Selama ini banyak orang yang salah menulis ejaan kalimat ini. Yang betul adalah seperti judul di atas. Lengkapnya adalah doa yang berbunyi ja'alanallahu minal 'aidin wal faizin. Artinya semoga Allah menjadikan kita termasuk orang yang kembali (fitri) dan orang yang menang. Dari kata 'aada dan faaza. Karena itulah kita menyebutnya idul fitri dan bukan idzul fitri. Kalau masdar (kata benda) dari kata faaza sering juga dijadikan nama orang, yakni fauzi, demikian juga kata faiz, jamaknya faiziin yang merupakan kata person (faa'il). Begitu, mudah-mudahan setelah ini ejaannya bisa betul. Salah huruf bisa salah arti lho, misalnya bahasa Inggris bad dan bed, atau great dan greet yang memang beda sedikit saja hurufnya tapi sangat jauh berbeda artinya. Thanks atas perhatiannya.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
membutuhkan jutaan entrepreneur. Peran universitas dalam melahirkan
(calon-calon) entrepreneur harus dieyaluasi dan ditingkatkan. Kurikulum
entrepreneur perlu dimasukkan. Fokus pada pembentukan mental
entrepreneur, jangan sekadar teori.
Oleh: Luqman Hakim Arifin, Fathurroji, Devi
membutuhkan lahirnya jutaan entrepreneur. Kalau melihat fakta tentang
negeri kita, Indonesia kaya raya dengan Sumber Daya Alam SDA). Bahkan
sejak ratusan tahun lalu, bangsa penjajah sudah tahu kekayaan SDA kita.
Makanya mereka berdatangan ke sini untuk mengeksploitasi kita.
samping SDA yang berlimpah, mulai dari minyak bumi, timah, gas alam,
nikel, kayu, bauksit, tanah subur, batu bara, emas, perak, tanah
pertanian, perkebunan, padang rumput, hutan, dan Iain-lain, negeri ini
juga memiliki penduduk dengan usia angkatan kerja dan pemuda yang
Data EPS tahun 2010 menyebutkan, penduduk
Indonesia saat ini 237.556.363 juta jiwa. Dari jumlah itu, yang
tergolong penduduk usia produktif atau angkatan kerja 116,53 juta.
Logikanya, jika sebuah negara memiliki lahan pekerjaan yang cukup luas
dan cadangan tenaga kerja yang berlimpah, maka mestinya negeri ini
seharusnya makmur-sejahtera, jumlah penganggurannya sedikit dan tidak
ada penduduk miskin yang jumlahnya na'udzubillah.
Tapi apa
kenyataannya? Semua itu hanya ada dalam hitung-hitungan Utopia.
Faktanya, Indonesia masih menduduki jajaran Negara Miskin atau istilah
halusnya Negara Berkembang. Utang Indonesia hingga Desember 2008,
menurut catatan Bank Indonesia (BI) US$ 149 miliar. Sampai akhir Januari
2010, mencapai US$ 174,041 miliar atau sekitar Rp 2 ribu triliun.
penduduk yang hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan 17,8 persen. Sedang
kurang lebih 49,0 persen-nya hidup dengan penghasilan kurang dari US$ 2
atau kurang lebih Rp 18.000,- per hari. Ini ukuran miskin menurut Bank
Dunia. Jadi, kalau penghasilan seseorang kurang dari US$ 60 per bulan
(setara Rp 560 ribu), itu sudah masuk kategori orang miskin.
jika sebuah negeri itu bermasalah dengan kesejahteraan hidup warga
negaranya, akan muncul masalah lain yang menjadi gandengan setianya:
pengangguran yang tidak pernah kunjung terselesaikan sampai ke
akar-akarnya meski sudah ganti presiden dan menteri berkali-kali.
pemuda yang bukan sarjana, terobosan yang diambil untuk mengatasi
pengangguran adalah lari ke luar negeri menjadi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia
(TKI). Untuk kepentingan jangka pendek, menjadi TKI memang membantu
Indonesia. TKI mengurangi pengangguran, memberikan pemasukan devisa dan
menambah jumlah isi rekening di bank.
Namun untuk
kepentingan jangka panjang, tentu saja ini membahayakan dan memalukan.
SDA negeri ini akan terbengkalai atau akan dimiliki bangsa lain karena
tenaga kerjanya banyak yang di luar negeri. Banyak single parent yang
nantinya menjadi ledakan problem tersendiri. Kemudian secara bargain
politics, ' yang namanya negeri peminta itu pasti posisinya lebih lemah.
Jadi, jangan heran kalau negara-negara penerima TKI kerap bersikap
arogan dan menempatkan posisi mentalnya di atas kita. Negara-negara itu
seperti tak merasa ditolong oleh Indonesia dengan pengiriman TKI.
Sebaliknya, mereka seperti bangga bisa menolong Indonesia dari beban
pengangguran. Apes kan?
Untuk pemuda yang memegang ijazah
sarjana, tidak berarti nasib mereka lebih beruntung. Mereka malah harus
menanggung beban yang lebih berat. Mau menjadi TKI informal, sudah malu
duluan. Masak sarjana menjadi TKI? Mau bekerja serabutan di dalam negeri
sendiri, lebih malu lagi.
Harapan mereka adalah bisa
masuk di pekerjaan industrial. Sayangnya, keinginan ini' terhalang oleh
skill standar yang dituntut dunia industri di satu sisi, dan terbatasnya
serapan tenaga kerja di sisi lain. Pendidikan sepertinya gagal menjadi
mitra industri. Tak heran jika perguruan tinggi atau universitas sering
menerima tuduhan sebagai penyuplai beban bangsa.
nasional Ir. Ciputra dalam bukunya Ciputra Quantum Leap memaparkan
bahwa setiap tahun perguruan tinggi di Indonesia menghasilkan lebih dari
300:000 lulusan, tapi daya scrap lapangan kerjanya terlalu sedikit.
Data Februari 2007 misalnya, lebih dari 740.000 lulusan perguruan tinggi
yang menganggur. Hal ini tentu saja sangat mencemaskan karena angka ini
cenderung naik pesat dari waktu ke waktu. Lebih menyedihkan lagi bila
kelorripok penganggur terdidik yang setengah menganggur diikutkan. Pada
bulan Februari 2007 saja terdapat 1,4 juta penganggur terdidik setengah
menganggur, atau naik sekitar 26 persen dibandingkan Februari 2006.
masalah berat ini terus tumbuh? Lalu apa solusinya? Studi Bank Dunia
mengungkapkan, modal SDA itu hanya menyumbangkan sekitar 10 persen
kemajuan bangsa. Sisanya diperankan oleh sejumlah f aktor yang bisa
disebut kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Kualitas SDM yang berperan
bagi kemajuan bangsa itu adalah inovasi dan kreativitas yang peranannya
sebesar 45 persen. Setelah itu networking 25 persen dan teknologi 20
Karena itu, kalau Anda masih mendengar orang
berpidato dengan memuji-muji Indonesia sebagai negeri kaya-subur-makmur
karena SDA-nya yang luar biasa, ya anggap saja itu sebagai hiburan.
Sebab, SDA itu hanya berperan kecil. Justru yang paling banyak memainkan
peran adalah kualitas SDM. Selama SDM kita tidak berubah, nasib bangsa
kita tidak akan berubah.
Allah sudah menegaskan:
"Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan suatu kaum hingga mereka
mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka" (QS: Ar-Ra'du: 11). Dengan
kata lain, untuk mengubah kualitas SDM, kita tak bisa hanya dengan
membagi-bagikan uang, obral sekolah gratis, atau memberi subsidi
bulanan. Ini sudah berulang kali dilakukan dan tidak mengubah posisi
Indonesia. Mengubahnya harus dari dalam, dari mindset-nya, dari isi
jiwanya, lalu didukung dengan stimulan, program, dan bantuan.
yang seperti apa? Sebut saja istilahnya, the entrepreneurial mental
attitude (sikap mental entrepreneurship), sikap yang dibentuk oleh isi
pikiran kreatif, inovatif, berkemauan menggunakan teknologi sebagai
berkah, berkemauan mengubah resource dan peluang supaya mempunyai nilai
tambah, berani mengambil risiko, anti-mengandalkan, dan tentunya
mensyukuri keragaman sebagai ajang untuk meningkatkan sinergi.
entrepreneur muda nasional, Sandiago S. Uno dan Ridlo Zarkasyi, dalam
beberapa kesempatan bertemu dengan Majalah Gontor, siapapun
kita—profesional, pekerja, atau pedagang—semua berkepentingan untuk
mengadaposi sikap mental entrepreneurship ini. Dan akan lebih sempurna
jika kita sendiri memiliki niat dan visi entrepreneur, menjadi
pengusaha. Sebab, secara kuantitas. Indonesia memang kekurangan
entrepreneur .
Menurut data terakhir, jumlah entrepreneur
kita hanya 0,18 persen (sekitar 420 ribu-an orang) dari total penduduk
Indonesia. Padahal, menurut pakar kewirausahaan, David McClelland,
minimalnya 2 persen (sekitar 4,7 juta orang) dari total penduduk sebuah
negara adalah entrepreneur, baru sebuah negara dapat hidup sejahtera.
lain sudah lebih banyak dari angka minimal itu. Mungkin, karena itulah
mereka lebih maju secara ekonomi dan lebih bagus secara sosial. Warga
Singapura yang menjadi pengusaha mencapai 7 persen, China dan Jepang 10
persen, sedang Amerika rnalah sudah mencapai 12 persen.
dari efek kualitasnya bagi kemakmuran dan kemajuan bangsa, jika
Indonesia memiliki jumlah entrepreneur yang proporsional, minimal 2%,
maka akan ada banyak rongsokan yang bisa diubah menjadi emas. Banyak
lahan yang bisa dihidupkan sehingga peluang kerja bertambah dan jumlah
pengangguran berkurang. Namun, kalau jumlah entrepreneurnya semakin
berkurang, bisa-bisa emas yang kita miliki berubah menjadi rongsokan.
Kekayaan SDA kita tak bisa mengantarkan kita membangun masyarakat yang
makmur. SDM yang mestinya menjadi aset, berubah menjadi beban. Itulah
kenapa di depan ditegaskan: Indonesia membutuhkan lahirnya jutaan
Bahwa ada yang keliru dari peran dunia
pendidikan tinggi dalam mengatasi jumlah pengangguran di negeri ini
kiranya tak ada yang membantah. Pakar pendidikan dan Guru Besar Emeritus
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, HAR Tilaar pernah berkata bahwa pendidikan
tinggi kita saat ini masih merupakan "pabrik pengangguran"sehingga
terjadi pemborosan dana, waktu, dan SDM.
Untuk itu,
pembukaan perguruan tinggi baru dan jurusan baru harus benar-benar
diperhatikan dan dikritisi. Sebab, alih-alih menciptakan lapangan
pekerjaan bisa-bisa malah menciptakan lapangan pengangguran baru.
ada adagium bahwa perguruan tinggi menjadi tulang punggung utama guna
memperbaiki kehidupan bangsa, maka hal itu masih perlu dibahas kembali
dan dicarikan kebenarannya dalam konteks apakah itu?
ada yang salah dalam pengelolaan pendidikan tinggi saat ini. Saat ini
pendidikan tinggi kita ibarat menara gading yang bertengger di atas
langit, tapi tidak melihat ke bawah. Muncul kesan ia sangat eksklusif
terhadap realitas dan masyarakat sebagai konsumen pendidikan," jelas
Moh.Yamin, pengajar di FKIP Universitas Islam Malang, dalam artikelnya
berjudul "Kurikulum Pendidikan yang Berjiwa Entrepreneur”.
apa akar masalahnya? Selain minimnya jiwa entrepreneurship—kalau tidak
bisa disebut tidak ada sama sekali—dalam kurikulum sekolah dan perguruan
tinggi kita, proses pengajaran dan pendidikan entrepreneurship di
bangku sekolah dan kampus juga masih terjebak pada teori semata.
Ciputra, melalui jurusan yang ada, mindset (mentalitas dan prinsip)
entrepreneurship seyogianya bisa diajarkan. Bukan malah membuka jurusan
baru. "Jurusan arsitektur, hukum dan kedokteran harus diajari. Misalnya,
1-2 semester saja, yang penting motivasi (entrepreneurship). Juga perlu
dibuat pelatihan 3 bulan," jelas Ciputra.
Dalam hal ini,
kata Ciputra, mitos pengusaha sukses harus memiliki darah pengusaha
harus dibuang jauh-jauh."Itu salah, harus diubah. Saya yakini, untuk
menjadi pengusaha perlu pendidikan. Bila zaman dulu belajar wirausaha
dari orang tua, kini ada sekolah alternatif bagi yang tidak punya orang
tua pengusaha," tandasnya.
Ke depan, dan ini sangat urgen
saat ini, universitas harus mereposisi dirinya menjadi center of
entrepreneurship, dan bukan sekadar lembaga pendidikan, apalagi
pengajaran. "Ini sesuatu yang tak mudah diterima. Tapi ada contohnya
Universitas Harvard dan Stanford menjadi pusat bisnis dengan aset
masing-masing US$29 miliar.dan US$34 miliar," tambah Ciputra.
itu, dan ini tak kalah penting adalah komitmen pemerintah dan peran
serta masyarakat dalam mengawal lahirnya entrepreneur-entrepreneur muda
Indonesia. Sekarang atau tidak sama sekali, entrepreneur-entrepreneur
baru Indonesia yang memiliki berpandangan kreatif, inovatif, dan
bermanfaat untuk orang lain harus lahir sebanyak-banyaknya di negeri
Merujuk kepada salah satu ajaran hidup Gontor,"Jangan
jadi pegawai. Jadilah orang yang punya pegawai." Maka pesan penting
yang hendak ditekankan di sini bukan sekadar urgensi menjadi
entrepreneur, tapi pada visi-misi hidup entrepreneur pun harus bener.
Kalau entrepreneur, visi hidupnya hanya hidup untuk dirinya sendiri tok,
niscaya tidak termasuk dalam filsafat hidup Gontor. Khoirunnaasi
anfa'uhum linnaasi wa ahsanuhum khuluqon (Sebaik-baik manusia adalah
yang bermanfaat bagi manusia lainnya dan berakhlak mulia).
GONTOR, Mei 2011/Jumadil Awal-Jumadil Akhir 1432 H
7 Januari 2012 pukul 15:28
Diversifikasi Atasi Krisis Pangan
Oleh: Rusdiono Mukri
Policy Institute yang berkantor di Washington DC, Amerika Serikat,
memprediksi dunia akan mengalami krisis pangan di tahun 2011 ini.
Krisis ini bahkan diperkirakan lebih buruk di banding krisis pangan
tahun 2008. Paling tidak ada tiga faktor penyebabnya. Pertama,
pertambahan jumlah penduduk meningkat drastis sehingga permintaan pangan
ikut melonjak. Kedua, penggunaan komoditas pangan untuk bahan bakar.
Ketiga meningkatnya kesejahteraan penduduk yang bermuara pada kenaikan
permintaan komoditas pangan.
Dalam prediksi yang
dipublikasikan Earth Policy Institute lewat tulisan bertajuk The Great
Food Crisis of 2011, Presiden Earth Policy Institute Lester R Brown
mengungkapkan data-data yang menyentak perhatian kita. Pada periode
1990-2005, konsumsi pangan dunia hanya 25 juta ton per tahun. Jumlah ini
meningkat drastis pada kurun 2005-2010. Pada lima tahun terakhir ini,
konsumsi pangan menjadi 41 juta ton per tahun. Kenaikan terbesar terjadi
karena komoditas pangan dikonversi menjadi etanol untuk bahan bakar
pada 2006-2008 di AS .Yang lebih menyentak perhatian kita, Indonesia
termasuk tiga negara yang diprediksi akan mengalami krisis pangan paling
parah selain Cina dan India.
Sementara itu Badan Pangan
Dunia (Food and Agriculture Organization/FAO) dan Kementerian Per-tanian
Amerika Serikat (United States Department of Agriculture /USDA)
memprediksi di tahun 2011 Indonesia akan menjadi importir beras kedua
terbesar di dunia setelah Nigeria. Tahun ini Indonesia diperkirakan akan
mengimpor beras 1,75 juta ton. Saat ini sudah masuk sekitar 500 ribu
Di sisi lain, Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara yang
mempunyai sumber pangan beragam dan melimpah. Tapi potensi ini tidak
kita manfaatkan. Selama ini kita hanya konsentrasi pada beras, sehingga
konsumsi beras masyarakat Indonesia per kapita per tahun 139 kg
(bandingkan dengan Malaysia yang 110 kg dan Jepang 60 kg).
tahun 1984 dan 2008 lalu, Indonesia sebenarnya sudah berswasembada
beras. Bahkan pada tahun 1984 itu kita bisa mengekspor beras. Tapi
setelah itu kita kembali menjadi pengimpor beras yang disebabkan karena
kesalahan kebijakan. Pemerintah gemar mengampanyekan makan nasi (beras).
Masyarakat Wamena dan dataran tinggi Papua yang biasa makan ubi
'dipaksa' makan beras. Para pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) di
daerah itu memperoleh jatah beras. Padahal mereka sehari-hari makan ubi.
Masyarakat di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) yang sebelumnya mengonsumsi
jagung, sekarang juga makan beras. Rakyat miskin di NTT tidak diberi
jagung tapi diberi beras (Raskin). Masyarakat di Gunung Kidul,
Yogyakarta, yang biasa makan gaplek, juga diberi beras. Sedangkan
masyarakat Sorong dan Papua Barat yang banyak makan sukun juga diberi
beras. Akibatnya sekarang konsumsi beras rata-rata setiap jiwa per tahun
mencapai angka tertinggi di dunia. Akibatnya sekarang beras menjadi
beban pembangunan.
Karena itu kita perlu mengampanyekan
diversivikasi pangan.Mengampanyekan keanekaragaman pangan untuk
mengurangi tekanan terhadap kebutuhan beras. Kalau saja konsumsi beras
bisa ditekan menjadi 110 kg per orang per tahun (seperti halnya di
Malaysia), maka kita akan kelebihan beras.
Kalau konsumsi
110 kg berarti berkurang 29 kg per orang per tahun. Jika angka ini
dikalikan dengan jumlah penduduk yang 230 juta, maka kita bisa
mengurangi konsumsi beras hampir 7 juta ton. Jadi pengurangan tekanan
pada beras itu bukan hanya dilakukan dengan cara meningkatkan produksi,
tapi juga pengurangan konsumsi per orang. Tapi hal itu bukan berarti
porsi makan orang dikurangi, tapi dianekaragamkan makanannya.
yang biasa makan sagu, misalnya, jangan disuruh makan nasi. Sebab tidak
ada yang luar biasa dengan makan beras. Masyarakat Brazil terbiasa
makan jagung. Mereka makan roti dengan bahan baku jagung. Orang Brazil
yang makan jagung itu sudah lima kali menjuarai piala dunia.
itu, kita harus memodernisir pangan yang betul-betul sesuai dengan
masyarakat yang makin modern. Sebab, kita 'tidak bisa' lagi mengomsumsi
jagung yang karbohidratnya tinggi, itu secara langsung. Tapi jagung
harus diubah dulu menjadi tepung, tepung menjadi roti, seperti orang
Meksiko mengomsumsi tortilla yang terbuat dari jagung. Kita tidak bisa
lagi makan ubi begitu saja, tapi ubi harus diolah dulu menjadi tepung
seperti di Jepang. Dari tepung kemudian menjadi mie atau makanan
lainnya. Hanya dengan mendiversifikasi pangan kita bisa mementahkan
prediksi-prediksi di atas.
Majalah GONTOR, Mei 2011/Jumadil Awal-Jumadil Akhir 1432 H
Digitalized: 6 Januari 2012 pukul 11:04
*Song written by Sting [& Sergei Prokofiev!]*
In Europe and America there's a growing feeling of hysteria
Conditioned to respond to all the threats
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets (Iranians)
Mister Krushchev (Ahmadinejad) said, 'We will bury you'
I don't subscribe to this point of view
It'd be such an ignorant thing to do
If the Russians (Persians) love their children too
How can I save my little boy
From Oppenheimer's deadly toy?
There is no monopoly on common sense
On either side of the political fence
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
There is no historical precedent to put
Words in the mouth of the president
There's no such thing as a winnable war
It's a lie we don't believe anymore
Mister Reagan says 'We will protect you'
I don't subscribe to this point of view
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
What might save us, me and you
Is if the Russians love their children too
*Song written by Sting [& Sergei Prokofiev!]*
In Europe and America there's a growing feeling of hysteria
Conditioned to respond to all the threats
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets (Iranians)
Mister Krushchev (Ahmadinejad) said, 'We will bury you'
I don't subscribe to this point of view
It'd be such an ignorant thing to do
If the Russians (Persians) love their children too
How can I save my little boy
From Oppenheimer's deadly toy?
There is no monopoly on common sense
On either side of the political fence
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
There is no historical precedent to put
Words in the mouth of the president
There's no such thing as a winnable war
It's a lie we don't believe anymore
Mister Reagan says 'We will protect you'
I don't subscribe to this point of view
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
What might save us, me and you
Is if the Russians love their children too
Kisah Gregor Mendol dan Firdaus Oil
28 Juli 2010 pukul 16:06
Kenapa dia bernama Gregor Mendel dan bukan Gregor Mendol? Inilah sekilas riwayat singkat asal-usul nama Gregor Mendel, pelopor ilmu genetika modern. Anda semua tentu sudah tahu siapa itu Gregor Mendel dalam pelajaran biologi di SMA dulu. Nah, yang belum banyak diketahui orang adalah riwayat asal-usul nama sang tokoh ini. Karena itu, kali ini saya akan bercerita sedikit tentang asal-usul nama beliau.
Haha.. orang Jawa Timur pasti akan langsung tertawa bila membaca nama Mendel diplesetkan menjadi Mendol. Mendol ini adalah semacam perkedel yang terbuat dari tempe, makanan khas Surabaya, Malang dan sekitarnya.
Tapi benar saudara, nama kecil beliau memang adalah Gregor Mendol. Kata orang tua-tua, nama adalah doa. Walhasil, karena dia bernama Mendol, maka sebelum menjadi ahli genetika ternama banyak hasil penelitiannya yang hanya berkelas mendol juga. Dan selain berprofesi sebagai ahli genetika amatiran, Pak Mendol saat itu masih nyambi bekerja jualan cendol. Maklum, ekonomi masih susah. Oleh karena itu, sebagian tetangga memanggilnya juga sebagai Pak Cendol. Meski demikian, ia ternyata saat itu sudah cukup punya nama juga. Buktinya, suatu ketika ada seorang bapak dari jauh yang meminta tolong kepadanya untuk mencarikan anak laki-lakinya yang hilang semasa dia masih berusia lima tahun. Sebut saja ia sebagai bapak X. Tentu persoalan yang agak ruwet bagi orang awam karena memang susah mencari tahu bagaimana rupa anak yang sudah tak ketemu duapuluh tahun lamanya. Tapi tidak bagi Pak Mendol alias Pak Cendol. Disanggupinya permintaan itu. Kebetulan bapak X itu wajahnya berewokan dan berjambang lebat. "Gampang," sanggup Pak Mendol, "Mestilah anak bapak ini sekarang berewokan juga." Demikian katanya penuh percaya diri.
Besok sorenya, Pak Mendol berangkat berusaha mencari tahu di mana anak bapak X tersebut. Ia berangkat sore-sore karena tentu pada saat itu banyak anak-anak muda yang lagi JJS dan nongkrong di jalanan. Setelah mencari tahu kesana-kemari, tak dinyana ia kemudian menemui sekelompok pemuda berewokan yang lagi asyik nongkrong main gitar di jalanan. Wah, pucuk dicinta ulam tiba. "Gampang juga ternyata pekerjaan ini," demikian batin Pak Mendol. Dengan gembira didekatinya anak-anak muda tersebut dan hendak ditanyainya satu persatu. Ia haqqul yakin bahwa salah seorang pemuda itu mestilah anak sang bapak X tadi. Maklumlah, masih abad ke-19, ilmu genetika saat itu belum berkembang, apalagi tes DNA. Jadi, cara penelitiannya memang masih cukup vulgar. Cukup dilihat tampang luarnya beres sudah.
Ditanyainya pemuda berewok yang pertama, "Apakah kamu anaknya bapak X?", demikian tanya Pak Mendol dangan pandangan mata yang tajam menyelidik. "Bukan, Pak", sanggah pemuda yang pertama. Pemuda itu pun lalu menunjukkan KTPnya dan menceritakan daftar riwayat keluarganya. Pak Mendol pun lalu melanjutkan penyelidikannya kepada pemuda berewok yang kedua. Dasar nasib, hingga pemuda terakhir ternyata tak ada yang mengaku bahwa ia anak bapak X. Pak Mendol pun lalu menjadi marah karena merasa dipermainkan. Dengan geram dan kesal ditariknya kuat-kuat jenggot pemuda yang terakhir hingga ia terjungkal jatuh dan berteriak kesakitan. Gitar yang dipegangnya pun sampai terlempar ke jalanan. "Mengaku sajalah," geram Pak Mendol murka. Para pemuda itu kontan menjadi ketakutan. Dengan gemetaran mereka berkata, "Ampun Pak Mendol," rintih para pemuda itu. "Kami memang bukan anak bapak X. Ini semata-mata karena khasiat Firdaus Oil."
"Firdaus Oil? Apa itu?" tanya Pak Mendol masih dengan wajah marah dan curiga. Dengan gemetaran salah seorang pemuda mengeluarkan sebotol obat penumbuh jenggot merk "Firdaus Oil" dan membukanya di hadapan Pak Mendol. Karena tangannya gemetaran ketakutan, maka tanpa sengaja tertumpahlah minyak itu ke wajah Pak Mendol. Tak ayal lagi, wajah Pak Mendol pun menjadi basah kuyup. Dan ajaib saudara-saudara!! Dalam sekejap mata wajah Pak Mendol yang semula rapi klimis berubah menjadi lebat berewokan.
Terkejut dan malu, Pak Mendol pun lalu minta maaf kepada para pemuda tersebut. Dengan terbata-bata ia lalu berjanji kepada mereka akan memperbaiki teknik penelitian ilmu genetika. Dan Pak Mendol ternyata menepati janjinya. Diperbaikinya dengan sungguh-sungguh teknik penelitiannya.
Demikianlah, setelah lewat bertahun-tahun, Pak Mendol akhirnya menjadi ahli genetika ternama. Penelitiannya pun tidak berkelas mendol lagi. Lewat sebuah slametan jenang abang, Pak Mendol pun lalu mengubah namanya menjadi lebih keren, yakni Gregor Mendel. Dan nama inilah yang akhirnya tersohor kemana-mana dan kita kenal hingga saat ini. Demikianlah riwayat singkat nama ahli genetika kita Gregor Mendel. Harap maklum adanya.
Eh ya, hampir lupa. Lalu bagaimana kemudian dengan nasib para pemuda berewok yang pernah ditemuinya dulu? Walau Pak Mendol kemudian sudah menguasai beragam teknik yang canggih, termasuk tes DNA, akan tetapi semenjak interogasi yang dilakukan Pak Mendol mereka tak pernah muncul nongkrong di jalanan lagi. Lha iya, siapa sih yang mau ditarik jenggotnya dengan semena-mena. Udah biaya obat jenggot mahal lagi. Jadi, Pak Mendol tak sempat lagi melakukan tes ulang kepada mereka. Perkara benar atau tidak apakah ia anak yang dicari-cari oleh bapak X tadi, maka Pak Mendol, eh Pak Mendel sekarang, hanya bisa berucap wallahu a'lam.
Who is Harun Yahya?
30 November 2010 pukul 9:09
(terjemahan dari website yang saya tautkan di dinding facebook saya).
Oktar adalah nama pena dari Harun Yahya, di websitenya dia mengklaim
dirinya sebagai "sarjana yang termasyhur dan terhormat" yang telah
mengabdikan dirinya untuk menulis tentang subyek ilmiah dan masalah
keagamaan seperti teori evolusi dan mukjizat tuhan.
jauh dia disebut oleh pendukungnya sebagai "ilmuwan" terhormat yang
mempunyai banyak karya di beragam bidang keilmuwan (pada kenyataannya ia
sama sekali tak punya ijazah universitas). Dia hanya bisa bahasa Turki
(tidak bisa bahasa Inggris dan Arab). Faktanya adalah baru-baru ini
karya-karyanya dan yayasannya (Yayasan Riset Sains) dilarang di Turki,
dan para sektenya telah dikirim ke pengadilan. Ini tidak ada kaitannya
dengan aktifitas keislaman dan ilmiah mereka, tetapi dalam kaitan
dengan kejahatan seperti pemerasan dgn ancaman, pemerasan, memiliki
senjata api tanpa izin dan hubungan seksual dengan anak di bawah umur.
Sekitar tiga tahun yang lalu, atas keluhan para korban dan
bertahun-tahun kecurigaan, polisi Turki menggerebek tempat tinggal sekte
ini. Apa yang ditemukan di sana dan kesaksian para anggota sekte
sangatlah mengejutkan. Dengan berkedok mempromosikan Islam dan sains,
para anggota sekte ini didapati terlibat dalam kegiatan kriminal yang
sangat luas. Kejahatan ini termasuk pemerasan dgn ancaman, kepemilikan
senjata api tanpa izin dan hubungan seksual dengan anak di bawah umur 18
tahun. Ketua sekte, Adnan Oktar (direkam dengan kamera polisi,
membocorkan dan menunjukkan di saluran teve turki seperti Kanal D, ATV,
Star) mengaku memeras orang yang mereka pandang sebagai penghalang usaha
mereka. Mereka antara lain jurnalis surat kabar Hurriyet, Emin Colasan
dan Fatih Altayli, setelah mereka mempertanyakan sejumlah aktifitas
Harun Yahya seperti misalnya menyuap aparat pemerintahan kota Ankara.
politisi seperti Celal Adan (anggota parlemen) dan Mesut Yilmaz (bekas
perdana menteri Turki) telah korban sekte ini. Sekte Oktar mengatur
penipuan (photomontage) foto-foto Mesut Yilmaz dalam pakaian Freemason
dan upacaranya, serta memalsukan kartu anggota freemasonary untuk
dia. Penipuan ini diangap serius dan diterbitkan di beberapa koran
Pro-Islam (tanpa mereka mengetahui bahwa ini penipuan). Perdana Menteri
ini image-nya secara politis menjadi rusak di sepanjang sisa masa
pemerintahannya. Selanjutnya seorang fashion model bernama Ebru Simsek
diperas dan kemudian difitnah sebagai “pelacur” di pesan-pesan fax yang
dikirim ke beratus-ratus koran, saluran teve, perusahaan-perusahaan
besar, konsulat asing, kantor pemerintah dan lain-lain. Alasan fitnah
tersebut? Dia menolak berhubungan seks dengan Adnan Oktar. Tetapi, yang
paling mengejutkan dari aktifitas Oktar dan pengikutnya bukanlah hal di
atas. Saat penggerebekan mendadak, 20 wanita dan 2 pria ditemukan di
rumahnya. Kebanyakan dari gadis itu di bawah umur 18, (Oktar berusia
pertengahan 40-an) dan mereka mengklaim telah hubungan seksual dengan
Oktar dan para anggota sektenya. Dalam kesaksiannya, Oktar menyatakan
bahwa dia tidak melakukan kejahatan karena hubungan itu didasari suka
sama suka, yang diizinkan di bawah hukum Turki. Lebih jauh, Oktar
menegaskan bahwa hubungan itu diizinkan ajaran Islam karena dia dan
pengikutnya tidak melakukan "hubungan seksual yang nyata" dengan
gadis-gadis tersebut. Dia dan pengikutnya mengklaim bahwa mereka hanya
melakukan hubungan ‘anal dan oral’. Mereka lebih suka jenis ini hubungan
seksual ini karena menurut penafsiran mereka al-Qur'an mengizinkan
melakukan hal ini di luar perkawinan. Menurut tafsiran mereka hubungan
vagina di luar nikah adalah haram, tetapi anal dan oral itu ‘halal’.
Anda ingin tahu apa yang terjadi selanjutnya? Yayasan mereka ditutup.
Adnan Oktar alias Harun Yahya dan kira-kira 40 dari anggota sektenya
diseret ke pengadilan. Saat di sana, mereka menolak pengakuan awal
mereka dan menyatakan bahwa itu diambil di bawah penyiksaan.
pengadilan berlangsung selama 2 tahun, sebagian besar dari korban
menarik tuntutannya karena ancaman atau suap dari para anggota sekte.
Akibatnya, sebagian besar kasus berhenti di tengah jalan, dan hanya dua
dari terdakwa yang dapat dipenjara, masing-masing selama 1 tahun.
Peristiwa penangkapan dan pengadilan ini di Turki diliput secara luas
oleh media dan reputasi (serta bisnis) dari sekte ini rusak untuk
selamanya. Pada saat ini, Harun Yahya hanya dianggap serius di
negara-negara asing di mana masalah hukum yang menimpa mereka sedikit
atau bahkan tidak pernah diberitakan sama sekali.
Be careful of Harun Yahya aka Adnan Oktar
30 November 2010 pukul 9:11
(terjemahan dari website yang saya tautkan di dinding facebook saya).
di bawah ini dipublikasikan di Minaret, majalah terbitan Islamic Center
of Southern California, setelah adanya review buku tentang Yahya's
Evolution Deceit, pada Minaret edisi sebelumnya. Nama asli Yahya adalah
Adnan Oktar. Sayangnya, sebagian besar umat Islam yang mempromosikan
buku-buku Yahya mempunyai pengetahuan yang sangat sedikit tentang teori
evolusi dan sains secara umum.Book Review by T.O. Shanavas.
berjudul “Kedustaan Evolusi Menyatakan Lubang di Teori Tersebut” dengan
penulis anonim di Minaret vol. 22: 8 bersifat menyesatkan dan menipu.
Kedustaan Evolusi oleh Harun Yahya adalah suatu kedustaan Kristen
fundamentalis dengan topeng Islam. Buku ini menyesatkan umat Islam yang
tidak bersalah yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup tentang teori
evolusi dan biologi. Penulis review buku tersebut menulis: buku ini
“memberikan jawaban yang diperlukan bagi propaganda para evolusionis.”
Dia menambahkan: buku itu “menunjukkan kecurangan dan distorsi para
ilmuwan evolutionis. ” TIDAK! ! ! Sebaliknya buku Yahya itulah yang
mendistorsi para ilmuwan jujur dengan cara memanipulasi
statemen-statemen mereka. Buku ini adalah sekedar karbon kopi dari
argumen Kristen fundamentalis di Institute for Creation Research (ICR),
San Diego, CA. Yahya dengan licik meluncurkan argumen ICR ke komunitas
muslim dengan seringkali mengambil acuan ke Allah dan al-Qur'an.
Bertindak sebagai murid yang baik dari ICR, dia mengambil alih semua
argumen ICR ke bukunya seperti misalnya ketiadaan fosil transisi,
kemustahilan dari adanya bentuk menengah, penipuan evolusi manusia,
ketidaklayakan metode penanggalan radioaktif, dan ketidakmungkinan
statistik dari evolusi di tingkat molekul. Mengikuti modus operandi
ICR, Yahya menggunakan psuedoscience untuk mempromosikan tafsiran
al-Qur'an-nya. Referensi dari majalah ilmiah yang dikutipnya biasanya
mendukung dan membela evolusi. Tetapi dia hanya mengambil satu kalimat
dari artikel tersebut yang menurutnya bisa mendukung argumennya dan dia
gunakan sebagai referensi ilmiah. Sebagaimana ICR, dia biasanya
mendistorsi satu berita dari majalah terkenal untuk “membuktikan”
kesimpulkannya. Dia dengan seenaknya mengabaikan fakta bahwa artikel
tersebut atau artikel lain di majalah yang sama membela dan mendukung
evolusi, padahal al-Quran memperintahkan, “…jangan sembunyikan bukti…”
[al-Quran 2: 283). Taktik dan strategi Yahya di buku ini dipinjam dan
diinstruksikan oleh para gurunya fundamentalis Kristen dari ICR seperti
Duane Gish, Henry Morris, John Morris dan lain-lain. Yahya dan
organisasinya, Bilim Arastirma Vakfi [BAV]-Yayasan Riset Ilmiah, punya
sejarah panjang bersahabat dengan ICR sejak 1992, termasuk menerima
bantuan dari mereka. Yahya menjadi kenal baik dengan Duane Gish dan
Henry Morris saat mereka sering melakukan perjalanan ke Turki untuk
mencari perahu Nabi Nuh [Ref: Acts & Facts 1998a,1998b). Duane Gish
dan Henry Morris adalah peserta di konferensi untuk kreasionisme yang
diorganisir oleh Yahya dan BAV pada tahun 1992. Kemudian bulan April dan
Juli 1998 Yahya dan BAV mengorganisir tiga konferensi “internasional”
yang berkolaborasi dengan ICR dengan tema “Keruntuhan Teori Evolusi:
Fakta Kreasi.” Gish dan Morri diundang sebagai pembicara utama di
konferensi tersebut. Setelah konferensi Morris menjelaskan kehadiran
ICR di konferensi itu di Turki sebagai suatu “upaya untuk membawa orang
Turki ke Kristus.” [Ref: ICR publication, Impact # 318 December 1999].
Pada artikel lainnya yang berjudul “Kreasi, Hari Natal dan al-Quran”
Henry Morris berharap, “Umat Muslim yang dipengaruhi oleh ICR akan
mengenali Kristus.” [Ref: ICR publication: “Back to Genesis” December
1998, page 120]. Harapan serupa juga diungkapkan oleh John Morris,
direktur ICR saat ini, di artikel berjudul“Evangelisme Kreasionis.”
[Ref: the ICR publication: “Acts & Facts” 1998, 27:9].
halaman 222 dari buku Yahya, dia menyebut Duane Gish sebagai “ahli
evolusi yang termasyhur di dunia.” Ini adalah klaim tipuan lainnya oleh
Yahya. Tak ada tak satu pun artikel ilmiah yang pernah ditulis oleh
Gish di majalah ilmiah selama 25 tahun ini. Tentu saja, dia telah
menerbitkan banyak artikel di majalah Kristen konservatif. Gish salah
satu dari founding father Organisasi Kristen Fundamentalis, ICR. Gish
ahli biokimia yang tidak pernah melakukan riset paleo-anthropologi
sendiri. Salah satu dari taktik Gish adalah memfitnah kredibilitas para
antropolog secara umum yang mempelajari evolusi manusia dengan mengutip
contoh-contoh kekeliruan mereka, khususnya fosil yang salah
identifikasi. Salah satu protokol dari ilmuwan yang baik adalah "siapa
yang membuat klaim menanggung beban untuk mendokumentasikannya". Tetapi
Gish, "ilmuwan termasyhur" yang disebut Yahya itu menolak ikut protokol
para ilmuwan ini setelah dia membuat pernyataan manusia itu lebih dekat
ke katak berdasarkan data rangkaian asam amino pada sebagian protein
pada katak dan manusia. [Ref: PBS science program Nova in 1982]. Gish
berkali-kali berjanji membuat dokumentasi atas pernyataannya, tetapi hal
itu tidak pernah dilakukannya. Dia tidak menghormati protokol ilmuwan
yang baik ketika dia akhirnya mengatakan bahwa itu adalah tugas para
evolusionis untuk mencari tahu. [Ref: Eve, Raymond A. & Harrold,
Francis B.1990. “The Creationist Movement in America” Boston: Twayne
Publishers. Page 83]. Kelakuan Duane Gish ini menunjukkan bahwa dia
tidak pantas disebut sebagai “ilmuwan termasyhur.” Siapa penasehat
Harun Yahya yang lainnya? Henry Morris dan John Morris! Kombinasi bapak
dan anak!! Henry Morris sama sekali bukan ahli ilmu biologi atau ahli
paleontologi. Dia insinyur hidraulik. Cara terbaik untuk memperkenalkan
dia adalah dengan kata-katanya sendiri sehingga pembaca dapat menentukan
opini mereka sendiri. Pendapatnya tentang ilmu pengetahuan adalah
sebagai beikut: “Karena wahyu di Bibel itu mutlak benar dan mudah
dipahami, maka fakta ilmiah itu bila ditafsirkan dengan benar akan
memberikan kesaksian seperti yang terdapat pada Bibel. Tak ada sedikit
pun kemungkinan bahwa fakta ilmu pengetahuan dapat bertentangan dengan
Bibel.” .”[Ref: Morris, Henry M., ed. 1974. “Scientific creationism”
(public school edition). San Diego: Creation-Life Pubs.]. Pernyataan
Henry Morris tentang umur bumi adalah: “Di dalam Bibel, yang merupakan
sabda Tuhan, Dia telah memberitahu kita segalanya tentang tentang kreasi
dan sejarah purba bumi”. [Ref: Morris, Henry., 1967. “Evolution and the
Modern Christian.” Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub.
Co.] "Satu-satunya cara kita untuk menentukan umur bumi dengan benar
adalah dengan mengikuti apa yang telah Tuhan beritahukan kepada kita.
Dan karena Dia telah memberitahu kita dengan sangat jelasnya di Kitab
Suci bahwa umur bumi itu cuma beberapa ribu tahun, dan tidak lebih dari
itu, maka itu seharusnya bisa menyelesaikan semua pertanyaan dasar yang
berkaitan dengan umur bumi." [Ref: The Remarkable Birth of Planet Earth
by Henry Morris. Minneapolis, Minn. Dimension Books.1972. page.94.].
Morris di tuisannya yang lain menyatakan “bahwa bumi hampir bisa
dipastikan diciptakan kurang dari 10,000 tahun yang lalu.” [Ref: Morris,
Henry., 1977. “The scientific Case for Creationism.” San Diego:
Creation-Life Pub.].
Akhirnya, Henry M. Morris--ayah John
Morris, yakni bos dari Duane Gish, pendiri ICR--nampaknya mencurigai
Nabi Muhammad saw. berhubungan dengan setan? Saya kutip: "Muhammad
sendiri, dengan penampakan dan wahyu yang diterimanya, adalah sesuatu
yang bersifat mistik, dan adalah sah untuk mempertanyakan apakah wahyu
yang diterimanya melalui malaikat itu benar-benar dari Tuhan. . . Wahyu
yang diterima oleh Nabi Muhammad itu berasal dari makhluk gaib, meskipun
menekankan keunggulan Allah, menghadirkan potret yang sangat berbeda
dengan karakter dan tujuan Tuhan yang diilhami Roh Kudus melalui para
nabi dan rasulnya, baik yang di kitab Perjanjian lama maupun baru. Ini
semua tak mungkin berasal dari sumber yang sama." (Henry M. Morris, The
Long War Against God, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House 1989, pp.
229-30). John Morris berpendapat sama dengan ayahnya berkenaan dengan
umur bumi dan mungkin juga tentang Nabi saw. Jika tidak, mustahil dia
bisa jadi direktur ICR. Siapa pun yang berpendapat demikian tentang
dengan umur bumi tidak bisa disebut "ahli geologi terkenal" sebagaimana
yang dikatakan Yahya. Dia bisa disebut sebagai "ahli geologi Bibel atau
sarjana Bibel" tetapi yang jelas bukan seorang “famous geologist.” John
Morris, direktur ICR, adalah seorang insinyur geologi, bukan ahli
geologi, dan pada saat ini tidak bekerja di bidang geologi. John Morris,
penasehat Yahya, setelah menghadiri pembicaraan yang diorganisir oleh
BAV dan Harun Yahya, menulis: " Sebagai sebuah grup [BAV di Turki],
mereka punya akses sumber daya finansial yang lebih dari cukup, termasuk
di media, sehingga dapat menyelimuti negara itu dengan informasi
kreasi. Mereka memilih mengundang kreasionis internasional untuk
publisitas mereka, dan terutama menyambut Kristen kreationis dari ICR
daripada mereka yang sekedar anti-Darwin." [Ref: Morris, John.
"Creationist Evangelism in Turkey." Acts & Facts 1998;
27:9.] Kesimpulannya, guru dari Harun Yahya adalah para fundamentalis
Kristen. Taktik dan strateginya adalah yang juga dipraktekkan oleh para
fundamentalis kristen tersebut. Yahya bahkan dengan liciknya memuliakan
Duane Gish, Morris, dan lain-lain sebagai ilmuwan dan ahli evolusi yang
Oleh karena itu, buku Yahya berjudul
Kedustaan Evolusi adalah penipuan fundamentalis Kristen, dengan topeng
berwajah Islam, yang salah menggambarkan Islam dan al-Qur'an. Umat Islam
yang saat ini mempromosikan buku Yahya sebagai pembela umat Islam dari
teori evolusi, harus mencari sumber selain buku-buku Yahya.
Aura Introduction
is nothing "paranormal" in the Universe, except our limited
understanding of Nature. What we think we "know" on Earth now is just a
tiny drop in the Ocean of Knowledge. In the distant past, people admired
things they could not explain and called them "miracles".
Long ago, people were able to see Auras. Very advanced spiritual people such as Buddha, Christ and their immediate students were painted with golden haloes around their heads, because some artists could actually see Auras. In Australia remote West Kimberleys you can find prehistoric cave paintings (right), many thousands of years old, depicting people with golden haloes.
Nature gave us ALL we need to see Auras. All is required is the knowledge how to use your senses together with your conscious effort. If you decide not to try, you will NEVER see the Aura. When you SEE something for yourself, no longer you need to rely on believing someone. You will KNOW. And you can use your knowledge to learn more.
Many great people in the past complained that "we have eyes and we do not see". Further in this document you will discover what they meant.
ANYONE can see auras to some degree. Rather than create an aura of mystery around my newly acquired skill, my approach is to show everyone what their eyes are capable of. When nearly everyone (including children) sees a similar thing, I consider this a part of our Nature and I say that it deserves our attention.
What is an Aura?
Everything in the Universe is just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary "particle", even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. We may define the Aura as a vibration surrounding every material object. This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see Aura vibration.
Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ...) changes with time, sometimes very quickly.
Aura around non-living object (stones, crystals, water...) is essentially fixed.
Above facts have been confirmed beyond any doubt by scientists in Russia, who have been using Kirlian effect to study Auras for the last 50 years.
The Aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humour and emotions.
Russian scientists, who are 3 decades ahead of everyone else in Aura research, discovered that our DNA can be altered, by influencing its microwave Aura. The high frequency UV part is very important and most interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with your eyes.
Why Do We Need To See Auras?
Colours and intensity of the aura, especially around and above the head have VERY special meanings. Watching someone's aura you can actually see the other person's thoughts before you hear them expressed verbally. If they do not agree with what this person is saying, you effectively see a lie every time. No one can lie in front of you undetected. We cannot fake the Aura. It shows our True Nature and intentions for everyone to see.
Also, aura is our spiritual signature. When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be SURE that such person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest and not aware of it. When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be SURE, that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent, educated, "good looking" or "well dressed" he/she seems to appear.
It is ESPECIALLY important to check the aura of any religious leader, "spiritual teacher", "master" or a "guru". Such person should have a clearly defined yellow-golden halo around the head. If he/she does not have it, you are MUCH better on your own.
Joining a sect or a religion that is led by incompetent people without good Auras is very dangerous for your consciousness. Where is the danger ? When the time comes to really use the information stored in your consciousness from this lifetime, there may be almost nothing useful there, if you focus your life on following rituals and the flock of other people.
In such case it is necessary to re-learn everything from the beginning. Most sect, religion and political leaders have only two things in mind: money and power to control people. And you can SEE it in their Aura for yourself. Imagine changes on Earth if many people can see Auras of their leaders and start choosing them on the basis of their Auras.
Reading Aura you can diagnose malfunctions in the body (diseases) long before physical symptoms become evident. By consciously controlling your Aura you can actually heal yourself.
However, healing of the physical body is nothing in comparison to what seeing and reading auras can do for our consciousness, spiritual development and our awareness of Nature.
Everyone has an Aura. But most people on Earth have VERY WEAK and dull Auras. This is a direct consequence of their life long materialistic attitude negating and suppressing the development of consciousness, cultivating fear, envy, jealousy and other similar emotions. Such attitude suppresses their True Nature, and their Auras become suppressed too.
When you learn to see Auras, be prepared for a REALLY HARD question: "Can you tell me what my Aura is ?" and the situation when you don't see any Aura or you see something you don't want to talk about. One of the best answers I found is "why don't you learn to see it for yourself ?". And this is one of the main reasons why I teach people to see auras.
When people realize that their Aura is on display and many people are able to see it, they will watch what they think. And they will try to see and improve their own Aura. In the process they will become better and wiser, being able to recognize intentions of other people. Surely, the entire world will become much better if all people can see and read Auras.
Meaning of Aura and its colours
The Aura is a reflection of our True Nature at any given moment. At this point it is perhaps necessary to explain what do I mean by "True Nature" and why some effort is necessary to "discover" it. Our society emphasizes symbols, stereotypes, habits, manners, superficial behaviour, pretending, following others and submitting free will to "leaders". Our "education" is largely based on views and expectations of people who try to control the flock.
Our True Nature is what is left when we recognize and discard all our habits, stereotypes, manners, and pretending, superficial behaviour and become fully conscious, truly natural and spontaneous. Note that some people are so attached to their manners and habits that it is very hard, if not impossible, to discover who they really are. The only way to get an instant insight into their personality is to watch their Aura, because it shows their True Nature, behind any facade of superficial behaviour.
In general, the more colourful, cleaner and brighter the Aura, the better and more spiritually advanced is the person. Also, the more uniform the energy distribution in the Aura, the healthier and more balanced the person is.
Distribution of the energy in the Aura can serve as a powerful medical diagnostic tool, but usually requires using a complex equipment. The scope of this article is to concentrate on what we can easily see with our eyes.
Our Aura surrounds the entire body, but the interpretation of colours below relates to the Aura around the head only. Meaning of colours around the head presented below suggested in the literature has been confirmed by the author. When you learn to see Aura well, you can verify it for yourself, by concentrating on certain thoughts while watching your Aura, or telling people what their thoughts are when you see their Auras.
Usually, people have one or two dominating colours (strong points) in their Aura. These colours (or their Auric pairs) will be most likely their favourite colours.
In addition to dominant colours, the Aura reflects thoughts, feelings and desires, which appear like "flashes", "clouds" or "flames", usually further away from the head. For example a flash of orange in the Aura indicates a thought or desire to exercise power and control. Orange as a dominant colour is a sign of power and general ability to control people. Quickly changing "flashes" indicate quickly changing thoughts.
Meaning of Clean Colours of the Aura
(colours of the rainbow, bright, shiny, monochromatic colours):
Purple: indicates spiritual thoughts. Purple is never a strong point in the Aura. It appears only as temporary "clouds" and "flames", indicating truly spiritual thoughts.
Blue: Balanced existence, sustaining life, eased nerve system, transmitting forces and energy. People with blue strong point in their Aura are relaxed, balanced and feel ready to live in a cave and survive. They are born survivors. Blue thought is a thought about relaxing the nerve system to achieve the balance of the mind or a thought about surviving. Electric blue can override any other colour in the Aura, when the person is receiving and/or transmitting energy or is in telepathic communication. For example Michael Desmarquet, author of "Thiaoouba Prophecy", frequently glows with the electric blue during his lectures, especially when he answers questions from the public.
Turquoise: indicates dynamic quality of being, highly energized personality, capable of projection, influencing other people. People with turquoise strong point in their Aura can do many things simultaneously and are good organizers. They feel bored when forced to concentrate on one thing. People love bosses with turquoise Auras, because such bosses explain their goals and influence their team rather than execute commands. Turquoise thought is a thought about organizing and influencing others.
Green: restful, modifying energy, natural healing ability. All natural healers should have it. People with a green strong point in their Auras are natural healers. The stronger the green Aura, the better the healer. They also love gardening and usually have a "green hand" - anything grows for them. Being in a presence of a person with a strong and green Aura is a very peaceful and restful experience. Green thought indicates a restful state and healing.
Yellow: joy, freedom, non-attachment, freeing or releasing vital forces. People who glow yellow are full of inner joy, very generous and not attached to anything. Yellow halo around the head: high spiritual development. A signature of a spiritual teacher. Do not accept spiritual teachings from anyone who does not have such a yellow halo. Buddha and Christ had yellow halos extending to their arms. Today it is rare on Earth to find a person with a halo larger than 1 inch. Yellow halo appears as a result of a highly active brow chakra (which can be seen glowing with violet by many people at my workshops). Highly spiritual people stimulate the brow chakra continuously for many years, because they always have intensive spiritual thoughts in their minds. When this chakra is observed when highly active, a yellow (Auric pair) halo appears around it, surrounding the entire head. Yellow thought indicates a moment of joy and contentment.
Orange: uplifting and absorbing. Inspiring. A sign of power. Ability and/or desire to control people. When orange becomes a strong point, it usually contributes to a yellow halo, which then becomes gold, indicating not only a spiritual teacher, but a powerful spiritual teacher, someone capable of demonstrating his/her unique abilities. Orange thought is a thought about exercising power or a desire to control people.
Red: materialistic thoughts, thoughts about the physical body. Predominantly red Aura indicates materialistically oriented person.
Pink (purple+red): love (in a spiritual sense). To obtain a clean pink, you need to mix the purple (the highest frequency we perceive) with red (the lowest frequency). Pink Aura indicates that the person achieved a perfect balance between spiritual awareness and the material existence. The most advanced people have not only a yellow halo around the head (a permanent strong point in the Aura) but also a large pink Aura extending further away. The pink colour in the Aura is quite rare on Earth and appears only as a temporary thought, never as a strong point in the Aura.
RED AURA COLOUR: Relates to the physical body, hart or circulation. The densest colour, it creates the most friction. Friction attracts or repels; money worries or obsessions; anger or unforgiveness; anxiety or nervousness
Deep Red: Grounded, realistic, active, strong will-power, survival-oriented.
Muddied red: Anger (repelling)
Clear red: Powerful, energetic, competitive, sexual, passionate
Pink bright and light: Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, purity, compassion; new or revived romantic relationship. Can indicate clairaudience.
Dark and murky pink: Immature and/or dishonest nature
Orange Red: Confidence, creative power
In a good, bright and pure state, red energy can serve as a healthy ego.
ORANGE AURA COLOUR: Relates to reproductive organs and emotions. The colour of vitality, vigour, good health and excitement. Lots of energy and stamina, creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, outgoing social nature; currently experiencing stress related to appetites and addictions;
Orange-Yellow: Creative, intelligent, detail oriented, perfectionist, scientific.
YELLOW AURA COLOUR: Relates to the spleen and life energy. It is the colour of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, easy-going.
Light or pale yellow: Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness; optimism and hopefulness; positive excitement about new ideas.
Bright lemon-yellow: Struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship; fear of losing control, prestige, respect, and/or power.
Clear gold metallic, shiny and bright: Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened; an inspired person.
Dark brownish yellow or gold: A student, or one who is straining at studying; overly analytical to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed; trying to make up for "lost time" by learning everything all at once.
GREEN AURA COLOUR: Relates to heart and lungs. It is a very comfortable, healthy colour of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change. Love of people, animals, nature; teacher; social
Bright emerald green: A healer, also a love-centered person
Yellow-Green: Creative with heart, communicative
Dark or muddy forest green: Jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim of the world; blaming self or others; insecurity and low self-esteem; lack of understanding personal responsibility; sensitive to perceived criticism
Turquoise: Relates to the immune system. Sensitive, compassionate, healer, therapist.
BLUE AURA COLOUR: Relates to the throat, thyroid. Cool, calm, and collected. Caring, loving, love to help others, sensitive, intuitive.
Soft blue: Peacefulness, clarity and communication; truthful; intuitive
Bright royal blue: Clairvoyant; highly spiritual nature; generous; on the right path; new opportunities are coming
Dark or muddy blue: Fear of the future; fear of self-expression; fear of facing or speaking the truth
INDIGO AURA COLOUR: Relates to the third eye, visual and pituitary gland. Intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling.
VIOLET AURA COLOUR: Relates to crown, pineal gland and nervous system. The most sensitive and wisest of colours. This is the intuitive colour in the aura, and reveals psychic power of attainment with self. Intuitive, visionary, futuristic, idealistic, artistic, magical.
LAVENDER AURA COLOUR: Imagination, visionary, daydreamed, etheric.
SILVER AURA COLOUR: This is the colour of abundance, both spiritual and physical. Lots of bright silver can reflect to plenty of money, and/or awakening of the cosmic mind.
Bright metallic silver: Receptive to new ideas; intuitive; nurturing
Dark and muddy gray: Residue of fear is accumulating in the body, with a potential for health problems, especially if gray clusters seen in specific areas of the body
GOLD AURA COLOUR: The colour of enlightenment and divine protection. When seen within the aura, it says that the person is being guided by their highest good. It is divine guidance. Protection, wisdom, inner knowledge, spiritual mind, intuitive thinker.
BLACK AURA COLOUR: Draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it. It captures light and consumes it. Usually indicates long-term unforgiveness (toward others or another) collected in a specific area of the body, which can lead to health problems; also, entities within a person's aura, chakras, or body; past life hurts; unreleased grief from abortions if it appears in the ovaries
WHITE AURA COLOUR: Reflects other energy. A pure state of light. Often represents a new, not yet designated energy in the aura. Spiritual, etheric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, higher dimensions. Purity and truth; angelic qualities.
White sparkles or flashes of white light: angels are nearby; can indicate that the person is pregnant or will be soon
EARTH AURA COLOURS: Soil, wood, mineral, plant. These colours display a love of the Earth, of being grounded and is seen in those who live and work on the outdoors - construction, farming, etc. These colours are important and are a good sign.
RAINBOWS: Rainbow-colored stripes, sticking out like sunbeams from the hand, head or body: A Reiki healer, or a star person (someone who is in the first incarnation on Earth)
PASTELS: A sensitive blend of light and colour, more so than basic colours. Shows sensitivity and a need for serenity.
DIRTY BROWN OVERLAY: Holding on to energies. Insecurity.
DIRTY GRAY OVERLY: Blocking energies. Guardedness.
Meaning of Dirty Colours:
Brown: unsettling, distracting, materialistic, negating spirituality.
Gray: dark thoughts, depressing thoughts, unclear intentions, presence of a dark side of personality.
Sulphur (colour of a mustard): pain or lack of ease, anger
White: serious disease, artificial stimulation (drugs).
Long ago, people were able to see Auras. Very advanced spiritual people such as Buddha, Christ and their immediate students were painted with golden haloes around their heads, because some artists could actually see Auras. In Australia remote West Kimberleys you can find prehistoric cave paintings (right), many thousands of years old, depicting people with golden haloes.
Nature gave us ALL we need to see Auras. All is required is the knowledge how to use your senses together with your conscious effort. If you decide not to try, you will NEVER see the Aura. When you SEE something for yourself, no longer you need to rely on believing someone. You will KNOW. And you can use your knowledge to learn more.
Many great people in the past complained that "we have eyes and we do not see". Further in this document you will discover what they meant.
ANYONE can see auras to some degree. Rather than create an aura of mystery around my newly acquired skill, my approach is to show everyone what their eyes are capable of. When nearly everyone (including children) sees a similar thing, I consider this a part of our Nature and I say that it deserves our attention.
What is an Aura?
Everything in the Universe is just a vibration. Every atom, every part of an atom, every electron, every elementary "particle", even our thoughts and consciousness are just vibrations. We may define the Aura as a vibration surrounding every material object. This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see Aura vibration.
Aura around living (conscious) objects (people, plants ...) changes with time, sometimes very quickly.
Aura around non-living object (stones, crystals, water...) is essentially fixed.
Above facts have been confirmed beyond any doubt by scientists in Russia, who have been using Kirlian effect to study Auras for the last 50 years.
The Aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humour and emotions.
Russian scientists, who are 3 decades ahead of everyone else in Aura research, discovered that our DNA can be altered, by influencing its microwave Aura. The high frequency UV part is very important and most interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with your eyes.
Why Do We Need To See Auras?
Colours and intensity of the aura, especially around and above the head have VERY special meanings. Watching someone's aura you can actually see the other person's thoughts before you hear them expressed verbally. If they do not agree with what this person is saying, you effectively see a lie every time. No one can lie in front of you undetected. We cannot fake the Aura. It shows our True Nature and intentions for everyone to see.
Also, aura is our spiritual signature. When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be SURE that such person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest and not aware of it. When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be SURE, that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent, educated, "good looking" or "well dressed" he/she seems to appear.
It is ESPECIALLY important to check the aura of any religious leader, "spiritual teacher", "master" or a "guru". Such person should have a clearly defined yellow-golden halo around the head. If he/she does not have it, you are MUCH better on your own.
Joining a sect or a religion that is led by incompetent people without good Auras is very dangerous for your consciousness. Where is the danger ? When the time comes to really use the information stored in your consciousness from this lifetime, there may be almost nothing useful there, if you focus your life on following rituals and the flock of other people.
In such case it is necessary to re-learn everything from the beginning. Most sect, religion and political leaders have only two things in mind: money and power to control people. And you can SEE it in their Aura for yourself. Imagine changes on Earth if many people can see Auras of their leaders and start choosing them on the basis of their Auras.
Reading Aura you can diagnose malfunctions in the body (diseases) long before physical symptoms become evident. By consciously controlling your Aura you can actually heal yourself.
However, healing of the physical body is nothing in comparison to what seeing and reading auras can do for our consciousness, spiritual development and our awareness of Nature.
Everyone has an Aura. But most people on Earth have VERY WEAK and dull Auras. This is a direct consequence of their life long materialistic attitude negating and suppressing the development of consciousness, cultivating fear, envy, jealousy and other similar emotions. Such attitude suppresses their True Nature, and their Auras become suppressed too.
When you learn to see Auras, be prepared for a REALLY HARD question: "Can you tell me what my Aura is ?" and the situation when you don't see any Aura or you see something you don't want to talk about. One of the best answers I found is "why don't you learn to see it for yourself ?". And this is one of the main reasons why I teach people to see auras.
When people realize that their Aura is on display and many people are able to see it, they will watch what they think. And they will try to see and improve their own Aura. In the process they will become better and wiser, being able to recognize intentions of other people. Surely, the entire world will become much better if all people can see and read Auras.
Meaning of Aura and its colours
The Aura is a reflection of our True Nature at any given moment. At this point it is perhaps necessary to explain what do I mean by "True Nature" and why some effort is necessary to "discover" it. Our society emphasizes symbols, stereotypes, habits, manners, superficial behaviour, pretending, following others and submitting free will to "leaders". Our "education" is largely based on views and expectations of people who try to control the flock.
Our True Nature is what is left when we recognize and discard all our habits, stereotypes, manners, and pretending, superficial behaviour and become fully conscious, truly natural and spontaneous. Note that some people are so attached to their manners and habits that it is very hard, if not impossible, to discover who they really are. The only way to get an instant insight into their personality is to watch their Aura, because it shows their True Nature, behind any facade of superficial behaviour.
In general, the more colourful, cleaner and brighter the Aura, the better and more spiritually advanced is the person. Also, the more uniform the energy distribution in the Aura, the healthier and more balanced the person is.
Distribution of the energy in the Aura can serve as a powerful medical diagnostic tool, but usually requires using a complex equipment. The scope of this article is to concentrate on what we can easily see with our eyes.
Our Aura surrounds the entire body, but the interpretation of colours below relates to the Aura around the head only. Meaning of colours around the head presented below suggested in the literature has been confirmed by the author. When you learn to see Aura well, you can verify it for yourself, by concentrating on certain thoughts while watching your Aura, or telling people what their thoughts are when you see their Auras.
Usually, people have one or two dominating colours (strong points) in their Aura. These colours (or their Auric pairs) will be most likely their favourite colours.
In addition to dominant colours, the Aura reflects thoughts, feelings and desires, which appear like "flashes", "clouds" or "flames", usually further away from the head. For example a flash of orange in the Aura indicates a thought or desire to exercise power and control. Orange as a dominant colour is a sign of power and general ability to control people. Quickly changing "flashes" indicate quickly changing thoughts.
Meaning of Clean Colours of the Aura
(colours of the rainbow, bright, shiny, monochromatic colours):
Purple: indicates spiritual thoughts. Purple is never a strong point in the Aura. It appears only as temporary "clouds" and "flames", indicating truly spiritual thoughts.
Blue: Balanced existence, sustaining life, eased nerve system, transmitting forces and energy. People with blue strong point in their Aura are relaxed, balanced and feel ready to live in a cave and survive. They are born survivors. Blue thought is a thought about relaxing the nerve system to achieve the balance of the mind or a thought about surviving. Electric blue can override any other colour in the Aura, when the person is receiving and/or transmitting energy or is in telepathic communication. For example Michael Desmarquet, author of "Thiaoouba Prophecy", frequently glows with the electric blue during his lectures, especially when he answers questions from the public.
Turquoise: indicates dynamic quality of being, highly energized personality, capable of projection, influencing other people. People with turquoise strong point in their Aura can do many things simultaneously and are good organizers. They feel bored when forced to concentrate on one thing. People love bosses with turquoise Auras, because such bosses explain their goals and influence their team rather than execute commands. Turquoise thought is a thought about organizing and influencing others.
Green: restful, modifying energy, natural healing ability. All natural healers should have it. People with a green strong point in their Auras are natural healers. The stronger the green Aura, the better the healer. They also love gardening and usually have a "green hand" - anything grows for them. Being in a presence of a person with a strong and green Aura is a very peaceful and restful experience. Green thought indicates a restful state and healing.
Yellow: joy, freedom, non-attachment, freeing or releasing vital forces. People who glow yellow are full of inner joy, very generous and not attached to anything. Yellow halo around the head: high spiritual development. A signature of a spiritual teacher. Do not accept spiritual teachings from anyone who does not have such a yellow halo. Buddha and Christ had yellow halos extending to their arms. Today it is rare on Earth to find a person with a halo larger than 1 inch. Yellow halo appears as a result of a highly active brow chakra (which can be seen glowing with violet by many people at my workshops). Highly spiritual people stimulate the brow chakra continuously for many years, because they always have intensive spiritual thoughts in their minds. When this chakra is observed when highly active, a yellow (Auric pair) halo appears around it, surrounding the entire head. Yellow thought indicates a moment of joy and contentment.
Orange: uplifting and absorbing. Inspiring. A sign of power. Ability and/or desire to control people. When orange becomes a strong point, it usually contributes to a yellow halo, which then becomes gold, indicating not only a spiritual teacher, but a powerful spiritual teacher, someone capable of demonstrating his/her unique abilities. Orange thought is a thought about exercising power or a desire to control people.
Red: materialistic thoughts, thoughts about the physical body. Predominantly red Aura indicates materialistically oriented person.
Pink (purple+red): love (in a spiritual sense). To obtain a clean pink, you need to mix the purple (the highest frequency we perceive) with red (the lowest frequency). Pink Aura indicates that the person achieved a perfect balance between spiritual awareness and the material existence. The most advanced people have not only a yellow halo around the head (a permanent strong point in the Aura) but also a large pink Aura extending further away. The pink colour in the Aura is quite rare on Earth and appears only as a temporary thought, never as a strong point in the Aura.
RED AURA COLOUR: Relates to the physical body, hart or circulation. The densest colour, it creates the most friction. Friction attracts or repels; money worries or obsessions; anger or unforgiveness; anxiety or nervousness
Deep Red: Grounded, realistic, active, strong will-power, survival-oriented.
Muddied red: Anger (repelling)
Clear red: Powerful, energetic, competitive, sexual, passionate
Pink bright and light: Loving, tender, sensitive, sensual, artistic, affection, purity, compassion; new or revived romantic relationship. Can indicate clairaudience.
Dark and murky pink: Immature and/or dishonest nature
Orange Red: Confidence, creative power
In a good, bright and pure state, red energy can serve as a healthy ego.
ORANGE AURA COLOUR: Relates to reproductive organs and emotions. The colour of vitality, vigour, good health and excitement. Lots of energy and stamina, creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, outgoing social nature; currently experiencing stress related to appetites and addictions;
Orange-Yellow: Creative, intelligent, detail oriented, perfectionist, scientific.
YELLOW AURA COLOUR: Relates to the spleen and life energy. It is the colour of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, easy-going.
Light or pale yellow: Emerging psychic and spiritual awareness; optimism and hopefulness; positive excitement about new ideas.
Bright lemon-yellow: Struggling to maintain power and control in a personal or business relationship; fear of losing control, prestige, respect, and/or power.
Clear gold metallic, shiny and bright: Spiritual energy and power activated and awakened; an inspired person.
Dark brownish yellow or gold: A student, or one who is straining at studying; overly analytical to the point of feeling fatigued or stressed; trying to make up for "lost time" by learning everything all at once.
GREEN AURA COLOUR: Relates to heart and lungs. It is a very comfortable, healthy colour of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change. Love of people, animals, nature; teacher; social
Bright emerald green: A healer, also a love-centered person
Yellow-Green: Creative with heart, communicative
Dark or muddy forest green: Jealousy, resentment, feeling like a victim of the world; blaming self or others; insecurity and low self-esteem; lack of understanding personal responsibility; sensitive to perceived criticism
Turquoise: Relates to the immune system. Sensitive, compassionate, healer, therapist.
BLUE AURA COLOUR: Relates to the throat, thyroid. Cool, calm, and collected. Caring, loving, love to help others, sensitive, intuitive.
Soft blue: Peacefulness, clarity and communication; truthful; intuitive
Bright royal blue: Clairvoyant; highly spiritual nature; generous; on the right path; new opportunities are coming
Dark or muddy blue: Fear of the future; fear of self-expression; fear of facing or speaking the truth
INDIGO AURA COLOUR: Relates to the third eye, visual and pituitary gland. Intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling.
VIOLET AURA COLOUR: Relates to crown, pineal gland and nervous system. The most sensitive and wisest of colours. This is the intuitive colour in the aura, and reveals psychic power of attainment with self. Intuitive, visionary, futuristic, idealistic, artistic, magical.
LAVENDER AURA COLOUR: Imagination, visionary, daydreamed, etheric.
SILVER AURA COLOUR: This is the colour of abundance, both spiritual and physical. Lots of bright silver can reflect to plenty of money, and/or awakening of the cosmic mind.
Bright metallic silver: Receptive to new ideas; intuitive; nurturing
Dark and muddy gray: Residue of fear is accumulating in the body, with a potential for health problems, especially if gray clusters seen in specific areas of the body
GOLD AURA COLOUR: The colour of enlightenment and divine protection. When seen within the aura, it says that the person is being guided by their highest good. It is divine guidance. Protection, wisdom, inner knowledge, spiritual mind, intuitive thinker.
BLACK AURA COLOUR: Draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it. It captures light and consumes it. Usually indicates long-term unforgiveness (toward others or another) collected in a specific area of the body, which can lead to health problems; also, entities within a person's aura, chakras, or body; past life hurts; unreleased grief from abortions if it appears in the ovaries
WHITE AURA COLOUR: Reflects other energy. A pure state of light. Often represents a new, not yet designated energy in the aura. Spiritual, etheric and non-physical qualities, transcendent, higher dimensions. Purity and truth; angelic qualities.
White sparkles or flashes of white light: angels are nearby; can indicate that the person is pregnant or will be soon
EARTH AURA COLOURS: Soil, wood, mineral, plant. These colours display a love of the Earth, of being grounded and is seen in those who live and work on the outdoors - construction, farming, etc. These colours are important and are a good sign.
RAINBOWS: Rainbow-colored stripes, sticking out like sunbeams from the hand, head or body: A Reiki healer, or a star person (someone who is in the first incarnation on Earth)
PASTELS: A sensitive blend of light and colour, more so than basic colours. Shows sensitivity and a need for serenity.
DIRTY BROWN OVERLAY: Holding on to energies. Insecurity.
DIRTY GRAY OVERLY: Blocking energies. Guardedness.
Meaning of Dirty Colours:
Brown: unsettling, distracting, materialistic, negating spirituality.
Gray: dark thoughts, depressing thoughts, unclear intentions, presence of a dark side of personality.
Sulphur (colour of a mustard): pain or lack of ease, anger
White: serious disease, artificial stimulation (drugs).
Population Problems
![]() |
Makin Macet Karena Semakin Meningkatnya Jumlah Penduduk |
is now nearly 200 years since Malthus' views were first published, and
even though science and technology have advanced far and been very
successful in increasing subsistence, there is still no certainty about
the future unless population growth is checked: "Zero population growth"
has become a popular motto in campaigns for family planning and birth
In 1930 Indonesia had a population of 60 million;
in 1954 it was 81 million; the present estimate is about 150 million.
The average annual rate of increase is around 2.2 percent. If the
population continues to grow at this rate, in the year 2000 we will have
a population of over 200 million.
To get an idea of how
enormous and complex the problems are, let us suppose that the
population increases by 2 per cent per year. That means about three
million more people each year, which means that each year there will be
three million more people to be fed, housed, clothed, and educated; in
short, to be taken care of. Cities will grow larger and larger, streets
will be more and more crowded, unemployment rate will become higher and
There will be more cars, more motorcycles, and
consequently accidents will be more likely to happen. As peoples' needs
increase, so industries will grow up to produce the things needed for
building roads, houses, and cars; for making clothes, foodstuffs and so
on. However, besides its positive as a producer of goods and employer
of labour, industry has an undesirable side effect. It is a source of
pollution. It pollutes the air, the soil, the water in wells and rivers,
and even the sea. Legislative measures should be taken to prevent, or
at least mininize pollution.
It is, therefore, of the
greatest importance that population growth be checked. To do this it is
necessary to know its causes. They are a high .birthrate and a low death
rate. Of course, if the death rate is low, it should not be tampered
with; it is, in fact, the result of better living conditions, and better
medical care. Thus there is no alternative but to lower the birthrate,
by encouraging birth control. The government's campaign for birth
control must succeed. If it does not, all ourplans and all our efforts
to improve the nation's prosperity will be in vain.
Source: Bahasa Inggris 3a untuk SMA, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka, 1989.
Tidak Pertjaja Bahwa Mirza Gulam Ahmad Adalah Nabi
Oleh: Ir. Soekarno
hari Jang lalu saja mendapat surat "vlieg-post" Kupang, dari Kupang ke
Endeh dengan kapal biasa dari seorang kawan di Bandung, bahwa
"Pemandangan" telah memuat satu entrefilet bahwa saja telah mendirikan
tjabang Ahmadijah dan mendjadi propagandis Ahmadijah bagian Celebes.
Walaupun "Pemandangan" jang memuat chabar itu belum tiba ditangan saja,
dus belum saja batja sendiri — kapal dari Djawa tiga hari lagi baru
datang — oleh karena orang jang mengasih chabar kepada saja itu saja
pertjajai, segeralah saja minta kepadanja membantah chabar dari
tuan-tuan punja reporter itu.
Saja bukan anggauta
Ahmadijah. Djadi mustahil saja mendirikan cabang Ahmadijah atau mendjadi
propagandisnja. Apalagi "buat bagian Celebes"! Sedang pelesir kesebuah
pulau Jang djauhnja hanja beberapa sahadja dari Endeh, saja tidak
boleh! Di Endeh memang saja lebih memperhatikan urusan agama dari pada
dulu. Disampingnja saja punja studie sociale wetenschappen, radjin
djugalah saja membatja buku-buku agama. Tapi saja punja ke-Islam-an
tidaklah terikat oleh sesuatu golongan. Dari Persatuan Islam Bandung
saja banjak mendapat penerangan; terutama persoonnja tuan A. Hassan
sangat membantu penerangan bagi saja. Kepada tuan Hassan dan Persatuan
Islam saja disini mengutjapkan saja punja terima kasih, beribu-ribu
terima kasih.
Kepada Ahmadijah-pun saja wadjib berterima
kasih.Saja tidak pertjaja bahwa Mirza Gulam Ahmad seorang nabi dan belum
pertjaja pula bahwa ia seorang moedjaddid. Tapi ada buku-buku keluaran
Ahmadijah jang saja dapat banjak faedah dari padanja: 'Mohammad the
Prophet" dari Mohammad Ali, "Inleiding tot de Studie «i den Heiligen
Qoer'an" djuga dari Mohammad Ali, "Het Evangelie van len daad" dari
Chawadja Kamaloedin, "De bronnen van het Christendom", dari idem, dan
"Islamic Review" jang banjak memuat artikel jang bagus.
tafsir Qur'an buatan Mohammad Ali, walaupun ada beberapa fatsal jang
tidak saja setudjui, adalah banjak djuga menolong kepada penerangan
bagi saja. Memang umumnja saja mempeladjari agama Islam itu tidak dari
satu sumber sahadja, banjak sumber jang saja datangi dan saja minum
Buku-buku Moehammadijah, buku-buku Persatuan
Islam, buku-buku Penjiaran Islam, buku-buku Ahmadijah, buku-buku dari
India dan Mesir, dari Inggeris dan Djerman, tafsir-tafsir bahasa Belanda
dan Inggeris, buku-buku dari lawan-lawan Islam (Snouck Hurgronje,
Arcken, Dozy Hartmann dan lain sebagainja), buku-buku dari orang-orang
bukan Islam tapi jang sympathie dengan Islam, semua itu mendjadi
materiaal bagi saja. Ada beberapa ratus buku jang saja peladjari itu.
Inilah satu-satu-nja djalan jang memuaskan kepada saja didalam saja
punja studie itu.
Dan mengenai Ahmadijah, walaupun
beberapa fatsal didalam mereka punja visi saja tolak dengan jakin, toch
pada umumnja ada mereka punja "features" jang saja setudjui: mereka
punja rationalisme, mereka punja kelebaran penglihatan
(broadmindedness), mereka punja modernisme, mereka punja hati-hati
terhadap kepada hadits, mereka punja streven Qur'an sahadja dulu, mereka
punja systematische aannemelijk making van den Islam.
Buku-buku seperti "Het Evangelic van den daad" tidak ajal saja menjebut brilliant, berfaedah sekali bagi semua orang Islam.
oleh karena itulah, walaupun ada beberapa pasal dari Ahmadijah tidak
saja setudjui dan malahan saja tolak, misalnja mereka punja
"pengeramatan" kepada Mirza Gulam Ahmad, dan mereka punja ketjintaan
kepada imperialisme Inggeris, toch saja merasa wadjib berterima kasih
atas faedah-faedah dan penerangan-penerangan jang telah saja dapatkan
dari mereka punja tulisan-tulisan jang rationeel, modern, broad-minded
dan logis itu.
Bagian-bagian fikh terutama sekali,
Persatuan Islam-lah jang mendjadi saja punja penuntun. Memang Persatuan
Islam adalah sangat sekali tinggi duduknja didalam saja punja
sympathie. Kalau umpamanja saja mesti menjebutkan tjatjat "Persatuan
Islam", maka saja akan katakan: "Persatuan Islam" itu ada mempunjai
neiging (tjenderung) kepada sektarisme. Alangkah baiknja kalau
"Persatuan Islam" bisa mengenjahkan neiging jang kurang baik ini, kalau
memang benar ada neiging itu.
Islam adalah satu agama jang luas jang menudju kepada persatuan manusia.
Islam hanjalah bisa kita peladjari sedalam-dalamnja, kalau kita bisa
membukakan semua pintu-pintu budi akal kita bagi semua pikiran-pikiran
jang berhubungan kepadanja dan jang harus kita saring dengan saringan
Qur'an dan Sunnah Nabi.
Djikalau benar-benar kita saring
kita punja keagamaan itu dengan saringan pusaka ini dan tidak dengan
saringan lain, walaupun dari Imam manapun djuga, maka dapatlah kita satu
Islam jang tidak berkotoran bid'ah, Jang tak bersifat tachajul sedikit
djuapun, Jang tiada "keramat-keramatan", Jang tiada kolot dan mesum,
Jang bukan "hadramautisme", jang selamanja "up to date", Jang rationeel,
Jang gampang maha-gampang, jang tjinta kemadjuan dan ketjerdasan, jang
luas dan "broadminded", jang hidup, jang levend.
tuan-tuan redaktur jang terhormat, saja punja keterangan jang singkat
berhubung dengan chabar kurang benar dari tuan punja reporter, bahwa
saja sudah mendirikan tjabang Ahmadijah atau men-djadi propagandis
Ahmadijah. Moga-moga tjukuplah keterangan jang singkat ini buat
memberitahu kepada siapa jang belum tahu, bahwa saja bukan seorang
Tapi hanja seorang peladjar agama jang sudah njata bukan kolot dan bukanpun seorang "pengikut jang taqlid sahadja".
Terima kasih, tuan-tuan Redaktur.
Endeh, 25 Nopember 1936.
Sumber: Dibawah Bendera Revolusi, Djakarta, 1964.
Former BAKIN Chief A.C. Manulang: Omar Al-Faruq Recruited by The CIA
19 Sep 2002 20:19:19 WIB
Interactive, Jakarta:Former State Intelligence Coordinating Board
(BAKIN) chief A.C. Manulang has said that Kuwaiti citizen Omar Al-Faruq,
a terrorist suspect who was arrested in Bogor, West Java, on June 5,
2002 and handed over to the US three days later, is a CIA-recruited
Al Faruq was assigned to infiltrate Islamic radical groups and recruit local agents within these groups.
Al Faruq finished his assignments, the CIA created a scenario that he
had been arrested, Manulang told Tempo News Room in Jakarta on Thursday
afternoon (19/9).
Manulang made this analysis based on the
pattern used by Al Faruq, that of having Kuwait citizenship but holding
a Pakistani passport, entering Indonesia as a refugee and marrying an
Indonesian woman.
This kind of operation is aimed at
starting conflicts in Indonesia and creating the image that Indonesia is
a land of terrorists.
After the CIA obtained complete
data on this matter, they then made Al-Faruq disappear. Its common in
intelligence world, said Manulang.
Manulang said he
considered several matters in the arrest of Al Faruq last July to be
odd, such as the denial of National Police chief Gen. Da'i Bachtiar over
the police involvement in Al Faruqs arrest, and the lack of official
documents in Al Faruq handing over to the US.
In the
handing over of a detainee to other country, there should be an
announcement or deportation document. Al Faruq's case indicated a lack
of coordination between the Indonesian police and intelligence agencies,
said Manulang.
As for Al Faruq's testimony in Time
magazine that he had masterminded the plan to murder Indonesian
President Megawati and several bombings in Indonesia, Manulang
considered this as an attempt to making Islamic groups the scapegoats
for all terrorism incidents.
Anti-Islam intelligence
agencies committed the bombings in Indonesia. They have been trained for
this and they are very organized, said Manulang.
he added, it was useless to arrest the bombers. We must arrest the
mastermind of the bombings in Indonesia, stated Manulang.
According to Manulang, its possible that Al Faruq recruited radical people from Islamic groups for his plan.
In regards to the murder attempt on Megawati, Manulang did not consider this as a serious matter.
Megawati does not need to be worried. She's not the real target in this matter, said Manulang.
Manulang requested the government immediately verify the CIA report on Al Faruq.
a report could only be a dummy or false intelligence information that
is aimed at misleading the public, stated Manulang. (Sapto
Pradityo-Tempo News Room)
Islam, Orientalism and the West
In an angry, provocative new book called Orientalism (Pantheon;
$15), Edward Said, 43, Parr Professor of English and Comparative
Literature at Columbia University, argues that the West has tended to
define Islam in terms of the alien categories imposed on it by
Orientalist scholars. Professor Said is a member of the Palestine
National Council, a broadly based, informal parliament of the Palestine
Liberation Organization. He summarized the thesis of Orientalism in
this article for TIME.
One of the strangest, least
examined and most persistent of human habits is the absolute division
made between East and West, Orient and Occident. Almost entirely
"Western" in origin, this imaginative geography that splits the world
into two unequal, fundamentally opposite spheres has brought forth more
myths, more detailed ignorance and more ambitions than any other
perception of difference. For centuries Europeans and Americans have
spellbound themselves with Oriental mysticism, Oriental passivity,
Oriental mentalities. Translated into policy, displayed as knowledge,
presented as entertainment in travelers' reports, novels, paintings,
music or films, this "Orientalism" has existed virtually unchanged as a
kind of daydream that could often justify Western colonial adventures or
military conquest. On the "Marvels of the East" (as the Orient was
known in the Middle Ages) a fantastic edifice was constructed, invested
heavily with Western fear, desire, dreams of power and, of course, a
very partial knowledge. And placed in this structure has been "Islam," a
great religion and a culture certainly, but also an Occidental myth,
part of what Disraeli once called "the great Asiatic mystery."
represented for Europe by Muhammad and his followers, Islam appeared
out of Arabia in the 7th century and rapidly spread in all directions.
For almost a millennium Christian Europe felt itself challenged (as
indeed it was) by this last monotheistic religion, which claimed to
complete its two predecessors. Perplexingly grand and "Oriental,"
incorporating elements of Judeo-Christianity, Islam never fully
submitted to the West's power: Its various states and empires always
provided the West with formidable political--and cultural
contestants—and with opportunities to affirm a "superior" Occidental
identity. Thus, for the West, to understand Islam has meant trying to
convert its variety into a monolithic undeveloping essence, its
originality into a debased copy of Christian culture, its people into
fearsome caricatures.
Early Christian polemicists against Islam
used the Prophet's human person as their butt, accusing him of whoring,
sedition, charlatanry. As writing about Islam and the Orient
burgeoned—60,000 books between 1800 and 1950—European powers occupied
large swatches of "Islamic" territory, arguing that since Orientals knew
nothing about democracy and were essentially passive, it was the
"civilizing mission" of the Occident, expressed in the strict programs
of despotic modernization, to finally transform the Orient into a nice
replica of the West. Even Marx seems to have believed this.
were, however, great Orientalist scholars; there were genuine attempts,
like that of Richard Burton (British explorer who translated the Arabian Nights),
at coming to terms with Islam. Still, gross ignorance persisted, as it
will whenever fear of the different gets translated into attempts at
domination. The U.S. inherited the Orientalist legacy, and uncritically
employed it in its universities, mass media, popular culture, imperial
policy. In films and cartoons, Muslim Arabs, for example, are
represented either as bloodthirsty mobs, or as hook-nosed, lecherous
sadists. Academic experts decreed that in Islam everything is Islamic,
which amounted to the edifying notions that there was such a thing as an
"Islamic mind," that, to understand the politics of Algeria one had
best consult the Koran, that 'they" (the Muslims) had no understanding
of democracy; only of repression and medieval obscurantism. Conversely,
it was argued that so long as repression was in the U.S. interest, it
was not Islamic but a form of modernization.
The worst
misjudgments followed. As recently as 1967 the head of the Middle East
Studies Association wrote a report for the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare asserting that the region including the Middle
East and North Africa was not a center of cultural achievement, nor was
it likely to become one in the near future. The study of the region or
its languages, therefore, did not constitute its own reward so far as
modern culture is concerned. High school textbooks routinely produced
descriptions of Islam like the following: "It was started by a wealthy
businessman of Arabia called Muhammad. He claimed that he was a prophet.
He found followers among other Arabs. He told them that they were
picked to rule the world." Whether Palestinian Arabs lost their land and
political rights to Zionism, or Iranian poets were tortured by the
savak, little time was spent in the West wondering if Muslims suffered
pain, would resist oppression or experienced love and joy; to Westerners, "they" were different from "us" since Orientals did not feel about life as "we" did.
one saw that Islam varied from place to place, subject to both history
and geography. Islam was unhesitatingly considered to be an
abstraction, never an experience. No one bothered to judge Muslims in
political, social, anthropological terms that were vital and nuanced,
rather than crude and provocative. Suddenly it appeared that "Islam"
was back when Ayatullah Khomeini, who derives from a long tradition of
opposition to an outrageous monarchy, stood on his national, religious
and political legitimacy as an Islamic righteous man. Menachem Begin
took himself to be speaking for the West when he said he feared this
return to the Middle Ages, even as he covered Israeli occupation of Arab
land with Old Testament authorizations. Western leaders worried about
their oil, so little appreciated by the Islamic hordes who thronged the
streets to topple the Light of the Aryans.
Orientalists at last beginning to wonder about their "Islam," which they
said had taught the faithful never to resist unlawful tyranny, never to
prize any values over sex and money, never to disturb fate? ( Note:
And how about Arab Spring now?). Did anyone stop to doubt that F-15
planes were the answer to all our worries about "Islam"? Was Islamic
punishment, which tantalized the press, more irreducibly vicious than,
say, napalming Asian peasants?
We need understanding to
note that repression is not principally Islamic or Oriental but a
reprehensible aspect of the human phenomenon, "Islam" cannot explain
everything in Africa and Asia, just as "Christianity" cannot explain
Chile or South Africa. If Iranian workers, Egyptian students,
Palestinian farmers resent the West or the U.S., it is as a concrete
response to a specific policy injuring them as human beings. Certainly a
European or American would be entitled to feel that the Islamic
multitudes are underdeveloped; but he would also have to concede that
underdevelopment is a relative cultural and economic judgment and not
mainly "Islamic" in nature.
Under the vast idea called
Islam, which the faithful look to for spiritual nourishment in their
numerous ways, an equally vast, rich life passes, as detailed and as
complex as any. For comprehension of that life Westerners need what
Orientalist Scholar Louis Massignon called a science of compassion,
knowledge without domination, common sense not mythology. In Iran and
elsewhere Islam has not simply "returned", it has always been there, not
as an abstraction or a war cry but as part of a way people believe,
give thanks, have courage and so on. Will it not ease our fear to accept
the fact that people do the same things inside as well as outside
Islam, that Muslims live in history and in our common world, not simply
in the Islamic context?
TIME, APRIL 16, 1979
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