesus who lived in India for years learned it, too. Ladakh, Little Tibet, where Notovich find his book, was belong to Kashmir. Ladakh was not a Tibetan territory controlled by China. It is called Little Tibet because its area is small. And Jesus seemed have a great talent to absorb all the healing technics of Tibet and India so he became very "powerful".

So far, there are areas that rarely touched by modern science and modern medicine, and if you want to explore farther and deeper, you will be able to find the spiritual side of science, and not just the material side that has been explored so far. I myself a Reiki practitioner and I can feel the invisible energy. Believe me. You could try it yourself. But as a muslim, of course, I don’t believe in reincarnation. I regard it only  as a healing technic.

Perhaps we in Indonesia a bit confused about how Joseph Arimathea and Nicodemus could come in and out from the grave and treat Jesus. Actually we don’t need to be confused. Jewish graves at that time was not a narrow pit 2 x 1 meter as we know it in Indonesia, but it was a basement-like grave which had a large chamber (like a crypt) and it could be entered by several people. Such crypt also could have more than one entrance. Joseph Arimathea may entered the grave through another door unknown by the guards. If you ever played game Return to Castle Wolfenstein you certainly could imagine such place because there are level crypt 1 and crypt 2 in the game.

Apart from the question how he escaped from the grave, Jesus indeed saved from death. Afterward Jesus met his disciples with WOUNDS still on his hands and NOT with perfect body as God promised to those who raised from death. If Jesus was resurrected from death by God, then he would get a perfect body without any wounds. There were many saints who died at the hands of the Romans by burning, eaten by lions, beheaded and various other tortures. If they were raised from death without heads, with charred bodies, marked by lion bites or such other scars, then what would happen? It would frighten people.

The wounds on Jesus’ body evidently showed that he did not rise from death, but just recovered from injury. Very simple, right? He laid down, weak from his wounds, and then treated until he recovered. A very simple fact that is really and easy to understand. Even when he met his disciples Jesus asked if they had food. (Luke 24:41-43). This is also reasonable and very human. People ask for food because he felt hungry. And then Jesus ate the grilled fish eagerly. What Jesus did was an evidence that he walked with his mortal body, which can feel hunger and thirst.

Having survived the crucifixion, Jesus still taught his disciple until a very advanced age. I only quoted the sources of the book of the East above. Actually there were church fathers in the West, St. Irenaeus (125-202M) and Father Papias (70-155 AD), which stated that Jesus had a very long age, until the reign of Emperor Trajan. This emperor ascended the throne in 98 AD. At that time Jesus must have reached the age of about 100 years.

Now Jesus was, as it were, beginning to be thirty years old,’(13) when He came to receive baptism); and, He preached only one year reckoning from His baptism. On completing His thirtieth year He suffered, being in fact still a young man, and who had by no means attained to advanced age. Now, that the first stage of early life embraces thirty years (1) and that this extends onwards to the fortieth year, every one will admit; but from the fortieth and fiftieth year a man begins to decline towards old age, which our Lord possessed while He still fulfilled the office of a Teacher, even as the Gospel and all the elders testify; those who were conversant in Asia with John, the disciple of the Lord, [affirming] that John conveyed to them that information. (2) And he remained among them up to the times of Trajan. (3) Some of them, moreover, saw not only John, but the other apostles also, and heard the very same account from them, and bear testimony as to the [validity of] the statement. (Irenaeus, Against Heresies).

We can notice the sentence "but from the Fortieth and Fiftieth year a man begins to decline towards old age, which our Lord possessed while He still fulfilled the office of a Teacher". It clearly states that Jesus reached old age and not just died at age of 30 on the cross. St. Irenaeus also said He suffered, not He died. St. Irenaeus, was born in Smyrna, Asia Minor, and later became bishop of Lyon, France. He was one of early Christian father whose writings are still well respected and often cited by many scholars and clergys until now.

3.2. BBC Four about Jesus Journey to the East

A documentary movie about Jesus who ultimately survived the crucifixion and went back to India also has been broadcast by the BBC entitled “Did Jesus Die”? In an interview published on the BBC website on July 11, 2003, Richard Denton, director and producer of the movie, fully supported the story about Jesus Journey to the East. We can see some of the interview below. I quote only some important issues. If you want to read the full interview please open the BBC website.

BBC Four: Your central question is did Jesus die on the cross rather than did Jesus die at all.

Richard Denton: It is really. I originally wanted to call it The Body of Christ because that seems to me to be the crucial question. Obviously he died at some point, but when and how is the question.

BBC Four: How do you think he might have survived crucifixion?

Richard Denton: Crucifixion took up to three days; the maximum he was on the cross for was nine hours, it might even have been six. And even if you read the gospels Pontius Pilate is clearly surprised that he's already dead and wants to be reassured by the centurion that he really is dead. My personal take on it would be that he goes into a shock induced coma, and probably they thought he was dead.

BBC Four: You make the point that the Ascension isn't actually mentioned in the gospels.

Richard Denton: It's not in any of the original versions of the gospels which is astonishing. It was in the last 16 verses of Mark, which were put in 300 years after and it's inserted, in a sentence, into some versions of Luke because he was assumed to have written the Acts and it's mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles.

BBC Four: If Jesus was revived in this way where then did he go?

Richard Denton: One story is that he gets out and goes to the South of France with Mary Magdalene, there is a certain amount of evidence that she went there. And the other is that he goes to India and there are a number of versions of this. One of which suggests that in fact he had already been to India during the missing years between 12 and 29.

BBC Four: It was very interesting the parallel between the story of the three kings and the search for a reincarnated Lama…

Richard Denton: Absolutely, we explore that and the similarities between the miracles and the teachings of the Buddha and Jesus in the programme. And of course Buddha pre-dates Jesus by about 500 years, so it's not unreasonable that he may have gone to India, learned Buddhist teaching and brought it back. Then when he returns to India after the crucifixion he carries on the ministry in Kashmir until he dies at the age of 80.

BBC Four: And did these feet in ancient times walk upon England's mountains green?

RD: I personally don't think they did walk upon England's mountains green, I think they walked upon Kashmir's mountains green. They may have walked in France for all I know.

I got this interview from the internet some time ago when was revising this articles. So, the story of Jesus' departure to Hindustan was not just a rumor, but also have been broadcasted by the BBC and supported by many competent scholars. Even Prime Minister Nehru wrote it in his book. However, this story is rarely heard by both Muslims and Christians. After reading this articles, it seems we must rethink the interpretations and teachings which we have.

4. Jesus Death

Although Jesus was saved from death on the cross, all human eventually would die. I do believe that Jesus was already dead and we are now going to discuss it. Let's take look at the verse that explain it.

مَا قُلْتُ لَهُمْ إِلَّا مَا أَمَرْتَنِي بِهِ أَنِ اعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ رَبِّي وَرَبَّكُمْ وَكُنْتُ عَلَيْهِمْ شَهِيدًا مَا دُمْتُ فِيهِمْ فَلَمَّا
تَوَفَّيْتَنِي كُنْتَ أَنْتَ الرَّقِيبَ عَلَيْهِمْ وَأَنْتَ عَلَى كُلّ شَيْءٍ شَهِيدٌ

I never said to them except what You commanded me: "Worship God, my Lord and your Lord, and I (Jesus) is a witness for them, while I was among them. So after You make me death, You who watched them. And You are Witness to all things. (Al Maidah 117).

That verse state that Jesus said would take care his people while he was still alive, but when he had passed away, then God himself who would watch them.

When we look at another verses of the Quran, we can see that Jesus had already died. If there is the word "raised" in the verses of the Quran regarding this issue, then certainly he was raised in spirit only. People who died his spirit was lifted.

إِذْ قَالَ اللَّهُ يَاعِيسَى إِنِّي مُتَوَفِّيكَ وَرَافِعُكَ إِلَيَّ وَمُطَهِّرُكَ مِنَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَجَاعِلُ الَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوكَ فَوْقَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا إِلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ ثُمَّ إِلَيَّ مَرْجِعُكُمْ فَأَحْكُمُ بَيْنَكُمْ فِيمَا كُنْتُمْ فِيهِ تَخْتَلِفُونَ
(And remember) when God said: "O Isa, I will make you dead and raise you to Me, and clear the (falsehoods) of the unbelievers, I will make those who follow you above the unbelievers, to the day of resurrection. Then shall ye all return unto me, and I will judge between you of the matters you disputed. (Ali Imran 55)

Please read that verse. Jesus died first and afterward he (his spirit) ascended to heaven. The word mutawaffika means make you death. So, it is clear that Jesus had died and God only raised his spirit to heaven. The word rafa'a can also mean elevate a person’s degree, as in al-Mujadila 11. It is not only mean raise things or objects. Whatever you want to interpret the word rafa'a, the word death is obviously go to the afterlife. However, Jesus NOT died on the cross because after the crucifixion he was still able to go everywhere, including to meet his disciples. If someone has died he no longer able to walk everywhere. It would be scary. For everyone who understand Arabic, you may examine translation of the verses above.

If Jesus didn’t die on a cross,
then when he died? Well, about the place of his death I leave it to the reader to take their own conclusions after reading Jesus Journey to the East.

Now I want to underline interpretations which I have written above. FIRST, it was Jesus who crucified, not Judas as believe by the Muslims. SECOND Jesus did not died on on the cross because he still could walk anywhere and met his disciples with wounds in his hands. And the THIRD Jesus was already dead. Only his spirit are raised, as ordinary human who died in general, while his body was buried in the earth. Or it could be said that rafa'a means that Jesus elevated in his degree by God.

5. The Lost Year of Jesus

Actually, Jesus went to India not only after the crucifixion, but also before that. Therefore we will briefly review Jesus life when he was 13 to 30 years old. This period was never told in the Gospels, and it usually refer to as the lost years of Jesus. The story of Jesus childhood in the Gospel ends when he was 12 years old. Afterward there is absolutely no story about Jesus, as if he disappeared in a thin air, then suddenly appeared again when he was 30 years old. Did Jesus also went to the heaven during his 13-30 years? Certainly no, brothers. There are more plausible explanations.

5.1. Guru Isha Nath

Because it is not mentioned in the gospel, we must look into other ancient books. And these books also come from the East, from the countries that have been mentioned by Prime Minister Nehru.

Nath Yogi mysticism (also called Gorakhath or Navnath), exist at many places in India. They have an ancient Hindu sutra known as Natha Namawali, where there is the story of a holy man named Isha Nath, who came to India at the age of 14 years. After he returned to his homeland and teach the people there, he became a victim of a conspiracy and was crucified.

In contrast to many other Hindu sects, Nath Yogi does not recognize the caste system and the primacy of the Brahmins. They view all people as brothers, and accept membership from all people regardless of status. We certainly can not forget these teachings in common with Jesus' action against the priests of the temple in Jerusalem, against non-Jews, Samaritans and the people who are considered sinful. (Holger Kersten, Jesus Lived in India, p. 20).

It seems who helped Jesus after the crucifixion was his friends from a Yoga sect. Especially when we see that eventhough they are Hindus, they do not recognize caste system and teach that all men are equal. Not much different from Jesus teaching. So, this sect must be followers of Jesus or may simply his friends during his journey in India.

5.2. Gospel According to Notovitch


After looking at the book from a Yoga sect in India, we will continue to see the Old Scroll in Hemis, Ladakh (Little Tibet). A temple that is situated at the foot of the Himalayas mountain, at an altitude about 4000 meters from the sea level. Lama is a Buddhist sect led by the Dalai Lama. I ever watched a kung fu movie Shaolin vs. Lama. And the hostility from Shaolin era seems also passed to the old members of the politburo in Beijing until today.

The Old Scroll in the temple was translated by a Russian historian and journalist, Nicolai Alexandrovitch Notovicth. In English Nicolai is spelled Nicholas. He went to the Himalayas and the surrounding areas in 1887 and Notovicth translation was first published in French in 1895. Notovicth spoke French, and he wrote his works in French or Russian. Lingua franca of Europe at that time was French, not English, so most European scholars could speak French. The book entitled La vie inconnue de Jesus, and in English edition The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ. Some excerpts:

10 When Issa had attained the age of thirteen years, the epoch when an Israelite should take a wife, 11 The house where his parents earned their living by carrying on a modest trade began to be a place of meeting for rich and noble people, desirous of having for a son-in-law the young Issa, already famous for his edifying discourses in the name of the Almighty. 12 Then it was that Issa left the parental house in secret, departed from Jerusalem, and with the merchants set out towards Sind, 13 With the object of perfecting himself in the Divine Word and of studying the laws of the great Buddhas. (Nicolai Notovicth, The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, Chapter IV, 10-13)

It also tells about Jesus wanderings in the holy cities of India.

1 In the course of his fourteenth year, the young Issa, blessed of God, came on this side of Sind and established himself among the Aryas in the land beloved of God. 2 Fame spread the reputation of this marvelous child throughout the length of northern Sind, and when he crossed the country of the five rivers and the Rajputana, the devotees of the god Jaine prayed him to dwell among them. 3 But he left the erring worshippers of Jaine and went to Juggernaut in the country of Orissa, where repose the mortal remains of Vyasa-Krishna and where the white priests of Brahma made him a Joyous welcome. 4 They taught him to read and understand the Vedas, to cure by aid of prayer, to teach, to explain the holy scriptures to the people, and to drive out evil spirits from the bodies of men, restoring unto them their sanity. 5 He passed six years at Juggernaut, at Rajagriha, at Benares, and in the other holy cities. Everyone loved him, for Issa lived in peace with the Vaisyas and the Sudras, whom he instructed in the holy scriptures. (Ibid., Chapter V, 1-5).

After returning from Egypt at 12 years old, Jesus then secretly left her parents' home when he was 13 old to avoid Jewish tradition at the time of marrying his children at a very young age. Jesus then went to India and the surrounding area and arrived at the age of 14 years old. In India, Jesus wandered from one town to another to learn all knowledge there.

Two ancient books that come from two different faiths, the Hindu Nath Yogi and Lama Buddhist, say the arrival of Jesus to India at the same age, 14 years old. Very consistent, right? Actually many more ancient books which mentions Jesus jorney to the Eastern land. Not only one or two books. You may find on the internet about everything related to this issue.

The content of Old Scrolls in the Buddhist temple in Ladakh, Himalaya also confirmed by Hindhu spriritual leaders in Juggernaut (Jagannath) temple, His Holiness Sri Bharati Krishna Tirtha. Jagannath Temple is located at the Bay of Bengal, it was one of the places visited by Jesus during his youth in India. In 1959, the leader of the Jagannath Hindhu stated he had confirmed that by checking the archives in the ancient temple.

That's true. I have studied ancient records in Jagannath Puri temple is noted that. He was known as "Isha," and during the India he had lived in the temple of Jagannath. When he returned to his homeland, he then taught the teachings of which are now known as the Christian religion. (, Nicolas Notovicth, section 4).

Jesus lived among Hindus for 6 years. He taught people regardless of caste or social status of his disciples, even taught the sudras that deemed unworthy and forbidden to listen to the teachings of the Veda.

25 The Vaisyas and the Sudras were filled with great admiration and asked Issa how they should pray so as not to lose their eternal felicity. 26 "Worship not the idols, for they hear you not. Listen not to the Vedas, for their truth is counterfeit. Never put yourself in the first place and never humiliate your neighbor. 27 "Help the poor, support the weak, do ill to no one, and covet not that which thou hast not and which thou seest belongeth to another." (Nicolas Notovicth, The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, Chapter V, 25-27).

Jesus taught lower castes, despite being warned by the Brahmans, even Jesus denounced the Brahmans and the Kshatriya as the lazy who lived in luxury on the suffering of others. (Ibid, Chapter V, 22). The Brahmans joy was eventually turned into anger. They determined to kill Jesus. Jesus eventually forced to flee to the Himalaya and studied Buddhist teachings.

1 The white priests and the warriors, becoming acquainted with the discourses of Issa addressed to the Sudras, resolved upon his death and sent with this intent their servants to seek out the young prophet. 2 But Issa, warned of his danger by the Sudras, left the neighborhood of Juggernaut by night, reached the mountain, and established himself in the country of Gautamides, the birthplace of the great Buddha Sakyamuni, in the midst of a people worshipping the one and sublime Brahma. 3 After having perfected himself in the Pali language, the just Issa applied himself to the study of the sacred writings of the Sutras. (Ibid., Chapter VI, 1-3).

After a long journey in the East, Jesus decided to return to his homeland in Palestine, and arrived around 30 years old. Here's a summary of the story:

After some time, Jesus then returned to his native land. Along the way, in every region in its path anywhere, he defended the rights of the oppressed and fight with the priest class. In a Persian territory, he was considered so disturbing that Zoroastrian priests and catch him and then throw in the evening, with the expectation that he would die eaten by wild beasts. (, Nicolas Notovicth, section 2).

But Jesus made it safely to Palestine, and the elders there asked Isa.

15 The elders then asked: "Who art thou, and from what country cost thou come? We have not heard speak of thee before, and we know not even thy name." 16 "I am an Israelite," replied Issa. "From the day of my birth I saw the walls of Jerusalem, and I heard the weeping of my brothers reduced to slavery and the lamentations of my sisters who were carried away by the pagans. 17 "And my soul was filled with sadness when I saw that my brethren had forgotten the true God. As a child, I left my father's house and went to dwell among other peoples. (Nicolas Notovicth, Chapter X, 15-17).

That is the story of young Jesus before he appeared again in Palestine. He stayed in India and surrounding territories to study and teach people there. After a long journey in foreign lands, he finally returned to Palestine. However, his teaching disliked by Jewish priests and he was crucified. Jesus eventually returned to the East again.

Besides Notovitch translation, Hemis scroll also had been translated by Swami Abhedananda, an Indian who visited Hemis in 1925. Although there are some differences, both translation are essentially not much different. But in Abhedananda’s translation, Jesus sayings that are considered unpleasant to the Hindu teachings are omitted. Abhedananda was a Hindu and a member of the Ramakrishna Society.

The first chapters of this book tell about Moses and Jewish slavery in Egypt. But, there is an interesting story in the last chapters. If the Gospels state that Jewish priests were hostile to Jesus, Notovitch’s book told that it was Pilate who hostile to Jesus. And all the cruelties were perpetrated by Pilate while the rabbi described as good men. Even it states that Jewish priests washed their hands to express their uninvolvement in the crucifixion of Jesus. A quite interesting alternative story.

When reading the last chapters I wondered if this last chapter was invented by Notovicth himself and not the original story as told by the Lama to him. Notovicth was a Russian Jews who converted to Orthodox Christianity. It was commonplace in European countries at that time that all young men were conscripted into military service and Jewish conscrips were treated with utmost brutality by their officers to convert them to Christianity. And the Jews persecution in most European countries for centuries, culminating in the massacre by Hitler during World War II, are mainly due to the influence of the Bible that say the Jews were Jesus murderers. The cruel treatments during his youth may influenced Notovicth deeply that in the last chapter he wrote stories favorable to the Jews so it can reduce the suffering of his fellow Jews in Europe. Actually there are many Jewish writers that do not blame the Jews, and say that Jesus was merely a fictional character and he was never born. So, the story of Jesus' crucifixion by the Jewish priests would never happened. If you ever read a book or an article on the internet which state Jesus was a fictional character, its writers must be a Jew. This is because the racism and cruel treatment they experienced during many centuries in Europe.

Controversy about this issue must be discussed separately because I still have to study thoroughly. I limited it to the story of Jesus youth only. In the meantime you can read opinion of other scholars. You may search them on the internet.

Unfortunately, Notovitch’s translation does not record life and teachings of Jesus after the crucifixion. The story ended with the "body" of Jesus brought by Roman soldiers, and the Jewish people who mourned him. There are two possibilities on this issue. The First, Jesus return to India was recorded by the lamas. This is because the story was written immediately after the crucifixion. Jesus return to India after many years later. Jesus stopped at many places in advance, such as in Afghanistan while the scroll was probably written about a year after the crucifixion, given the distance traveled by traders from Israel to India.

If we can make the picture, the people in India at that time - in Sindh particularly - may soon swarm traders from a distant land who brought the news about Jesus crucifixion. They listened eagerly and asked noisily. Moreover, the scroll narrated that Jesus was quite famous in northern Sindh, so the news about Jesus must attracted much public attention. Among the crowd were probably some Buddhist monks who previously knew Jesus. Afterward they invited the merchants into the temple to tell his story in more detail. And the Buddhist monks then recorded the story. So, the scroll maybe more ancient than the four Gospels.

The second possibility, the story of Jesus return to India may had been recorded by Buddhist monks, but Notovitch not got all the scroll in the temple. Notovitch translated two books, whereas Abhedananda only one book. The priests in Hemis monastery was not always easily allow strangers to read their ancient scroll. Notovitch was given permission only after asked incesantly. This is because of their experiences that strangers were often unkind to them and destroyed their sacred scroll. That is why the Lama priests were reluctant to shows their ancient scriptures to strangers. I hope they will publish the full text of their scroll soon, so history of Jesus in the Eastern land can be more clear and complete. Or perhaps there is an honest researcher who was allowed to photograph/duplicate all pages of the ancient scroll.

There are some people who reject all Notovich stories, and even accused him as a liar and they said he never visited Tibet. In fact, his accusers are the true liars because they want to cover-up the story of Jesus journey, fearing it will get attention more people, as they had been trying to cover up about the truth of the theory of evolution. In his book Jesus Lived in India, Holger Kersten has denied the the accusations.

Or let's say Notovich 100% lied, or even we assume Notovich was never born into this world, never went to Tibet and never translated the ancient scroll. But, would we able then to discard the story of Jesus in India? No way!! As Jawaharlal Nehru said above, Jesus' journey to India is believed by many people in the East and his journey was written in many other ancient books. Among them:

Whether or not Notovitch had ever visited Hemis, there still exists Persian, Tibetan and Sanskrit documents, all of which mention the Sojourn of Jesus in India. The Tarikh-i-Kabir-i-Kashmir, the Bagh-i-Sulaiman, the Ain-ul-Hayat, the Wajees-ut-Tawareekh, the Negaristan-i-Kashmir, the Usool-al-Kafi, the Book of Balauhar and Buddasaf, the Rauzat-us-Safa, Ikmal-ud-Din, the Grugtha Thams Chand, the Bhavishya Mahapurana, the oral traditions of the people of Kashmir, the oral traditions of the Followers of Jesus in Afghanistan, the inscriptions of the Takhat Sulaiman monument in Srinagar, as well as other documents, all mention the Sojourn of Jesus in Kashmir, and none of the ones listed above have any connection whatsoever to the Hemis monastery or to Nicholas Notovitch. (,)

We know that the story of Jesus also found in Natha Namawali, whose contents are consistent with the Old Scroll translated by Notovich. Hindu spiritual leader at the temple of Jagannath also has confirmed the ancient archives of the temple which stated that Jesus had visited Jagannath.

Would we want to burn all the ancient books that prove Jesus' journey to the East? Or would we slaughter all the people in the area mentioned by Prime Minister Nehru that no one can tells the story of Jesus' journey? Or would we also burn the book by Prime Minister Nehru that mention Jesus journey to the East?

Many historical documents, even oral tradition, were obviously proved that the book translated by Notovich is indeed authentic. Moreover, not only Notovich who translated it, but also Abhenanda. Besides them, there are some other people who saw the scrolls. Jesus jorney in India, has also been broadcast on the BBC. See the interview with Richard Denton above.

5.3. Jesus and Eastern Religions

I also want to write a issue that still related, about opinion of some scholars about the impact Eastern religions to Jesus religious views.

Some scholars argued that Jesus was much influenced by the teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism. It is true considering Jesus live in India for a long time. However, this does not mean that Jesus adhered those religions. It seemed more appropriate that Jesus just want to learn from the East. Moreover, Jesus spent his childhood until 13 old with his Jewish parents. We all know that a person's beliefs mostly formed at that age. Essentially, Jesus was still an Israeli prophet who taught monotheism, and Jesus did not much affected by the teaching of Buddhism and Hinduism. In the book The Unknown Life of Jesus there are a lot of verses mentioning that Jesus was taught monotheism and opposed the various beliefs and traditions in India and Persia, including fire-worship and belief in Trimurti.

14 "Their souls were with God, and to commune with the Father they had recourse to the medium of no idol or animal, nor to the fire, as is practiced here. (Nicolas Notovicth, Chapter VIII, 14)

12 Issa denied the divine origin of the Vedas* and the Puranas*. "For," taught he to his followers, "a law has already been given to man to guide him in his actions; *[The Abhedananda version of the Himis transcript does not include this denunciation] 13 "Fear thy God, bend the knee before him only, and bring to him alone the offerings which proceed from thy gains." 14 Issa denied the Trimurti and the incarnation of Para-Brahma in Vishnu, Siva*, and other gods, for said he: *[The Abhedananda version of the Himis transcript does not include this denunciation] 15 "The Judge Eternal, the Eternal Spirit, comprehends the one and indivisible soul of the universe, which alone creates, contains, and vivifies all. (Chapter V, 12-15).

Jesus also against the tradition of the priest and their humans sacrifices to respect idols as did by many people in India, Persia and the surrounding areas.

21 "For to do honor to stones and metals, he sacrifices human beings, in whom dwells a part of the spirit of the Most High. (Chapter V, 21)

15 "Wherefore I say unto you, Leave your idols and perform not rites which separate you from your Father, associating you with the priests from whom the heavens have turned away. 16 "For it is they who have led you from the true God and whose superstitions and cruelties conduce to the perversion of your soul and the loss of all moral sense." (Chapter VI, 15-16)

12 "But," said the priests, "how could a people live according to the rules of justice if it had no preceptors?" 13 Then Issa answered, "So long as the people had no priests, the natural law governed them, and they preserved the candor of their souls. (Chapter VIII, 12-13)

Jesus indeed since the beginning oppose priestly class and human sacrifices because he considered it mislead people from the real truth.

Beside that, there are also some scholars who argue that Jesus taught reincarnation. But, as far as I know, Jesus never taught such thing. Jesus rejected the incarnation of Para-Brahma and other gods. Jesus also against the reincarnation of human spirit into animal’s body.

11 "Even as a father would act towards his children, so will God judge men after their deaths according to the laws of his mercy. Never would he so humiliate his child as to transmigrate his soul, as in a purgatory, into the body of an animal." (Ibid., Chapter VI, 11).

So, it is obvious that Jesus opposed reincarnation as believed by many religions in India. For unknown reasons, the paragraph I quoted above is often overlooked by many western scholars who study Jesus journey in India. And they speculated that Jesus taught reincarnation. Perhaps because many Westerners consider this teaching as something "exotic", primarily for New Age followers. However, we know that reincarnation is one of the basic principles of the caste system. In Hindu teaching, someone become Brahmins, warrior, or sudra is determined by his deeds in the past life. When he did good in his past life he could rise to higher castes. Vice versa if he did many crimes. And human soul also could reincarnated to animals. This resulted in a belief that a person was born harijan or sudra because of his own fault, because of the sin he did in his past life and not because the fault of social structure/varna created by priestly class. This is one of the bad consequences of the teaching of reincarnation. Because Jesus had learned Indian religions, he seemed realized this consequences. Therefore, Jesus rejected reincarnation because he sympatized with the suffering of lower castes in India.

It is also difficult for me to believe in reincarnation. The reason is very simple. Human population in the world today a greater in numbers than, say, a thousand years ago. If all humans were the result reincarnation, of course the number of people were always stable and never increase because the souls also never increase from time to time. Right? However, we know that reality is not so. At first the were only a handful human beings and other living things on earth and then they increased, evolved and proliferated into billions of living things as we know now. So, I think reincarnation is just a philosophical speculation. As well as the speculation that the Brahmins were created from Brahma's head and the sudra from his legs. That contradict the theory of evolution, and not in accordance with science. And you must know that I am an evolutionist .

6. Jesus, Mary and St. Thomas in Eastern Lands

If anyone wants to examine further about this issue he could read it in many other books. I just want to make a preface. Many other books have already discussed it. Perhaps they could reach hundreds book or even more. You can find them on the Internet.

After the crucifixion, Jesus left Palestine because his teachings were not appreciated by the Jews. Jesus also worried if his enemies still pursued him. Jesus then returned to the Eastern lands where he would not face hostility. At first Jesus went to the mountainous Bactria (Afghanistan), to teach the Israelites who lived there. Throughout most ancient Persia history, Afghanistan was a province (satrapi) of Persia. Most languages used in Afghanistan also belongs to the Iranian language family. Ethnic Tajik, which is famous for their commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, their language is not much different from the Iranian.

Those who oppose the story of Jesus journey to the East said that India was too far away from the Middle East and it was impossible for Jesus to make journey there. This argument has no basis at all because trade between the Middle East and India had been running for thousands of years, especially since the conquest of Alexander the Great to northern India in 326 BC. And Jesus went to India with the merchants. See once again above quote. One strong evidence of the close relation between the Middle East and India is the alphabet used by the Indians have the same origin as Latin and Greek alphabet. The alphabet used in India was from the Middle East. (See the article "Alphabet", Indian alphabet, Encyclopedia Britannica). So, Pallawa alphabet, Java alphabet (hanacaraka) and Thailand alphabet are all descendants of the Middle East alphabet. And India not only had close relation with the Middle East, a Brahman from India even supposed to have visited Greece and influenced the ancient philosophy. Pythagoras of Samos practiced vegetarianism and believed in reincarnation, and these are characteristics of religious teachings from Hindustan.

It proves that for thousands years the Middle East had a close relationship with India, and also with Bactria (Afghanistan) which is situated in Northern India. Actually, many Rabbis or ordinary Jews who strayed away from mainstream religious teachings banished into the mountains of Bactria. And Jesus went to Bactria because some of the ten tribes of Israelites who had been considered lost lived there. Jesus traveled with his mother Mary for thousands miles away and then arrived in Afghanistan mountain and taught people there. Jesus lived in Afghanistan for some years, then moved further to the East, to the cool mountainous city of Srinagar. Also with the purpose to teach the Israelites who lived there. Afghanisthan is Kashmir neighbour, and many Israelites also lived there.

6.1. Jesus Marriage

In the Qur'an or Hadith there is no particular story about Jesus wife and descendants, but when it comes to prophets and apostles in general we can read Ar-Raad 38. The verse say that prophets and messengers before Prophet Muhammad also had wives.
And verily We have sent some messenger before you, and We gave them wives and offspring. And there is no right for a messenger to bring sign (a miracle) but with the permission of Allah. For each period is a (particular) book. (Ar-Raad 38).

I also have heard story about Jesus marriage in Palestine. However, since I have not confirm it again, I wont write it here. Therefore, I only narrate the marriage of Jesus in Kashmir. While in Kashmir Isa was offered by King Shalivahana to marry. Jesus at first refused the king’s offer. However, the king insisted and eventuallyJesus chose one of the women to be his wife, her name is Maryan. This is a beautiful ending for Jesus, after experiencing many hard times in his life.

Some people may think that the history of Jesus' marriage as a blasphemy, but we here see it as the most wonderful thing and a beautiful ending in the story of Jesus. Jesus has suffered insults from his own people, where the priest and his scribes conspired to punish him. He was nailed on the cross, a punishment that does not want to be experienced by anyone. Then along the way he continued to teach people, sometimes expelled by the priests (such as the Persian Zoroastrian priests). But, he continued his teaching, at the risk of losing his life he defended the rights of the Sudra in India and against Brahmin priests, as well as he opposed the priest and his scribe in his own homeland.

Then a wise king, a king Shalivahana, who met him and have listened to the teachings of Jesus, pleading for Jesus to marry so he'll have a wife. What's interesting here is not the fact that Jesus will unite with a woman. What's interesting here is that a man who has a lot to teach and share, eventually married a woman he loves and he'll be able to share everything with him. His wife's name is Maryan, according to the existing history in Kashmir. (, The Tomb, section 20).

Jesus life eventually ended with beautiful ending. After many hardships in his life to teach mankind, Jesus finally find happiness and peace in the land of Kashmir. Also respected by the king who reigned there. It was a very beautiful ending indeed.

6.2. Jesus Teachings in Kashmir


After getting married and had children, Jesus kept preaching and teaching the people in Kashmir. The teachings of Jesus in Kashmir during this time much in common with his teaching during in Palestine. Some of them written in the book of Ikmal-ud-Din by Sheikh Sadiq's (died in Khorasan in 962 AD). Sheikh Sadiq was a scholar who traveled in many places and when he was in Kashmir he wrote one of the parable that Jesus taught there.
“When a sower goes to sow and sows, some seeds fall by the wayside, and the birds pick up the seed. Some fall upon stray land, and when they reach the stony foundation they wither away. Some fall among thorns and grow not: but the seed that falls on the good land, grows and brings forth fruit. By the sower is meant the wise, by the seed is meant his words of wisdom. The seeds picked up by birds mean those people who understand not. The seeds on the stony ground are like the words of wisdom that go in one ear and out of the other. The seed that fell among the thorns are like unto those who hear and understand but act not accordingly. Other seeds which fall on good grounds are like those who hear the words of wisdom and obey.” (, The Tomb, section 4).

That is Jesus teaching found in Ikmal-ud-Din by Sheikh Sadiq. The Bible records Jesus’ sower parable in the following manner:

“And he spoke many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up: Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: But others fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear." (Matthew 13:3-9)

Really amazing similarity, isn’t it? So, the Palestinian Jesus and Kashmiri Jesus was indeed the same person because his teaching was exactly the same, by giving parables.

6.3. Tomb of Jesus and Mother Mary

When he reached a very advanced age, more than 80 years old, and some even said to 120 years old, Jesus finally died and was buried in Srinagar. Meanwhile, his mother had died before him and was buried in the city of Mari, Pakistan, and the tomb is known as 'Mai Mari da Astan' (Final-resting Place of Mother Mary). The town's name derived from her name that in several languages called Mary, Maria, or Maryam. 

Srinagar is a city that flowed through by rivers and canals and situated near the beautiful lake Dal. Perhaps that's why it called Srinagar (beautiful country). Famous as tourist destination and many tourists would like to go there on holiday. I have a travel magazine that cover tourist attractions in Srinagar. Good printed magazine with pictures of stunning lake and traditional houseboats. If anyone wants to get there, after reading this article you could go for a vacation to Srinagar, and make pilgrimage to the tomb of Jesus as well. Just pilgrimage of course and not for pesugihan. Jesus himself was not a wealthy person, why would we find pesugihan there? If you want wealth, please visit Uncle Onassis grave, or Mbah Rockefeller’s grave. Or perhaps you may also made a pilgrimage to Oom Liem’s grave. Well, you might became really wealthy, you could even be granted all of his foreign debt. :D

When you visit the tomb of Jesus, you could also visit the tomb of his mother Mary, situated on the border between Kashmir and Pakistan. And these tombs have been visited since centuries ago by pilgrims from various countries. And of various religions.

One ancient manuscript states that the shrine is the tomb of Isa Ruhollah (Jesus, the Spirit of God, Holy Spirit). Thousands of people have made a pilgrimage to this tomb, not only Muslims but also Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. The significance of this sacred tomb is always remembered by the descendants of the Children of Israel to this day and they call it "the tomb of Hazrat Isa Sahib', which means it is the tomb of Lord Jesus. (Holger Kersten, Jesus Lived in India, p. 230).

Children of Israel in this passage were the Israelites who lived in Kashmir. Many of them lived in Kashmir since a long time ago. This can be seen from the word sahib which they use to honor Jesus. Sahib means master in India. While Hazrat approximately has the same meanings. So given the title at the beginning and end of his name, it signify their deep respect to Jesus.

Holger Kersten’s book was interesting enough. However, of course we cannot believe all the things written there, some have a strong basis, but some are hypothesis only. It still needs further examination. And I only take those that have strong basis, including the story of tomb of Jesus because the Jews in Kahsmir called it the tomb Hazrat Isa Sahib. Meanwhile, the native Kashmiris themselves called him Yuz Asaf. In Persian, he also called in the same name. The meaning Yuz Asaf we can see it below.

In the days of Hazrat Isa, when lepers were cured by him, they, on being admitted among the healthy people, were known as Asaph. Thus Hazrat Isa, who cured lepers, also came to be known as yuz-Asaph, for he not only cured them but gathered them under his merciful protection. (Fida Hassnain and Dahan Levi, The Fifth Gospel, 1988)

So, Yuz Asaf and Jesus was the same person. Moreover, Jesus and Yuz pronunciation is not much different. From the same origin, one name can vary according to the tongue of each nation. For example Hebrew name "Johanan", become Yahya (Arabic), John (English), Ian (Scots), Sean (Irish), Hans (Germany), Jean (French), Juan (Spanish) , Evan (Welsh), Ivan (Russia), and ... Joni (Indonesia). It can be very diverse, right? Various other names usually also have diverse forms in each countries.

Christ's tomb lies in Srinagar's old town in a building called Rozabal. Besides the tomb of Jesus, there is also another a grave in Rozabal, the tomb of Sayyid Nasir, a muslim mystic who died in 871 AH. "Rozabal" is an abbreviation of Rauza Bal, meaning "tomb of a prophet". At the entrance there is an inscription Explaining that Yuz Asaf was buried along with another Moslem saint. Both have gravestones which are oriented in North-South direction, according to Moslem tradition. However, through a small opening the true burial chamber can be seen, in which the Sarcophagus of Yuz Asaf in East-West (Jewish) orientation! (

Yuz Asaph was buried at Khanyar on banks of the lake, and the shrine is known as Rozabal. In the year 871 A.H. Syed Nasir-ud-Din, a descendent of Imam Musa Raza was also buried beside the grave of Yuz Asaph. (Fida Hassnain and Dahan Levi, The Fifth Gospel, 1988)

The first quote is from the New Age website. I am not a New Age, I just quote their writings. Dr. Fida Hassnain is a native Kashmiri Muslims who had studied and conducted research on the tomb of Jesus for years. He also wrote several books about his research. He also helped and provide data to Holger Kersten when the Danish researcher visited Kashmir to write his book Jesus Lived in India. The sentence in the book Dr. Hassnain is the content of the decree issued by the Kashmir high court headed by Grand Mufti of Kashmir Fazzil Mullahs in 1194 AH or 1776 AD So, it is not his invention, but simply quoting the decree issued officially by the high court of Kashmir. The decree also stated that Jesus came to Kahsmir during the reign of King Gopadatta in 79-109 AD. You can see full contents of the decree in the

Mullah Nadiri, a historian of Kashmir in his book Tarikh-i-Kashmir, also claimed that the book of the Hindus in India also mentioned Yuz Asaph, and the prophet who came to the King Gopadatta was indeed Jesus.

“During this time Hazrat Yuz Asaf having come from Bait-ul Muqaddas [the Holy Land] to this holy valley proclaimed his prophethood. He devoted himself, day and night, in [prayers to] God, and having attained the heights of piety and virtue, he declared himself to be a Messenger [of God] for the people of Kashmir. He invited people [to his religion]. Because the people of the valley had faith in this Prophet, Raja Gopadatta referred the objection of Hindus to him [for decision]. It was because of this Prophet’s orders that Sulaiman, whom Hindus called Sandeman, completed [the repairs of] the dome. [The year was] Fifty and four. Further, on one of the stones of the stairs he [Sulaiman] inscribed: ‘In these times Yuz Asaf proclaimed his prophethood,’ and on the other stone of the stairs he also inscribed that he [Yuz Asaf] was Yusu, Prophet of the Children of Israel.

“I have seen in a book of Hindus that this prophet was really Hazrat Isa [Jesus], the Spirit of God, on whom be peace [and salutations] and had also assumed the name of Yuz Asaf. The real knowledge is with God. He spent his life in this [valley]. After his departure [his death] he was laid to rest in Mohalla Anzmarah. It is also said that lights of prophethood used to emanate from the tomb of this Prophet. Raja Gopadatta having ruled for sixty years and two months, [then] died…”

It became more obvious that Jesus had reached the mountains of Kashmir and Afghanistan to preach to the children of Israel who lived there and he eventually died there. Even in the tomb are carved stone of human foot that had nailed scars. And the scars on these sculptures have the same characteristics with the wounds found on the shroud of Turin (Turin Shroud), which is believed by some scholars as the linen wrappings of Jesus shortly after lowered from the cross.

Inside is a rock carving showing bearing feet crucifixion wounds, which, it is argued, are in a position identical with the unusual crucifixion wounds on the Shroud of Turin. ( "Rozabal", Wikipedia). Read also The Shroud of Turin and the "DNA of God?",

The existence of a sculpture that obviously indicated that the person buried there not a native of Kashmir since the death penalty on the cross was never enforced in Kashmir and the surrounding areas. It indicates that the person was from a Roman controlled territory.

The Shroud of Turin was still much debated about its authenticity. However, most likely the shroud is authentic considering that in medieval times there is no artist who understands human anatomy, or an expert in such details as portrayed on the shroud. Knowledge of human anatomy in medieval age was still too primitive to be able to draw such detailed like on the shroud of Turin. It is likely that the shroud is genuine. And the signs are scars on the shroud indicates that the scar is roughly equal to the feet sculptures found in the tomb of Rozabal.

6.4. St. Thomas Journey to The East

To make the reader more convince about Jesus journey to India, before I end this article, I want to narrate the journey one Jesus disciples to the East. He was St. Thomas. The word Thomas comes from Aramaic te'oma (twins”. The Syrian called him Judas Thomas or Judas the twins. (Note: Please distinguish it from Judas Iscariot). The first name Yehuda/Judah (Judas in Latin) is a common name used by the Jews to this day. Acta Thomae (Gospel of Thomas) mentioned that he was the younger brother of Jesus and his face was very similar to Jesus that people could be difficult to distinguish their faces. Acta Thomae is a Gospel which tells the journey of St. Thomas and his brother, Jesus, to the East. It was written by contemporary Christian.

The story of Thomas journey to India also mentioned in some popular encyclopedias, including Britannica. Actually Thomas accompanied Jesus to the Eastern lands, but he then made his own mission. At first, Thomas went to the Persian empire, to the Parthian province (now located in Khorasan), a border region with Afghanistan. The Parthian ruled Iran after successfully overthrew the Macedonian dynasty, descendants of Seleucus, one of the Alexander’s general. Thomas also had been ordered to build palace for the king of Parthia, King Gondophernes, because Thomas was a carpenter. However, Thomas did not want to build a palace, he ended up handing out the money to the poor and orphans.

From Persia, Thomas wandered farther in to the East. Even further than Jesus himself. If Jesus only came to Northern India, Thomas went down to the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent, to the Malabar coast and eventually died and was buried in Madras, the city now became the capital of Tamil Nadu state, a region neighboring Sri Lanka. Not too far from Indonesia. Banda Aceh-Madras distance is about 1900 km. Almost equal to the distance of Banda Aceh-Jakarta, which is about 1800 km. So, if you go to India you could visit three shrines at once, the tomb of Jesus, Mary and Thomas.

7. Conclusion

Finally, to end this article, once again I want to quote this verse.

وَجَعَلْنَا ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ وَأُمَّهُ ءَايَةً وَءَاوَيْنَاهُمَا إِلَى رَبْوَةٍ ذَاتِ قَرَارٍوَمَعِينٍ

And We made the son of Mary and his mother as a Sign: We gave them both shelter on a high land, peaceful and furnished with springs. (al-Mukminun 50)

You may compare my translation with the official version. Especially the second sentence. This is just a translation and I did not give it any additional interpretation or anything. I hope my translation is more correct. If there is any mistakes, we can correct it together anytime.

After reading this story, you may discuss it with your friend at home, at school or at work. Or if anyone would seriously examine it, he may go directly to Srinagar to do more research. As I said above, I just ask you to think it, I am not to indoctrinate anyone.

Whether you agree or disagree with this story, it’s fine. At least I have tried to improve the translation of some of Quran verses related to this story. Minimizing additional words that are not present in the original text and put back the words that have been omited, so it would become closer to its meaning in the original text in Arabic.

That’s the story of Jesus in India. After the crucifixion Jesus went to the East and finally died "in the serene mountains of Kashmir which have many rivers and lakes with clear water". Qaraar original meaning is stable or fixed. And from the same basic word also produced the words that means stability and tranquility, synonymous with the word sukuun. However, I translate it as peaceful. Indeed there is also translation of al-Quran in English which translate it as peaceful. While the word pastures do not exist at all in the Quran original text. So, I delete it. From which source the translators find the word pastures? However, we need to know that qaraar is derived from qarra that means cool or cold. It seems quite appropriate to describe the atmosphere in the Kashmir valley, a high land in the Himalayas that has peaceful and cool air, the last place where Jesus taught his disciples, The Ten Lost Tribe of Israel.

Yogyakarta-Central Java, December 2003

Revised: August 2005


Only in quiet waters things mirror themselves undistorted.

Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.