
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Replacing Salafi Radicalism of Ibn Taymiyyah and Occasionalism of al-Ghazali with Causality of Ibn Rushd

By: Helmi Junaidi

He was born in Cordoba, then the capital of al-Andalus, in 1126. His real Arabic name was Ibn Rushd Al-Qurthubi, or "of Cordoba", and we can admire his statue today, just outside the medieval walls. He is wearing a turban and elegant beard and beautiful pointed slippers, and he seems to be getting up from his seat to welcome a visitor, perhaps to tell him the tale of the sadly forgotten love affair between the Arab peoples and the noble art of philosophy. (Wijdan al-Shommari, “The Philosopher of Cordoba”)

- Foreword
- Causality
- Averoes, A Great Muslim Philosopher Who Planted the Seeds of the European Renaissance.
- Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Natural Laws
- Influence of Philosophy to the Destiny of A Nation
- Abracadabra
- Western Scientists and "Superstition
- The Ability of Human Intellect is Unlimited
- Conclusion
- Endnote


Before the Iranian revolution, movements in the Middle East were dominated by leftists. But since the beginning of 1980s, after the Iranian revolution, the trend began to change because Islamic movements in both Sunni and Shia countries became very confidence. Because they saw that Islam can inspire a revolutionary movement to overthrow a corrupt and tyrannical regime. Hundreds of thousands masses who took Iranian streets turned out to be no less inspiring than the proletarian masses of Marxism style. Moreover, Islam is a native religion in the Middle East and has strong roots there, so the Iranian revolution easily influenced many people in the Middle East. This is really different from Marxism which is a foreign ideology and teach atheism, making it very difficult to take root in the common people of the Middle East, who most of them conservative Muslims.

At that time, the Islamic revolution in Iran really make the world into an uproar. America and Europe became worry, and one cause of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was to prevent the spread of the Iranian revolution influence to Central Asia. And we know, Iranian hijab (veil) style spread like mushrooms throughout the Islamic world, both in Sunni and Shia countries, including here in Indonesia. Hijab in Indonesia today is influenced by Iranian revolution. Before that, Indonesia women wore traditional native veil and kebaya (abaya).

This phenomenon, a shift from left to Islamic movement also influenced the Palestinians. Hamas was founded in 1987 and rapidly competed with the PLO. Eventually, it reduced the influence of the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) which was then the most radical organization in Palestine. At that time PFLP was the second largest faction in the PLO after Fatah, its members and leaders were mostly Palestinian Christians.

Most Palestinian Christians joined the radical leftist movement. Various airplanes hijacking in the 1970s, including in Entebbe, Munich Olympics attack, and many other actions have always masterminded by PFLP or at least implicate its elements. Some of their attacks also involving the legendary figure Carlos the Jackal.
  Some Latin Americans, the Japanese Red Army, or communist agents from Eastern Europe often involved in the movements in the Middle East. Some of them romantically involved with Palestinian fighters, such as Fusako Shigenobu, the leader of the Japanese Red Army who married a PLFP fighter. The bond between them is relatively strong because they had the same ideology and they feel obliged to fight against Israel and US imperialism. In fact, one of the goals of Isa (Jesus) and his comrades to storm Munich Olympics game was to demand the release two members of the Red Army Faction, which also known as the Baader-Meinhof group, a communist movement in the West Germany. Many old figures in the Middle East such as Saddam Hussein, Hafez al-Assad, Qaddafi, were leftist although they were not communists, but socialists. The only country in the Arab world that adopted communism was South Yemen. But, after Iranian revolution the trend changed. Leftist movements were no longer atttactive in the Middle East. And finally, at the end of the cold war all communist countries in Eastern Europe collapsed, and it proved the failure of communism.

PFLP was replaced by Hamas. Amal, once a very popular Shia secular movement in Lebanon was replaced by Hezbollah. And so on. But, the problem is.... leftist radicalism slowly replaced by Salafi radicalism. A puritan and extreme version of Islam inspired by the teachings of Ibn Taymiyya, including that adhered by Taliban, al-Qaeda and Isis today. A western media called Isis as "Islamic Khmer Rouge" because of its brutality.

Islamic radicals today claim that they are followers of Salafs teachings, the followers of prophet companions and early generations of Islam. But, in fact they violate all the rules of war of the Salaf, such as Caliph Abu Bakr advices below when he sent Islamic Army to battle.
Do not betray, do not corrupt, do not deceive and do not persecute. Do not kill children, the elderly or women. Do not cut or burn palm groves, do not cut fruit trees, do not slaughter sheep, cows or camels except for food. You will meet people that devote themselves living in monasteries; leave them alone, do not disturb them. (Muhammad Husain Haekal, Abu Bakar As-Shidiq, terj. Ali Audah, Jakarta, Litera Antar Nusa, p. 81-82)
We know that Abu Bakr was a Salaf, even he was one of the most loyal companion of Prophet Muhammad. However, today all of his advices above are violated by Islamists radical who usually use brutal tactics, bomb and massacre everyone, even small children. Whose teachings do they follow actually? The Islamic Army during the caliphate of the Salafs (Khulafaur Rashidin) used forgiveness strategy to win the war, they never terrorized people to win the war. The always forgave defeated enemies, so the enemies who still had not surender became easily laid down their arms because their safety were guaranteed if they surender. This was in accodance with the Prophet Muhammad's tradition during Fathul Makkah (Liberation of Mecca). He forgave all Mecca residents and let them free. Such strategy obviously much different from Isis today who terrorize people to make them surender.

Historical site of ancient civilizations in Iraq and Syria were also safe and never destroyed by the first four caliphs (Khulafaur Rashidin), they also remained intact under Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates. There was no single statue or historical site of Babylonian, Sumerian, Egyptian or Persian that destroyed by Islamic Army. And we must know that Khulafaur Rasyidin WERE true Salafs who Islamist today claim to follow. Even statues of pharaoh in Egypt that in the Qur'an clearly referred to as mushrik (infidel) did not destroyed by the Caliphs, even during Caliph Umar reign who was famous for his harsh character. All ancient sites remained intact under Khulafaur Rashidin. Have we ever read a history book that mention the destruction of statues and archaeological sites by Caliph Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman or Ali? Never. But now all historical sites are about to be destroyed by Isis. Are they really followers of the Salafs and Khulafaur Rashidin? Or are they barbarian followers of Genghis Khan, who slaughtered everyone in their path and destroyed all fine civilizations? What caliphate exactly do they want to build, a salafi Caliphate such as the wise Khulafaur Rashidin's or a "caliphate" a la Genghis Khan? Or would they accuse the four caliph as infidels and apostates because they let all infidel statues in ancient sites in Irak, Syria, Persia, Egypt and many others remain safe and intact?

Today radical Sunni movements are endemic everywhere. Islamist movements that originally inspired by the Iranian revolution slowly with the changing of generation turn hostile to Iran. Hostility between Sunni and Shia that previously did not exist in 1980s, today spread throughout the Islamic world. It mainly due to Saudi Arabia propaganda with billions of petrodollars that they spend all over the world. The result is the growth of radical Salafi everywhere who adhere the teachings of Ibn Taymiyyah, the teachings that adhere in Saudi Arabia. And one of the main characteristics of the salafi today is the same as the characteristics of the Saudi government, that is very hostile to Shia. Since the Iranian revolution, Saudi Arabia has become the arch enemy of Iran. Because Iran is anti monarchy in the Gulf countries and regarded them as mere western puppets, not much different from Shah Iran regime .

Another important thing to note is the shift of ideology. In the 1980s, Sunni Islamists embraced a relatively democratic ideology, they wanted to build an Islamic republic in which a president and majlis members are elected by the people for a limited period such as in Iran. However, this has changed and Sunni Islamists today are usually anti-democracy. It is not clear when and how they elect a leader and majlis members. Self-elected like Baghdadi? Well, if so, I myself will elect me to become a caliph. LOL. My friends also can elect themselves. Self-elected you know, everyone can elect himself. If someone don't agree with me I would behead him. And my friends who elect themselves would behead me if I don't agree with their election. Self-elected. Everyone can elect himself! Everyone, every warlord, every general, every chieftain can elect himself. Then, the whole world will descent into chaos....

But, not only Sunni Islamist movement who has change its ideology, Iran today also has changed. Iran become counter revolutionary force who support bloodthirsty dictator in Syria. Assad dinasty is not  much different from Shah Iran dinasty. Iran reactionary and sectarian policy today certainly make Iran lose support in most Muslim countries which previously always sided with Iran. Iran even call FSA as terorist organization. This is ridiculous.

Puritanism of Ibn Taymiyya in medieval age, which is now continued by his followers, want to make Islam glorious and victorious. But, does it work? Well, we all know that the answer is big no. A country that has long adopted Ibn Taymiyya's teaching like Saudi Arabia until today is not a developed country. They have billions of petrodollar capital and should be able to build develop anything they want. Saudi Kingdom is older than Republic of Indonesia. They much richer and older, but until now they are unable to build an advanced and developed country, or a hi-tech country. The teachings of Ibn Taymiyyah is indeed unable to make Islam prevail in all fields. Saudi still lag behind in technology, science, education, manufacture and military. All high-tech and military equipments are still imported from the United States and Europe. And for many years to come I think the situation will not be different. Unfortunately, in the Islamic world the trend is more and more Muslims revere the teachings of Ibn Taymiyyah. But, it really proved unable to make Muslims technologically advanced like Western Europe or North America, even with billions of petrodollar capital in their hands. How about the countries that don’t have petrodollar like Egypt, Algeria and others? They would descend into Stone Age. How can they become advanced in science and technology if they are against causality? It is impossible.

Therefore, we need to change the trend, which is now endemic everywhere. Where will we change the trend? Like the title above, is to change the trend toward the teaching of Averoes (Ibn Rushd) that teach rationalism and causality. Because only Ibn Rushd's teachings that will make Islamic World progress. The teaching of Ibn Rushd will make Islamic world awake again. It will make Renaissance in the Islamic world just as it had done in Western Europe five centuries ago.


One of the most importand ideas of Ibn Rushd's is his support for causality. This is a contrast to al-Ghazali who opposed causality and supported occasionalism. A heated debate between Averroes and al-Ghazali subsequently brought an enormous impact to the fate of each of their follower. If we use a rather bombastic word, the impact is gigantic.

Actually there were also many other things that being debated by Averroes and al-Ghazali, such as eternity of the universe, spiritual or physical resurrection, God knows general or special events and many others. But, I am not interested in discussing them because they are no longer relevant. They have nothing to do with the fate of the Muslims and the advancement of science. If I write them here you would be tired and sleepy. The most important thing to be discussed right now is about rationalism and causality because it is still relevant. Only this one, and it was discussed in Ibn Rushd’s Tahafut al-Tahafut. In English it is translated as The Incoherence of the Incoherence. (Ibn Rushd, The Incoherence of the Incoherence)

In Indonesia causality is also known as the law of cause and effect (hukum sebab dan akibat). In Arabic it is called 'ilat wa ma'lul. To explain causality, I will quote from the following article because it is easy to understand.

Causality in philosophy is that everything has a cause. For the cause of event B must fulfill three conditions:

A occurs before B.

Which always happens is B.

A and B are close in time and space.

After several observations, we generalize that because A always result in B, in the future it will always remains the same. This means we can establish a law, (or in physics we can establish a physical formula). (Jalius HR, “Sebab – Akibat (kausalitas)

Scientific experiment in every field always have causality as its foundation. For example, someone has a theory that boiled water always evaporates. Okay, we will test it. We repeat the test many times and its result is always the same. It means his theory is correct. Conversely, if someone theorize that boiled water will evaporates, but after many experiments it froze, remains liquid and so on, it means that his theory is wrong.

A cause always produces a consistent effect. That is what we called causality. All scientific experiments basically obey causality. Besides advocated by Ibn Rushd, causality also supported by Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Causality is one of the greatest contributions of philosophy to science. Science makes causality as its basis. In medicine for instance, we also must obey causality. If a particular medicine does not always provide a cure for a particular disease, it would be chaotic. Therefore, a particular medicine should have certainty as a cure for a particular disease. And all events in nature also obey causality, such as fire always burn and water always wet. (Lato Hardi, “Problematika Kausalitas dalam Pandangan Al-Ghazali dan Ibnu Rusyd”)

Unfortunately, Al-Ghazali was against causality, the basis of all scientific experiments, and he support occasionalism. Occasionalism considers A to B just as habit and can be changed arbitrarily according to the will of God. According to al-Ghazali, God is a dictator who ruled without law. There is no law and certainty in this universe. Because A does not necessarily lead to B, but it can become C, D, E, and so on. It means the boiled water should not necessarily change into steam, but it may freeze, remains liquid and so on, as long as God wishes so.

Another example, someone who eat dates would remain hungry, but someone who don’t eat dates could be satiated if God wishes so. Someone who drink water could remain thirsty, someone who don’t drink water his thirst could disappear if God wish so. There is no cause and effect. Everythings take place in magic. An interesting article on this subject see  "The Triumph of traditionalism" in The Guardian.

In his book Tahafut al-Falasifa, al-Ghazali himself said as follows.

According to us the connexion between what is usually believed to be a cause and what is believed to be an effect is not a necessary connexion; each of two things has its own individuality and is not the other, ‘ and neither the affirmation nor the negation, neither the existence nor the non-existence of the one is implied in the affirmation, negation, existence, and non-existence of the other-e. g. the satisfaction of thirst does not imply drinking, nor satiety eating, nor burning contact with fire, nor light sunrise, nor decapitation death, nor recovery the drinking of medicine, nor evacuation the taking of a purgative, and so on for all the empirical connexions existing in medicine, astronomy, the sciences, and the crafts. For the connexion in these things is based on a prior power of God to create them in a successive order, though not because this connexion is necessary in itself and cannot be disjoined-on the contrary, it is in God’s power to create satiety without eating, and death without decapitation, and to let life persist notwithstanding the decapitation, and so on with respect to all connexions. The philosophers, however, deny this possibility and claim that that is impossible. (al-Ghazali-Tahafut al-Falasifa)
Al-Ghazali's opinions denied by Ibn Rushd in his book al-Tahafut Tahafut. Ibn Rushd wrote his commentaries after he quoted al-Ghazali. He answered it point by point. Presumably because of his painstaking and detailed commentaries, Ibn Rushd in Western Europe was called as The Great Commentator, especially for his works on Aristotle commentaries.

Al-Ghazali's opinion about power of God is indeed magical and "abracadabra". He also said that someone who was beheaded could remain alive as long as God wish so. There is no law and certainty in the universe, no cause and no effect. And this occasionalism, this irational teaching of al-Ghazali that have been adopted by billions of Muslims until today. And after the victory of al-Ghazali’s occasionalisme over Ibn Rushd’s causality, the Islamic world descended into Dark Ages. Scientific progress in Baghdad and Cordoba eventually became stagnant. And during the subsequent centuries, even until modern times, Muslims sank into an abyss. Muslims who previously shined in every fields of science then overtaken by Western Europeans who adhere Ibn Rushd’s causality, the teaching that state there is a fixed law in the universe, there is a certainty in the universe.

Ibn Rushd said that "whoever refuses cause, it means he refuse reason." Because knowledge of the effect depends on its cause. If the cause is unknown or because it is ambiguous, then it cannot set a science. And that means we will never acquire knowledge.

Furthermore, Ibn Rushd said.
Now intelligence is nothing but the perception of things with their causes, and in this it distinguishes itself from all the other faculties of apprehension, and he who denies causes must deny the intellect. Logic implies the existence of causes and effects, and knowledge of these effects can only be rendered perfect through knowledge of their causes. Denial of cause implies the denial of knowledge, and denial of knowledge implies that nothing in this world can be really known, and that what is supposed to be known is nothing but opinion, that neither proof nor definition exist, and that the essential attributes which compose definitions are void. The man who denies the necessity of any item of knowledge must admit that even this, his own affirmation, is not necessary knowledge. (Ibn Rushd, The Incoherence of the Incoherence)
This is true. Because science need a real basis. Science requires proof, and not just based on opinion or gossip without proof.

Eventually, because Muslims follow the teachings of al-Ghazali that anti causality, they never know science. And they became poor and backward. Living in the world of magic and superstition. And superstition, as we know it, just based on gossip which is never clearly proved. Conversely, Western Europeans who embrace Ibn Rushd's causality and requires positive proof become very advanced in science. Europeans then repelled Muslims everywhere and in any field. In economy, culture, science and technology, also in military. Many Islamic countries were under the yoke of European colonialists for hundreds of years and they became independence again just recently in the twentieth century. However, until now Muslims remain colonized indirectly by Europe (and the United States) in many fields. That mainly because Muslims are not willing to embrace causality. Because they againts positive proof, and still love superstition without proof.

If we adhere causality, would it erode the power of God? God Almighty will never lose His Power just because humans adhere causality. In fact, in accordance with causality, in the Qur'an itself Allah says that His Sunnah will never change and distorted. The following verse is quoted by Ibn Rushd when he describe causality in his book al-Tahafut Tahafut.

Thou wilt not find for Allah's way (sunatullah) any substitute, nor wilt thou find for Allah's way (sunatullah) aught of power to change. (QS. al-Fatir 35:43). 

That is the word of Quran. And do you think God wants his people advanced in science or backward? I believe God love clever people and hate stupid/backward people. Right? If there is someone who think that God love backward people, then he must be a stupid person.

There is a famous hadith: "A strong Muslim is better and beloved by Allah than a weak Muslim." Of course this hadith meant strong in any field, in economics, culture, science, technology and military.

Or let's say we embrace the teachings of al-Ghazali that Allah has the power to create miracles and His will is not necessarily in accordance with causality. But, do miracles occur every day? Certainly not. Do we must pray every morning and expecting miracles of God that makes us full without breakfast? Everyone knows that in order to be full (effect), man need to have breakfast (cause). There is no miracle that occurs every day. If any, a miracle only come every one thousand year. So,  man must fill his stomach every morning without expecting miracle!

In his everyday life man is obliged to embrace causality. To be full (effect) man must have breakfast (cause). There is no miracle that comes every morning, let alone for billions of human being every day. Never. Every morning suddenly all men become full without breakfast. It is impossible! Even animals know this, they know that they cannot expect miracles of God every day. Tiger and lion hunt every day, they do not expect miracle from God. Goats and sheep also graze in the pasture everyday to fill their stomachs. Goats and sheep also never expect God miracle every day. Then, why humans who always claim that they are the most intelligent creature in the world become more stupid than animals? Indeed, more stupid than animals.

So, if Muslims want to become advanced in science and technology, and become clever, they must leave occasionalism al-Ghazali that is superstitious and irrational. They must switch to embrace Averoes rational teaching of causality. There is no miracle that comes every morning. Even goats, toads and sheeps know it. Are humans more stupid than toads? If someone wants to wait the coming of a miracle every one thousand years, then as Lennon said, “don’t count me on”. Never.

If Muslims embrace Averroes rational teaching, then beside they no longer adhere occasionalism al-Ghazali, they will automatically leave radical teaching of Ibn Taymiyya. Because most Ibn Taymiyya’s followers are recent convert from al-Ghazali’s followers, including in the Middle East, Europe, and here in Indonesia. Really, many Muslims only recently embrace Ibn Taymiyyah's teaching, and it is because the flood of salafi books and abundant petrodollars from Saudi into mosques worldwide. If Muslims follow Ibnu Rushd, they also will adhere a more compassionate form of Sharia because Ibnu Rushd said:
If there is a difference among scholars about the Mercy of God, always choose the side of mercy.
This is certainly very different from Ibn Taymiyya's teaching who always support cruel and merciless form of punishment.

Averoes, A Great Muslim Philosopher Who Planted the Seeds of the European Renaissance.

Averoes (Ibn Rushd) was a Muslim philosopher from Cordoba, Spain. The Arabic name of the city is Qurthuba. Therefore, his last name is al-Qurtubi, which means from Cordoba. Or Ibn Rushd al-Qurtubi. It was also hometown of a famous author of Quran commentary, Tafsir al-Qurthubi. Both of them were followers Malikite school just as most Muslims in Spain and North Africa. Ibn Rushd was born in 1126, and Imam al-Qurtubi in 1214. However, Imam al-Qurtubi spent much of his adulthood and old age in Alexandria, Egypt, because in 1236 Cordoba was captured by King Ferdinand of Castile after he besieged the city for months. Less than half a century after the death of Ibn Rushd, Cordoba that shined for centuries under Muslim rule then seized by the Christians.

Today, the name of Averoes is still well known among Muslims. Unfortunately, Muslims generally only know his name, but not his teachings. Ibn Rushd was a Muslim scholar and philoshoper who strongly defended philosophy, causality and rationalism againts orthodox teachings. Eventually Averoes teachings spread and adopted throughout Western Europe. In his book al-Tahafut Tahafut Averoes opposed all al-Ghazali opinions related to philosophy and causality. He considered al-Ghazali thoughts ambiguous. In the article "Impact of Interaction Between Civilizations To the Advancement of Science" in this book I also wrote about this debate. I wrote that article a few months before this article. You may also read it.

About Sufi on the article I just want to convince the readers that it is al-Ghazali teaching that most influential in the Islamic world today. But, I am not anti-Sufi, except about wahdat al-wujud because I think it is impossible. Wahdatul al-wujud is such as adopted by Al-Hallaj and Sheikh Siti Jennar (in Java, Indonesia) who think that man can unite with God. I think this is impossible. How could a man who never be free from sin can unite with God the Most Holy? Someone who agree with this kind of teaching must be extremely narcissistic because they consider themselves can be totally free of sin. Whoever he is. If he is a sheikh, then we can call him Sheikh Narciss.

However, al-Ghazali's teaching that we don't need to embrace any longer is his anti-rationalism and anti-causality. Causality also be can be referred to as natural laws.

Al-Ghazali combine Sufism with Occasionalism. It seems that from now on we better combine Sufism with causality. Occasionalism opens opportunities for all-kind of superstitious and irrational thinking. And it make Muslim world become backward. In causality everything must be proved, wheter it is true or wrong. If it is proved true then we can take it, if it is proved wrong we must throw it away. If Muslims want to become advanced in science and technology they must adhere causality.

Combining causality with Sufism, I think this is more beautiful.

Ibn Rushd's teachings on causality and others then spread throughout Europe and initiated the awakening of a new era in Western Europe, the Renaisance. In pre-Renaissance, or commonly referred to as the Dark Ages, the European continent was full of superstition, demons and magic. But, after the works of Ibn Rushd and other Muslim scientists translanted and learned by Western Europeans, then the Dark Ages in Europe became the Age of Enlightenment, min adz-dzulumati ilaa an-nuur, so a scholar called Ibn Rushd as the "Great Muslim Philosopher Who Planted the Seeds of the European Renaissance."

I include Internet links of the endnotes number nine if the readers want to learn more. One of them is from the BBC, in which the host talked with three scholars about Ibn Rushd as the philoshoper who spread the seed of the European Renaissance. There is another link on youtube of the same BBC broadcast if you wants to download it more easily. If you want to download it to your mobile phones, you can use videoder. It is a very light and useful application.

If some readers are not satisfied with those links and want to find other references you can browse yourselves. Just google it with keyword "Averoes Renaisance" or "Ibn Rushd Renaisance. I believe the result will not be different. Beside planting the seeds of the European Renaissance, Ibn Rushd’s teachings also eventually displace Church's influences from the daily life of ordinary Europeans, and in Wikipedia he is called as the "founding father of secular thought in Western Europe".
Averroes had a greater impact on Christian Europe: he has been described as the "founding father of secular thought in Western Europe". (Averoes, Wikipedia)
So, the father of secularism in Western Europe is actually a Muslim Arab. But, I don't want to write about the controversy of secularism versus religion here, but I just want to write about Ibn Rushd influence. Another article below explained more detail about the influence of Ibn Rushd to the rise of the Renaissance in Europe.
In Latin Christianity, the commentaries were translated into Latin from the Hebrew, fed the heresies of Siger of Brabant and the rationalism of the Italian school of Padua, and threatened the foundations of Christianity.

During the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Latin orientated-Averroism had far-reaching consequences for medieval and modern social thought, hardly foreseeable by the medieval scholastics. It established "a tradition in which it became possible to question the status of religion" (Daniel, 107); and from the end of the twelfth century to the end of the sixteenth century Averroism remained the dominant school of thought, in spite of the orthodox reaction it created first among the Muslims in Spain and then among the Talmudists, and finally, among the Christian clergy. These were the centuries that witnessed revolutions in the evolution of social thought, with medieval Islamic sources always providing the background.

The results were monumental in Western history. It is suggested that Harold Nebelsick puts it well. He discusses the achievements of the Arab-Islamic scholars and how they "appropriated, appreciated and preserved Greek classical learning and built upon it", and "thus, laid the foundations for a quite unprecedented revival of learning in Europe" (p. ix). And, "The results were the Renaissance in the thirteenth century, the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century, and eventually the rise of modern science in the seventeenth". (The Editorial Team, “Ibn Rushd: Harmony of Theological & Philosophical (Scientific) Truth”)

That's history. The man who planted the seeds of the Western Europe Renaissance was actually a Muslim Arab. Of course, there were many other Muslim scholars and scientists who contibuted to the rise of the European Renaisance. However, Ibn Rushd’s contribution was the greatest. Therefore, Averoes was the only Muslim philosopher who was painted by Rafael in his School of Athens.

Perhaps some readers still doubt it, that Islamic world have great influence on Western civilization. Well, it is true, even in music. For example, some popular European musical instruments such as rebec and violin are descendant of Arab rabab. Even banjo, an American folk instrument, also descended from Arabic instrument lute (al-'ud), via Muslim countries in East Africa such as Senegal. Please search the internet with keyword "griot and banjo" or "Senegal and banjo"  During Medieval times, Rome and Athens no longer existed. Both ancient cities had been neglected and laid in ruin for centuries, invaded and occupied by various barbarian hordes. Western European did not learn mathematic, philosophy, music and others from Greek or Roman professors. No. They learned science, music and philosophy from Arab professors at Arab universities. Please browse the internet yourselves about this topic, so it  will make you more convince. You are free to read any reference you want. And you will find that Western Europeans really learned science, math, music, etc. from Arab scholars and professors. Thats why Islamic civilization have great influence on Western civilization, including in music. Today we also use Arabic numeral, we don't use Roman or Greek numeral. Computer science also use algorithm as its basis. Al-Gorithm and al-Gebra, both of them certainly Arabic words. Unfortunately, most Europeans have forgotten Muslims contribution to Western civilization, except for a few orientalists and scholars who study it.

The problem is the teaching of Averroes which has brought enlightenment and the rise of modern science in Europe until now still oppose by most Muslims. His teachings that bring progress not sold well among his own ummah. Instead, Muslims embrace al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyyah teachings which bring darkness and backwardness to the Islamic world.

Sometime when I read across internet I meet some people who wonder why the Golden Age of science in Baghdad and Cordoba came to an end. The answer is mainly due to the teachings of al-Ghazali which forbids philosophy, anti-rationalism and anti causality. For instance see this article, "Al-Ghazali: Muslim Destroyer of Philosophy". Eventually, the Golden Age in the Islamic world came to an end and became backward for centuries. Then, recently, at least for three decade since 1980s, Islamic world flooded with Ibn Taimiyyah’s teaching which spread by Saudis all over the world. Many conservative Muslims who previously follow al-Ghazali orthodoxy then converted to radicalism salafi.

Al-Ghazali teachings are still pervasive everywhere in the Islamic world. We can see everywhere ulama teach lectures and sermons or write books and articles that anti-rationalism, or about the limit of human reason and so on.

But, is it true that the teaching of Islam actually anti-rationalism? Of course not. Conversely, in many verses of the Qur'an Allah often command his ummah to use their reason. You may search the Quran yourselves with the keyword aql (reason), then you will find many verses that contain that word. But, because many Muslim today still againts rationalism, that actually against Quran itself, then Islamic world today remains poor, ignorant and backward everywhere.

How about Abraham who cannot be burned by fire and fiercely debated by Ibn Rushd and al-Ghazali? Here in Indonesia many martial artist are fire-resistant. They can walk on burning stuffs without getting hurt. You may watched it on youtube. And such phenomenon actually can be explained by natural laws. Although not directly, you can read another article in this book "Aura, Witchcraft and Chi: Magical Things That are Not Magic." I can explain this because I am a reiki practitioner and I can feel the invisible energy.

Dr. Hamka in his book Islamic Religious Studies (Pelajaran Agama Islam) also wrote about causality and debate between Ibn Rushd and al-Ghazali. Who was supported by Hamka? Ibn Rushd. Hamka said that Europeans embrace causality and eventually they become advanced in science and create modern machinaries. But, Muslims are anti causality, and they become backward and lag in science, live in magic and superstition. Hamka was a prominent ulama (Islamic scholar) in Indonesia. He was also a novelist and former chairman of Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI).

For confirmation we can also see article "Youth Dialogue YISC Al-Azhar: To Regenerate Buya Hamka Teachings". See the second point. About the condition of Muslims today, he agreed with the opinion of Jamaluddin al-Afghani and Muhammad Abduh, the causes of backwardness of Islamic world are:
1. Muslims today abandon their religion and neglect science.
2. Most Muslims embrace fatalism, ignoring causality, and and follow jabbariyah teaching. (Membangkitkan Kembali Semangat Buya Hamka”)
Now, it is time to replace the old teaching that brings backwardness and we must follow Ibn Rushd teaching that will bring progress to the Islamic world. We no longer need to contradict philosophy with religion, and contradict religion with science.

Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Natural Laws

Sayyid Ahmad Khan was an Islamic scholar from India. His teaching was called naturalism. He was an Islamic reformer in the 19th century and also the founder of the famous Aligarh University. His opinions even more "extreme" because he rejected miracles and considered that everything in the universe can be explained by natural laws. He said:
There is nothing more damaging than belief in superstitions likes miracles and magic for the human mind and for the very existence of the humanity. (Shobhit Singh, “Empowerment Through Character Building And Modern Education”)
Actually, miracles run according to natural laws, but at the time of the event, people do not know its physical formula, so they called it miracles. Thats all. God created nature according to natural laws as well and everything that exists in the universe is governed by natural laws that are fixed and unchanging. There is no exception.

As a leading figure in India, Sayyid Ahmad Khan’s thoughts are popular among educated people in India. Some of his opinions also adopted by Ahmadiyah. Many Ahmadiyya’s Quran commentaries reflect Ahmad Khan’s view. About jihad, Jesus natural death, naturalism and many others. Please read the article in this book entitled "Scientific and Rational Ahmadiyya Commentaries".

I have a printed translation in Indonesian language of the Quran Commentaries of Ahmadiyya Lahore by Maulvi Muhammad Ali, its first leader. Some people maybe rarely know about Ahmadiyya Lahore. In fact, their teaching about the last prophet is not different from Sunni majority. They consider that Prophet Muhammad is the Last Prophet and Ghulam Ahmad is just a religious reformer. It is really different from Ahmadiyya Qadiani who always insist that Ghulam Ahmad is a phophet. So, there is nothing in Ahmadiyya Lahore that contradict basic Islamic teachings. If there is any contradictions, it is only in furu'iyah (branches) and not about aqidah (pillars). But, most people usually tend to think that Ahmadiyya only has one school, the heretical Qadian Ahmadiyya. In fact, there are two schools in Ahmadiyah. Lahore teaching about the last prophet exactly the same as Sunni Muslims. Unfortunately, Lahore followers are far less in numbers than the followers of Qadian. Both schools are named after their city center. But, I myself not an Ahmadi. I just read their commentaries.

Sayyid Ahmad Khan's opinion about religion and science are as follows.
Religion is the word of God and our surroundings are the work of God. An explanation of the existence of work of God is science. No contradiction is possible between science and religion as word of God cannot be in opposition of work of God. If a contradiction between religion and science exists in a mind, then it indicates cloudy thinking and therefore one should try to clear his thinking. (Ibid)
And Sayyid Ahmad opinion about evolution is as follow
In 1869-70 Syed Ahmad Khan was in England. Charles Darwin, who was alive at this time, had written the Origin of Species. The book was a focus of extensive debate. Fundamentalists, mainly from the English Clergy, were at the fore front of criticizing and ridiculing Darwin’s work. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan had shown his interest in this on going debate. As a result, he published a detailed urdu article entitled, “Adna halat se alla halat par insane ki taraqee”. He wrote on the origin and evolution of man. He negated the religious theories of evolution namely the Divine Theory and Theory of Spontaneous Creation. He had written, “I do not claim that all plants and animals, along with their different species and sub species, were created together at one time. In fact we are unaware of the time frame in which these plants and animals came into being. We are compelled to accept the fact that in this process some came first followed by the others and so forth”. (Ibid.)
Sayyid Ahmad Khan also criticized the blind imitation and support changes in religious interpretation. In the essay entitled "Time and Religion", he wrote:

“Just as times change thought, lifestyle, and civilization; beliefs and religions too are influenced by changing times. There was a time of faith and people believed in anything however irrational it may seem. This was the period of faith (yaqeen). But the present time is the time of suspect (shak). Truth needs proof”.
Sayyid Ahmed Khan's most prominent theory is his proposal to test the religious truths by science. According to him, revelation and nature both has come from the same source, i.e., God. So, these two must be consistent and can be verified by one another, especially religion by science. (Mohammad Mozammel Haque, “Islamic Modernism in the Views of Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan and Allama Iqbal: A Comparative Study”)

Truth need proof! And one way to prove it is through science. So, people are no longer told only to believe, but they also given proofs about the faith they profess. Ahmad Khan purpose was to reveal to people the original bright face of Islam. He said:
"It is my duty to defend as much as I can the religion of Islam, right or wrong, and to reveal to the people, the original bright face of Islam". (Ibid.)
However, we need to give a note here about Ahmad Khan’s teaching of natural law. He interprets the Quran only according to science that had been discovered at his time. Actually, it is not enough because the invisible creatures and things are not as interpreted by Ahmad Khan. For more details we can see below at sub-section "Western scientists and Superstition". Not all Ahmad Khan thought are true. We must critical to some of his teachings. I know that the invisibles (ghaib) really exist. And I can explain this rationally and can be accepted by mainstream science. See the sub-section.

Influence of Philosophy to Destiny of A Nation

Is it true that a school of philosophy that advocated by only one person can influence the destiny of a nation? For example Europe become advanced because it embrace the teachings of Averoes and the Islamic world become backward because the teachings of al-Ghazali. The answer is true. The most recent example was what happened in Eastern Europe that embraced Karl Marx's philosophy. Only one philosopher. But, we know that Marxism determined everything in Eastern Europe, both politically and economically. It also determined whether those countries had free political system or not. Similarly, Islamic Dark Ages that lasting for centuries was just because the teachings of one person, al-Ghazali.

Articles about the debate Averroes and al-Ghazali that quite interesting is "Averroes, Al-Ghazali, and Causality". It described some of important points, especially on causality. It is only discussed in one chapter in both Averoes and al-Ghazali's book. But, the magnitude of its influence to each of their followers is gigantic. Western Europe becomes advanced, while Islamic World become backward. Even until today, after for decades Islamic countries gained independence from European colonization, they are still lagging in science, technology and economy. When contrasted, the comparison is as below.

Have you watched Home Alone movie? The serie about four thieves that stole a microchip. See the condition of the neighborhood. Yes, that was an ordinary people neighborhood, not rich people neighborhood. But, compare it with the pictures above. Moreover, when we compare it with the boulevard in Beverly Hills....

Also see the photographs of the streets in London and other European cities that are neat and clean. Or a beautiful canal in Amsterdam above. You may find yourself many other comparisons. That's the difference between the followers of Averoes and al-Ghazali. Which one will you  choose? I think the answer is obvious. Millions of poor Asians and Africans immigrate to the North America and Western Europe every year. Strangely, most of  them still against causality. And oddly, many rich Chinese also immigrate to the West. Their reason usually to seek greater freedom.

People rarely interested if they are asked to live in a shabby third world country. But, they will join eagerly if invited to live in a prosperous developed country.

Perhaps some readers will say I am unfair because I only show bad photos in Islamic countries. Well, of course there are nice neigborhoods in Islamic countries, but generally (not particularly) the condition in Islamic countries are very poor when we compare it with European countries, even with Eastern Europe countries.

Even the GDP of Western European countries are higher than the oil-producing countries in the Gulf, despite many Western European countries are poor in natural resources, such as the Netherlands. What resources the Netherland has? Nothing. Although poor in natural resources, they have a rich country because of the high quality of its human resources. See the complete list of the GDP of all countries of the world on the link above, from Wikipedia. And that is mainly due to the differences in the way of thinking. The Muslims still believe in superstition and magic because of occasionalism al-Ghazali, the Europeans think rationally because they adhere Averroes causality. As a result, Islamic countries become backward, weak, and poor. European countries become advanced, powerful and wealthy. The difference is indeed gigantic.


Beside supporting superstition and magical way of thinking, one of the worst legacy of al-Ghazali’s occasionalism is that everythings in the universe created through magic. Harun Yahya and his followers are a good example of people who embrace such teaching and strongly anti science. Until today they oppose theory of evolution and causality. Abracadabra, then everthings happen without any natural laws, but through magical tricks. They are like little children who see magical shows and impressed by magician tricks with his hat. Rabbits, pigeons and many others come out of his hat. The children consider it as real magic. But, of course it goes according to "natural laws" as well.

I don’t know how the magician do his trick because I am not a magician. But, it is clearly not magic, but just clever tricks. Have you watched the masked magician who opened his secret magic tricks on television show every week? That is the analogy. If we have known the tricks, we no longer consider it as magic.

So, if there are some people who still consider the creation of men, animals and plants through magic and not through natural laws, it is simply because they do not know science, like those little children who watch magical show.

Or have you read A Yangkee in the King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain? A novel about nineteenth century man that was stranded in England during King Arthur times. That nineteenth century man was nicknamed “Yankee” and regarded as a powerful sorcerer by King Arthurs's subjects. Even Merlin, King Arthur’ sorcerer’s, was defeated. Merlin lost because Yankees brought science and devices from the nineteenth century. Well, of course Yankee became a super magician.

If we brought a car to King Arthur's subjects, they would consider it as magic. Moreover, when we carried an aircraft, we could be appointed as gods. They would consider cars, airplanes, telephones and other modern technology as magic and modern men would be considered gods by them. Because they didn’t know how it work. And we know that when Cortez who carried guns that sounded like thunder, he immediately considered as a god by Indians in Mexico. Well, if we already know the science, its magic will cease and we will consider it as ordinary tools.

It is just like aura and chi. Both are thought as magic because people don't know the knowledge. But, today actually they are not magic anymore. So, we must learn everything on the basis of causality if we don't want to be like King Arthur's subjects when they met a nineteenth century man. They regarded everything as magic.

The front cover of Indonesian translation depicted the Yankee carrying a pistol to fight a heavily armored knight. A spectator called the Yankee crazy because he fought a mounted knight on foot, wore a thin shirt and only carried a small hand gun. You can see the summary of the story in Wikipedia article "A Yankee in King Arthur's Court".

Crazy .... But, who did win it? I think there is no need of explanation. There is no magic. Miracle itself can be explained rationally. If it cannot be explained, it was simply because when a miracle happened, its physical formula hasn’t been discovered yet. Thats all. Including "magic" weapon like a small gun. After we know the science behind that, it is no longer magic. A man from the nineteenth century had been able to become the most powerfull magician in the King Arthur's court. Moreover we who live in the twentyfirst century. What are the most powerfull magic from the twentyfirst century? Yup, we can update facebook, whatsapp, and twitter. And don’t forget another wonderful "magic" that is most atractive today, it is called selfie. :D

Western scientists and "Superstition"

However, in the West today rationalism sometimes misguided. If western scientists see something that they do not understand they will immediately consider it superstition. Many Western scientists are wrong in this matter. For example, among mainstream western scientists, aura and chi (ki or prana) is still considered superstition. And when they make researchs about it, it has been preceded by a prejudice. As a result, the researchs often bias, and do not reach the goal, and often wrong.

One of the early pioneers aura camera was Nicolas Tesla, then followed by Simyon Kirlian from the Soviet Union. It is strange why majority of scientists in the West still consider aura a superstition, while its pioneer was the famous genius Tesla. In electricity even Tesla beat Edison. Fluorescent lamps and AC generators we use today are Tesla’s work, not Edison. DC generators by Edison had became obsolete long ago. Incandescent lamps by Edison also have not widely used any longer.

Kirlian camera, including that is developed by Prof. Korotkov is not perfect yet, but it already shows some progress. We know that in all fields of technology, it always needs time and process for its development. A good example is about computer technology. The earliest computers was as big as a house with only limited capacity, but today we can take a small laptop everywhere with thousands times capabilities. Another example is movie. The first movie was silent movie, with broken movements, and B/W colors only. But, todays movie have sharp and bright picture, and of course it has sound, not silent anymore. Similarly, mobile phone technology that we can follow its development since the beginning. Initially it was quite big and still had an antenna, and it capabilities are very limited, but today we have smartphone that its capabilites not much different from personal computers, even it has map, compass, camera, video recorder and so on. All technologies require time for its development, including Kirlian camera.

However, aura that once entirely invisible, today can be detected, although it still needs many developments. Likewise, genie (jinn) once entirely “magic” creature, today it is only half magic. But, I think in the future genie can be captured by a special camera and fully visible.

Is it true that today genie is only half invisible? Yes, really. Genie’s electromagnetic energy can be detected with only simple electronic devices, for example with ordinary active speaker that we use everyday. The speaker that we use for our PC. Really a simple and ordinary device. So, we must change our mindset that think genie is a magic creature. It is only an ordinary creature, it has electromagnetic energy.

Likewise about chi. People used to thing that chi was purely magic, but today it is not necessarily. Chi is only electromagnetic energy generated by human bioelectricity. Just a natural phenomenon. Today, silat practitioners usually know it. They no longer consider chi as magic. They know that it is just human bioelectricity. Silat is traditional martial art in Indonesia. Silat movements is like Kung Fu, but more artistic and beautiful because it is like a dance. It has been developed throughout Indonesia archipelago for centuries and is still popular today. Chi is called "tenaga dalam" in Indonesian language, literally it means “inner power”. Silat is rarely known outside Indonesia, but actually it is the most beautiful martial art in the world because it doesn't use brute movements only, but also artistic movements. For public performances, Silat usually accompanied by traditional musical instruments. really like a dance. See the following links on youtube.

1. Pencak Silat Pagar Nusa (Kartika Nusa Muntilan).
2. Traditional Martial Art Indonesia Pencak Silat.
3. Bunga Tari Seni Silat Bangau Putih

About tenaga dalam (chi) see article "Pure Bioelectricity and Not Pure Bioelectricity" by Ustadz Danu. There are also articles about bioelectricity in Britannica and other popular encyclopaedias.

Beside exist in humans, bioelectricity also exist in the animal world. The most well-known example is electric eel that can generate 300-650 volts. It is very strong and even stronger than voltage that flows in our homes. There is also electric ray that can generate 220 volts. Although not as powerful as the electric eel, but the "chi" that is possessed by a stingray is powerful enough to topple an adult human.

I myself learned silat for some months when I was still in college, but then I became bored and quit. Today I am just a reiki practitioner. However, I am not a grand master. I am just an ordinary practitioner. I use it only for myself, my friends and relatives. I learned reiki in 1997. I took the training because I got information from my relatives. But, it's been quite a long time, and today I am already familiar with bioelectrical energy. And I consider it as everyday natural phenomenon. Not as magic. I can feel the invisible energy just like many other reiki practitioners.

The main problem with bioelectricity is not everyone sensitive to feel the energy, so they become sceptics. Fortunately, I am sensitive enough and can feel the energy, so I can believe it easily. But, I only can feel the energy. It is just like wind, you can feel it, but cannot see it. But, some other practitioners can see the energy as well.

However, sensitive or not, we can see the evidence that human bioelectricity exist with our naked eyes. Really! It is simple and don't need sophisticated  devices, let alone magical devices. One evidence that is easy to understand that human bioelectricity really exist is when we have difficulty to turn on the old model of fluorescent lamp (lampu neon in Indonesian language). Today it is rarely sold in the shop. Old fluorescent lamp have a starter. If we turn on fluorescent lamp in the twilight, sometimes it only blinks weakly. But, when we touched it with our hands, the lamps turned on immediately. That's because the bioelectricity we posses on our hands. I think everyone often did this kind of trick because this was an everyday trick. Surprisingly, people rarely realize that it is an evidence of human bioelectricity. Because we already think that chi is magic and cannot explained by science. Human bioelectricity energy is strong enough, isn’t it? It can help us to turn on the fluorescent lamp. Not as powerful as electric eels, but it is useful enough and can help us when fluorescent lamps in our houses cannot turn on immediately.

Another evidence of human bioelectricity is what you are doing exactly right now when you are reading this article! Exactly right now when you are touching the screen of your smartphones. Capacitive touchscreen on your smartphones are operated with bioelectricity on your fingers. If the screen is touched with nails, clothings or plastic for example, it will not work because they are not electric conductors. You may try it now.

Smartphone specifications usually have resistive or capacitive screen. The newest models use capacitive screen because it is brighter and more sensitive to touch. It is different from the older resistive screen that we must press the screen with our nails.

See phone specifications above. Capacitive touchscreen means that we use bioelectricity on our fingers to operate it. Without our bioelectricity we cannot use capacitive touchscreen.

If human bioelectricity processed with breathing techniques like in silat (Indonesian martial arts), it will generate greater energy. Thus, chi is not magic, but only bioelectrical energy that is generated by breathing techniques.

Perhaps one of my advantages when I write about it because I am a reiki practitioner and former chi practitioner. So, I don’t only theorize and speculate about the invisible things (ghaib). Those “magic” are actually only natural phenomenon and can be explained scientifically.

Today chi is generally considered as magic by Western scientists because many of its practitioners in China, Japan and India do not understand the energy they practice and consider it as magic as well. In those countries it is called Chi, Ki, and Prana respectively. Many chi practitioners call it life breath, life force or other mystical terms. Of course it is not. It is merely bioelectrical energy that generated by trillions atoms in human body. There's no magic at all. If many people consider it magic, it just because they don’t understand it.

What about hizib (prayer or dzikir to acquire supernatural power) that is called by Ustadz Danu as not pure human bioelectricity? Yes, it really use genie power. I've tried it once and I felt my body surrounded by electromagnetic field. That was genie electromagnetic energy. Then I stopped and never tried it again. The sensation of genie electromagnetic energy is like when you turn off  CRT television (tube television), not the flat one. After you turn it off, make your hand closer in front of the tube. Or rub a plastic ruler many times through your hair, then immediately make it closer to your hand. The sensation of genie energy is just like that. If we sensitive enough, we will feel electromagnetic sensation during the ritual and praying. Usually, it must be preceded by three days fasting. In Java it is called "poso mutih", it means we only break the fast with a little water and a spoon of rice. In older times, it took forty days fasting. A very spartan ritual. And after the ritual, we will have a powerfull genie guardian. Many Javanese and Indonesians still practice the ritual, but the three days fasting only.

But, Ustadz Danu call that genie energy as not pure bioeletromagnetic and he is against it. He support  pure human bioelectric energy, without any external energy sources. One of my friend learned to Ustadz Danu until he become a master and now he teaches at one of its branches. His ability is exactly like his grand master, he is able to know people characters and diseases from a distance.

Most of its members are college students, some also employees and high school students. Junior high school students are not allowed. They practiced once a week at Gajah Mada University valley. But, I don't know where they practice today. Many of its members are Gajah Mada University students. Ustadz Danu also a Gajah Mada University graduate, from engineering faculty. There I learned that chi is not supernatural, but only bioelectrical energy. Then I learned it more from articels and books and indeed it is true that chi is only human bioelectrical energy. No magic at all. It can be explained scientifically.

If Ibn Rushd and al-Ghazali were chi practitioners, perhaps the course of the world history, both Arab and European history, could be different. In the East miracles could be explained easily without having to adhere occasionalism, while in Western Europe atheism would never exist because both Averoes and al-Ghazali could understand invisible things (ghaib) directly. Unfortunately, there was no kungfu or silat in the Middle East and Spain during Averois and al-Ghazali times. Some followers of Averoisme (Ibn Rushd-ism) in Western Europe then became increasingly extreme that Averoisme often synonymous with atheism, and was a precursor of modern atheism. However, the extreme version of this Averoisme had gone astray from the original teachings of Averoes because he was a theist. So, the atheists Karl Marx and Richard Dawkins are actually Averoes’s black students who went astray from the true teaching of Averoes. We can see Averoisme connection with modern atheism below.
Averroism was cast as a sinister force (a precursor of modern atheism), valiantly combatted by Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas, notably in the latter's De unitate intellectus (On the Unicity of Intellect) and De aeternitate mundi (On the Eternity of the World). ("Averoes",
Wikipedia also states the same.
Averroes at the time of Dante Alighieri "was probably the most widely condemned thinker in the medieval Christian world. Averroism became virtually synonymous with atheism in the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance." (“Averoism”, Wikipedia)
Because of the influence of Averoes, many European thinkers then at odds with the Church official doctrines. Therefore, Catholic Encyclopedia states that Ibn Rushd since the time of Dante and Thomas Aquinas is "the arch-enemy of the faith".

However, the impact is not only during Renaissance because today there are still millions of atheists everywhere due to Averoism. Averoes's influences to the European science and philosophy (and of course to the world philosophy) is still very deep until today.

While you are reading the article "Aura, Black Magic, Chi: Magical Thing That are Not Magic" that I have mentioned above, don’t forget to see the first picture at the top of the article. It says that the human eyes can only see less than 1% electromagnetic spectrum and hear less than 1% of sound waves. Unfortunately, mainstream Western scientists consider that less than 1% is final. They consider that 99% of electromagnetic spectrum that invisible to human eyes and 99% of sound waves that inaudible to human ears are superstition. This is ridiculous.

In addition, see the following paragraph.
Our human window on the Universe is terribly small within a stunningly small range of wavelengths. With our eyes we see wavelengths between 0.00004 and 0.00008 of a centimeter (where, not so oddly, the Sun and stars emit most of their energy). The human visual spectrum from violet to red is but one octave on an imaginary electromagnetic piano with a keyboard hundreds of kilometers long. (James Kaler, “Alien Eyes: Andromeda Galaxy Viewed Through the Electromagnetic Spectrum”)
Human window to see the universe is indeed very small. We cannot say that everything that invisible to human eyes and inaudible to human ears as superstition. Genie and aura are really exist. As a reiki practitioner I can feel their energy. But human visual range is very limited and cannot  see them. But, I am sure in the future human will be able to create devices to see them. Even to create camera and video recorder that can take picture and record genie and aura. Genie is just a natural creature, but humans eyes only have limited range, so we cannot see it. Likewise, aura is just a natural phenomenon, aura is only human electromagnetic field that generated by trillions atoms in human body..

However I am sure that in the future human will be able to create devices that make most of 99% electromagnetic spectrum and sound waves become visible and audible. Human creativity and intellect have unlimited ability. Take a look at the modern devices that we use today. Everything that in the past were impossible, today are everyday stuffs. Look at telephone for instance, this is a “magical” device as well. We can chat with people thousands of kilometer in distance. And with Skype or Line we can have videochat.

Those devices seem like “magic” , but they are real devices, created by human intellect  which have unlimited abilities and creativity. If we bring phones to King Arthur times, it could be considered a real magic, and we would be called a great magicians. Moreover, todays phone that have camera and video recorder. Well, we can have selfie with King Arthur.

The Ability of Human Intellect is Unlimited

For centuries we has been indoctrinated by anti-rationalism teaching that human intellect only have limited abilities. No. I say “No”. I say the opposite. The ability of human intellect is unlimited. Human intellect can achieve everything that previously seemed impossible. If someone say that human intellect is limited you must ignore it. If he insist, then ask him to make Hajj pilgrimimage to Mecca by a camel, not by an airplane. Because an airplane is one of the real proofs of extraordinary ability of human intellect. Once flying was only god’s bussiness, but today every ordinary human can fly in the sky. An airplane was a “magical machine” that dreamed by humans for thousand years and it once thought impossible to be achieved. But, eventually human can create it and airplanes today are as common as birds. Millions of ordinary human beings are flying in the sky everyday and gods must step aside.

And human race today are not only fly above the surface of the earth, they also can fly into space and set foot on the moon. A fantastic achievement in human history.

But, if we say that human intellect only have limited ability, then we will never able to create anything. And for Western scientists, if they say that everything that invisible to human eyes and inaudible to ears are superstition, then we will never see and hear the 99% of electromagnetic spectrum and sound waves. We will never create devices to see and hear it.

Today, almost all science fiction stories that were written by Jules Verne in the 19th century has become reality. Yesterday they were fiction, but today they are reality. And his novel “Around the World in Eighty Days” have became obsolete today because we can travel around the world just in a few hours by an airplane. It even beyond Jules Verne’s wildest fantasy. The only impossible story of Jules Verne is his “Journey to the Center of the Earth”. Because we could be burnt by magma if make journey there. But, all others Jules Verne dreams have been achieved. That is the power of the human intellect. Everything that once were only fictions, today are reality. And when Jules Verne wrote his novels, his contemporaries really thought that his stories were pure fiction and impossible to be achieved. But today we have all of them. Strangely, Jules Verne never wrote about TV, radio and phone. Probably he never imagined them. It seems that the ability of human intellect is indeed beyond Jules Verne’s wildest fantasy.

And if we talk about phone, there is a good news for mobile phone users, "Researcher Say New Battery Could Charge Your Phone in One Minute." We today charge batteries for hours, but in the near future it only need one minute.


We will never know what advancement in science and technology that will be achieved by human in the future. But, certainly all progress are impossible to be achieved if scientists embrace occasionalism of al-Ghazali. Science can progress only if we adhere causality of Averoes. If Muslims are still against it, then it means they will be lag farther in science and tchnology.

Ibn Rushd said, "Actually, if they believe that the universe was created by God, they will admit that there is no better evidence of The Creator than the presence of neatly organized objects in the universe."

They run orderly and neatly because they are governed by natural laws. If not, then the universe would be in complete chaos. God also says in the Qur'an that His Sunatullah in the universe will never be subtituted and changed.
Thou wilt not find for Allah's way (sunatullah) any substitute, nor wilt thou find for Allah's way (sunatullah) aught of power to change. (QS. al-Fatir 35:43).
And hopefully in the near future the title of this article will change into "Ibn Rushd, a Muslim Philosopher Who Planted the Seed of Renaissance in the Islamic World". Ibn Rushd can go home and become a father for his own ummah, and not only become a father in foreign countries. Then, we can say, welcome home Averoes.

Yogyakarta, Central Java, April 2015.


[1]  Wijdan al-Shommari, “The Philosopher of Cordoba”,
[1]  Daryl Morini,” Why Did the Soviet Union Invade Afghanistan?” 
[1] “Red Army Faction”, Wikipedia,
[1]  Muhammad Husain Haekal, Abu Bakar As-Shidiq, terj. Ali Audah, Jakarta, Litera Antar Nusa,  hlm. 81-82.
[1]  Ibn Rushd, Tahafut al-Tahafut, Ini adalah link kitab lengkapnya edisi bahasa Inggris.
[1] Jalius HR, “Sebab – Akibat (kausalitas)”,
 [1] Lato Hardi, “Problematika Kausalitas dalam Pandangan Iman Al-Ghazali dan Ibn Rusyd”,
[1] Usama Hasan, “The triumph of traditionalism”,
[1]  Lato Hardi. Untuk kitab lengkap Tahafut al-Falasifa yang berbahasa Arab lihat di sedang yang terjemahan bahasa Inggris di
[1]  Ibn Rushd, Tahafut al-Tahafut,
[1] “Averoes, In Our Time”, Radio BBC online, , untuk download lebih mudah siaran BBC ini bisa di  youtube. Lihat juga Habeeb Salloum, “Averroës - The Great Muslim Philosopher Who Planted The Seeds of the European Renaissance”.
[1]  “Averoes”, Wikipedia,
[1] The Editorial Team, “Ibn Rushd: Harmony of Theological & Philosophical (Scientific) Truth”,
[1] Lihat artikel ketiga di buku ini. Supaya bisa memahami barang-barang gaib secara rasional dan tidak secara mistik lagi.
[1] Shobhit Singh, “Empowerment Through Character Building And Modern Education”,
[1] Ibid.
[1] Ibid.
[1] Mohammad Mozammel Haque, “Islamic Modernism in the Views of Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan and Allama Iqbal: A Comparative Study”,
[1]  Ibid.
[1] “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur Court”, Wikipedia,
[1] “Kirlian Photography”, Wikipedia,
[1]   Bio-Well – GDV Camera
[1]  Ir. Djoko Ismanu Herlambang, “Tenaga dalam Murni dan Tak Murni”,
[1] “Bioelectricity”, Encyclopedia Britannnica Online,
[1] “Electric Eel”, Encyclopedia Britannnica Online,
[1] “Electric Ray”, Encyclopedia Britannnica Online,
[1]  “Averoism”, Wikipedia,
[1]  “Averoes”, Catholic Encyclopedia,
[1] James Kaler, “Alien Eyes:  Andromeda Galaxy Viewed Through the Electromagnetic Spectrum”,
[1]  “Researcher Say New Battery Could Charge Your Phone in One Minute”, Youtube,